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Ben Soderling

Development Manager, AirWorx

High Wycombe

Generally treated as a support function, com-

pressed air is widely used in production facili-
ties for the operation of process machinery
and the actuation and control of pneumatic
valves, cylinders and controllers. However,
the quality and availability of compressed air
may have a significant effect on the plant’s
core production. CompAir, a manufacturer of
compressed air and gas systems, uses the
Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-Held Dewpoint Me-
ter DM70 for measuring pressure dewpoints
in their AirAudit, part of their AirWorx™ ser-
vice. The audit meas-
CompAir uses DM70 to ensure ures a number of pa-
rameters associated

Efficient Compressed with the performance

of compressed air sys-
tems, aiming at im-

Air Production proving their energy


ompAir is a leading systems and the recommenda-
global manufacturer of tion of energy conservation en-
compressed air and gas hancements, including the pos-
systems, with production facili- sibility of outsourcing complete
ties in the UK, Germany, the compressed air needs. Comp-
US, Canada and China. Comp- Air’s AirWorx™ service facili-
Air’s compressors, equipment tates savings in costs and capital
and services are used worldwide, investment in plants, as well as
providing high-quality econom- helping to meet energy reduc-
ic, clean and reliable compressed tion targets. AirWorx™ is a ser-
air and gas for numerous appli- vice where the customer can
cations. The company’s product purchase the compressed air
range includes rotary screw, oil- needed from CompAir with no
free, vane, piston and portable need for capital investment.
The Vaisala compressors, ancillary products
DRYCAP® Hand- and services for users in general Compressed air seen as
Held Dewpoint Meter industry, offshore, oil-free, con- mere support function
DM70 offers stable and struction, and high pressure ma- Seen as a support activity, com-
fast measurements in
industrial dewpoint rine to gas compression. Their pressed air seldom warrants the
applications, including AirWorx division which was attention it really deserves. In-
compressed air formed in 2001 specializes in the dustry is currently using 8-10 %
applications. assessment of compressed air of its electricity consumption to

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compress air and in general Compressed air is widely used
some 30 % of the compressed air in production facilities for the
generated is wasted. The energy operation of process machinery
saving potential is significant and the actuation and control
but operational savings are of pneumatic valves, cylinders
and controllers.
‘locked up’ in compressed air
systems as improvements often
do not meet corporate project
payback criteria.
From the user’s point of a single model or standard
view, compressed air is only an- package of services, Comp-
other utility comparable to elec- Air uses a modular approach
tricity, water or gas. These are, and works together with the
however, mostly generated off- customer to find the best so-
site and supplied to the end user lution.
as required. Since the nature of
compressed air does not allow The AirWorxTM
for it to be transported very far, AirAudit
most users historically own and In order to allow both par-
run their own compressed air ties to understand the pres-
systems. These systems have of- ent performance of the sup-
ten developed over decades and ply side as well as the distri-
the “present applications” are bution network, a comprehen- The sensors that we previously desiccant dryers are used to pro-
usually significantly different sive audit is performed on the used needed re-calibrating once vide sub-zero dewpoints, more
from what the system was de- compressed air system. This they got wet, but the DM70 has than 50% of systems do not
signed for. In addition, due to helps establish the current costs operated well despite condensa- work due to lack of mainten-
maintenance budget constraints, of compressed air at the plant as tion. For CompAir with a global ance. Because the sites did not
these systems are often neglected well as becoming the benchmark presence it was also valuable to have a measurement system in-
resulting in poor system perfor- against which to measure future have a partner with a global pres- stalled, they had no idea of the
mance, with users failing to un- improvements. This audit covers ence so that support could be problem.
derstand the incremental costs all relevant parameters in the ex- found locally if/when required. Once the compressed air sys-
driven by the inefficient com- isting system: power consump- The DM70 is reliable and offers tem is measured and understood
pressed air supply. tion, flow, pressure throughout user-friendly features, such as it makes sense to provide system
In a recent study for the EU the network, quality, humidity several language options. In operational data on an ongoing
entitled “Compressed air sys- and wastage, along with any- these respects Vaisala was able to basis. For this reason CompAir
tems in the European Union – thing else relevant. Accurate re- offer exactly what CompAir are installing permanent remote
Energy, Emissions, Savings Po- sults are essential as this data is were looking for. monitoring systems as part of
tential and Policy Actions”, the used as the basis for any com- the AirWorx™ equipment instal-
author’s introduction states that pressed air project. Considerable savings lation. This includes Vaisala
“savings in the range of 5 to 50% through dewpoint Dewpoint Transmitters where
are possible. A large technical Dewpoint monitoring appropriate. The data collected
and economic potential for en- measurement in Producing dry, oil-free and dust- is used to provide overall control
ergy savings is not being realized demanding conditions free compressed air at a low cost of the system and maintenance
under current market and deci- For measuring pressure dew- is the aim in a compressed air information, and to ensure that
sion mechanisms.” CompAir’s points as part of the AirAudit, system. Filter systems are used to the system is operating at opti-
idea is to take the capital cost CompAir are using the Vaisala remove oil and dust, and dryers mum performance levels. Key
out of this equation and simply DRYCAP® Hand-Held Dew- are needed to adjust humidity. performance indicators such as
realize the operational savings point Meter DM70. For this ser- The specific process which is us- kW/m3/min can be tracked over
by outsourcing the production vice, an instrument was needed ing the compressed air deter- time to ensure that the entire
of compressed air through an that could handle both very dry mines exactly how dry the air system is performing within
AirWorx supply agreement. air with dewpoints down to -70 should be. Regardless of the dry- planned limits. In continuous
The AirWorx approach is a °C and systems with condensate. ing or filter system, clean dry measurements and permanent
partnership agreement which Generally the expected dew- compressed air comes at a pre- installations, a number of instru-
must benefit both parties to be point for compressed air systems mium price and measurements ments are used, according to
successful. This benefit comes with compressed air drying is be- are essential to ensure that you specific needs. Whatever the ap-
from the improvement in sys- tween +5 and -40 °C but as dry- are getting what you pay for. In plication, accurate measure-
tem performance and from al- ers do not always function prop- measuring actual compressed air ments form the basis for improv-
lowing both parties to focus on erly the sensor needs to be able system pressure dewpoints, ing the system and reaching cost
their core businesses. Instead of to handle wet conditions as well. CompAir have found that where savings. ●

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