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1. Introduction

We can never deny the fact that almost every one of us knows how to use computer. The process of getting information can now be done by just accessing the Internet. The internet can be use as a tool to gather information or news corresponding to other people. It brings us information and knowledge about our environment or subject straight to our computers. The internet is a worldwide network of computer networks that connects government, universities, commercial and computers in all over 150countries. There are computer links or what we called internet links all over the world so that the users can share resources and communicate with each other. The Internet employs a set of standardized protocols that allows the sharing of resources among different kinds of computers that communicate each other in a network. It is impossible to know and count the number of users that is using in Internet now, but we can assume that it can be thousands or millions of them. The Internet is not the same as the World Wide Web, though this is a common and understandable misperception. The World Wide Web consists of all the Web sites and pages served on the Internet via HTTP. In addition to the fact that Web pages are served by HTTP, a central identifying feature of Web pages is their use of hyperlinks, which allow a user to quickly move from one web page to another, even if the pages are on different servers in different parts of the world. Though the Web relies on the Internet to connect our web browser to different web servers, the web is technically only one part of the internet, but it has become so popular that many new Internet users believe the web is the internet. Having an Internet connection is just like a common thing inside the house because there are many things that we can do with the internet. We use internet for communication. We use it for communicating to other people, especially to those people that are far from us. Before, communication is a hard task for people until the internet came along. People now can communicate with other people by chatting them, not only chat but also by the use of video conferencing. Communication is one of the gifts of internet to us because it makes us stay connected with our love ones.

We also use internet in Education. We can find many reference books, searching engines, online help centers and study oriented materials that can help us to learn easier as well as fun learning experience. There are various websites that we can access depending on our topic and also there are lots of tutorials that will teach us about it. Before, research is so hard because well have to read and borrow many books just to gain information about our topic. But today we can gain information just a click away. We just have to search our topic and then it will give us many references that will help us in our research Other use of Internet is for the financial transactions, it helps to make it easier for us to exchange money. By the use of internet we dont have to go to selected branches of our banks to exchange money. We can simply do it by just logging-in, in their website and fill up the information that the bank was given to us and we can now do any transactions related to finance. We use internet for real time updates. We can browse various website that let us be updated when it comes to business, local and foreign news, sports, entertainment and politics. We use internet for downloading programs or other goodies. We can download the latest software, videos, music, eBooks, etc, download these programs and applications that will satisfied our wants and needs. We use internet for booking, by the help of internet our booking process is easier and less tedious because we dont need to visit the booking counters. We can do this booking thing by sitting in front of our computer, fill out all the information and we are now ready to go. If we are looking for jobs, the internet makes it easier for us to find those companies that are hiring. We dont need to walk all day night just to find a job. In the internet, we can look at the companies that are hiring and we can look for those companies that are hiring that matches our skills and talents. Also internet helps us to shop, we can shop by not spending our money for the transportation, we can just browse different website depending in what we want to buy and order the items that we want and they will deliver it for us. These are some of the uses of internet in our daily lives. Things that will make it easier for us to do the things we want and needed. Because the Internet is fast becoming an integral part of our personal and professional lives, the Internet gives us also many disadvantages for having it. One of this is that our personal information is not safe on the internet, as we surf the net, read emails, download something and chatting with our friends, there are possibilities that it can

gain viruses, virus are hidden programs that can be sent in our computer that we dont know. It may steal and transfer the information that we save and then send it back to the sender of it. If we use internet for online banking or for our financial transactions, we fill up our personal information that may lead to a serious trouble because it might happen that someone will stole those information . We cannot be 100% sure that our personal informations are safe in the internet. Because somebody can steal it or it can be taken from us. Another disadvantage of internet is the very serious issue, the pornography. Today, there are thousands of pornographic site on the internet that can be easily found and access. The internet allows us to browse and download millions of pornographic videos, photos and X-rated things. The unrestricted access to porn site is very harmful especially for the children and teenagers. Because everyone can visit a website, the children and teenagers are also free to visit every website not knowing that they are visiting some sites that are not good. It can lead them to do the same thing as what they have seen. The exposure to pornography may cause for the children and teenagers to involve in sexual addiction that may influence the way they live. The growing of internet results a major problem of our todays generation. Many news are now appearing about the unsecured of internet. News about illegal activities that are committed in the internet and how internet ruined the life of other people. By this growing internet there is also a tendency of cyber crimes and the illegal accessing of information. Having this problem, we must think about the solutions or ways that will can help us to prevent the crimes that causes by using the internet. Many discussions are now appearing on how we can solve this problem. One of the things that the government planned to do and other countries are now practicing is the censorship of the internet or the Internet Censorship. Internet Censorship is the restriction of what can be accessed online. It is the controlling of what can be view, visit or done in the internet. It can be accomplished by blocking access to some certain websites through filters. Doing this thing will affect all of us, we should be aware on what it can be brought or can be done.


Rationale of Research

Because of the big controversy of censoring the internet, the researcher aims to know what is all about having internet censorship, if the censoring of the internet is the right thing do for us to be secured in what we do on the internet. The researcher wants to study of the internet censorship that will increase our knowledge about the world of internet, to look on what is behind of having censoring the internet. To better understand, this researcher aims to find an answer on what are the effects of having Internet Censorship and is it a good idea to be exercise and practice by us. To support the question, the researcher aims to find an answer of the importance of censoring the internet. It is important to know the value of censoring the internet, if we really need it or not, and what will be the benefits that we can have after having it. It is also important to know the possible reasons for having it, the researcher aims to find information about the different reasons on why and why not have censorship on the internet. The researcher aims to know if having censorship on the internet can reduce the internet crimes and cyber crimes that is a big problem of todays society or it can cause more. The researcher will seek information from all sides of the topic; explain the purpose and all the aspects of internet censorship. As a student, the researcher wants to find the answer on his/her curiosity about the growing impact of the internet, the security of it to each and every one of us. The researcher wants to know the effects of internet censoring and if it is a good idea for having it. As a student of Information Technology, the researcher believes that we should also be aware of the unsolved problems and our security of using the internet and not just the benefits that internet has given to us. We should know the effects of what will can be implemented on the internet, not just on the internet but also on our environment, because we are the one that will suffer or benefited from it at the end.


Statement of the problem This study entitled Internet Censorship was conducted to do a research about the

Internet censorship and explore all aspects, purpose and reasons of having internet censorship, to know the importance of censoring the internet and if it should be allowed to be practice and exercised or not. This study aims to know if we need to censor the internet because the things we are now experiencing about the internet, like the stealing of personal information and pornography. The study aims to identify the importance of internet censorship.

General Problem

The study aims to find the answer if of the importance of censoring internet and if it is a good idea to be practice or exercise by us.

To find this out, this research sought to answers the following questions:

1. What is Internet Censorship? 1.1.Importance of Internet Censorship 1.2. Purpose of Internet Censorship 1.3.Advantages of Internet Censorship 1.4. Disadvantages of Internet Censorship

2. What will be the benefits of having internet censorship? 2.1.Society 2.2. User

3. What are the reasons of having Internet Censorship?

4. Do we need to control the flow of information?

5. Does internet needs to have its limitations?

6. What is the reaction of the people if we will be having the internet censorship?

7. Is Internet Censorship will help to prevent internet/cyber crimes?

8. What are the effects of Internet Censorship?



Internet gives us freedom do to stuffs and it has contributed many things that make it easier for us to gain data and information. It is very helpful, especially now that we are surrounded by many technologies. We use it for communications, education, booking, shopping, financial transactions etc. But as the internet continues to grow, there is also disadvantages of it like having internet crimes. This might be cause of having freedom to access everything on the internet. The purpose of this study is to know the importance of censoring the internet and if we need to practice the internet censorship or to limit or control the accessing of data.

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. To determine if we need to control and limit the flow of data and information.

2. To know the importance of having Internet Censorship.

3. To know the reasons for securing our personal data and information in the internet.

4. To determine if we need censorship of internet..

5. To know the advantages internet censorship.

6. To know the disadvantages of internet censorship.

7. To know if having internet censorship can help prevent internet crimes and cyber crimes.

8. To know the effects of Internet Censorship.

Significance of the Study The study of Internet Censorship is significant to the following:

Users: This study will help the users to know the importance of being secured of their data and information. It will introduce them the importance of protecting their personal data to be stolen or taken by somebody and they will know the different effects of censoring the internet to them.

Women and children: This study will introduce to women and children the cyber crimes and the sexual abuse to them. The study will help them know how to prevent cyber crimes that can affect their mentality.

Business Men: This study will help the business companies to know how other people are abusing the use of internet that they also use the internet for downloading software, music, videos or movie online that dont have permissions to them and that is illegal.

Society: This study will help the society to be aware to know and open their mind that one of the biggest problems of todays generation is the internet and cyber crimes, and this really need to have a solution. For the society to know, if having internet censorship will solve the problem

Future Researchers: This study can be helpful to future researchers especially if they have almost the same topic as this one. They can use this as a source of reference or they can improve this research if they want to know more about internet censorship.


Method of Research

To find an answers and information about the topic, the researcher will be using different research methods.

Survey Research Method: The survey method is a method that the researcher will use to gather information about an individual. By using the survey method the researcher can collect a large amount of data in a short period of time. The researcher can gain information in wide range of things from many people including their personal facts and opinions. The researcher will be using the survey method by gathering questionnaires to different people like those people that are always using the internet. The researcher will distribute the questionnaires to the selected Information Technology students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City. The respondent of the questionnaires must answer it correctly and they should fill out all the given questions because the result of the survey will be use by the researcher to add in the information about the topic.

Focus Group Research Method: The focus research method involves discussion with the selected group of people to gain information and opinions about the topic. The researcher will use the focus group to know the insight of peoples who has enough knowledge and understanding about the topic. The focus group method can be done by conducting interviews, for the researcher to know their ideas, experience and opinions for the topic. By interviewing, the researcher can add his/her other ideas and questions depending on what is the response of the respondent. The researcher will have the time to ask more questions about on the respondent and can gain much information because these people have an understanding and experience about the topic.

The survey method and the focus group method is not enough to know and gain information about the topic. The research will also use some references such as eBooks and related books to support more about the research topic.


Structure of Research

The Researcher will write the research by knowing what is the meaning of internet censorship is. After that, the researcher will find the answers on the sub questions that support the main topic, like the importance, advantages and disadvantages, purpose of internet censorship. Having known the sub questions the researcher now will be focusing on the general problem of the topic, the effects of internet censorship. The researcher will try all its best to answer the general topic to come up with a good result and conclusion on the topic depending on the information that he/she has gathered. The researcher will be willing to correct his/her mistake in writing the research paper. The researcher will be open on the comments and evaluation of professional people on technical writing that will help his/her to make the research paper understandable and pleasant. All the critics of this people will try to improve by the researcher. In presenting the research, the researcher will give his all in the presentation whatever happens. The researcher will study all the aspects of the topic before the presentation for the audience to understand what the researcher is trying to say and conclude. The researcher will trust him/herself in presenting and believe in God that will guide throughout the presentation.

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