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Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment

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Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Friday, 11 May 2007, 08:47 AM

C AT 2006 came as a surprise to many. The difficulty level of the quant section nosedived and that of the verbal section skyrocketed. Gone were the regular "jumbled paragraphs" or "usage" questions and in their places were "paragraph completion" and "fact-inference-judgment" questions, both of which required more of logical reasoning and critical thinking than of verbal ability. And suddenly common sense became uncommon. C onfusion reigned supreme. Verbal section needed more brains than quant section. "I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said I didn't know."-- Mark Twain Unfortunately, the C AT takers couldn't get off the hook so easily. But many succumbed to the pressure and committed egregious errors. The easiest of the questions, the inference-fact-judgment questions, stumped many, probably because of their newness or the pressure of the C AT paper. But all that those questions required were understanding the given definitions and applying the parajumble method of working with options. In this article, I will expand the meanings of the three definitions and give the examples from the C AT 2006 paper. Who knows, C AT 2007 might again feature some version of these critical reasoning questions. FACTS: deal with pieces of information that one has heard, seen or read, and which are open to discovery or verification. The key word here is "verification". A fact is a statement that can be "verified", i.e. a fact is either true or false. Facts are statements that may involve numbers, natural phenomena, dates etc. The characteristics of the statements classified as facts are:

Made after observation or experience. An event cannot become a fact unless it has occurred. C onfined to what one observes; cannot be made about the future. Limited number possible. Not perception dependent. A fact will be agreed to by every person. It does not change from person to person. Tends to bring people together in agreement.

Examples: 1) Nearly 2 lac students took C AT last year. 2) Life exists on other planets (although physically not possible to verify, this statement will be either true or false). 3) I like Pink Floyd more than Metallica (It may not seem so, but this statement is either true or false. Either I like Pink Floyd more than Metallica or I don't). 4) The legislature is advocating vigorously against intrusion of judiciary in parliamentary affairs. 5) A football field is 100 yards long. NOTE: Notice the difference when a sentence contains subjective or abstract expressions6) 7) 8) 9) The music was very loud (NOT a fact as the loudness might vary from person to person). I found the music very loud (A fact as it is either a truth or a lie. I must have found the music very loud or not very loud). Poverty is a curse on mankind (NOT a fact... "curse on mankind" is too abstract). 20% of the population live below poverty line (Fact).

"FACTS" STATEMENTS IN CAT 2006 PAPER: 1) The government has been supplying free drugs since 2004, and 35 000 have benefited up to now- though the size of the affected population is 150 times this number. 2) Only about 13 million children in the age group of 6 to 14 years are out of school. 3) The truth is that we have more red tape- we take eighty- nine days to start a small business, Australians take two. 4) The economies of the industrialized western world derive 20% of their income from the sale of all kinds of arms. INFERENCES: are conclusions drawn about the unknown, on the basis of the known. Notice the three words "conclusions", "known" and "unknown" very carefully. They will give you complete description of what an inference consists of-

Known- A fact. The first thing an inference should consist of is a fact. This fact is required to prove another proposition.

Unknown- Something which can be logically proven by the given fact or the "known". Therefore, in an inference an unknown proposition is present which is to be proven with the help of the fact. Remember that this proposition has to be proven with the help of another fact. C onclusion- Once the unknown has been proved with the help of the known (fact) it is called a conclusion.

Notice the meaning of the word "Infer". To infer means to conclude from evidence; to deduce to have a logical consequence. (an inference = a conclusion)

Therefore, the process of inference can be summarized by the figure given below:

Examples: 1) Because the old man stayed indoors all the time and did not receive any visitors, no one discovered his dead body for days. (the green part is the fact and the brown part is the conclusion. Notice that without the explanation given by the fact, you cannot convincingly prove the conclusion.) 2) The footprint warned Robinson C rusoe that there was someone else on the island.



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"INFERENCE" STATEMENTS IN CAT 2006 PAPER: (the facts are in green and the conclusions are in brown) 1) The recent initiatives of networks and companies like AIDScare Network, Emcure, Reliance-C ipla-C II, would lead to availability of muchneeded drugs to a larger number of affected people. 2) According to all statistical indications, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has managed to keep pace with its ambitious goals. 3) Every red tape procedure is a point of contact with an official, and such contacts have the potential to become opportunities for money to change hands. 4) Even without war, we know that conflicts continue to trouble us- they only change in color. JUDGEMENTS: are opinions that imply approval or disapproval of persons, objects, situations, and occurrences in the past, the present or the future. There is a fine line of distinction between inferences and judgments. Most of the times judgments are also based on facts and therefore they seem like inferences. But there are some ways to differentiate a judgment and an inference-

1) 2) 3)

Judgments are arguable and contestable. Inferences are rock solid. Although both judgments and inferences are based on facts, in the latter the conclusion is so unquestionable that it becomes fact itself. Judgments are opinions, suggestions and recommendations whereas inferences are proven conditions. Judgment statements include a lot of quantities that cannot be measured, such as happiness, beauty, joy etc.

Many a times, judgments are not accompanied by facts at all but are only opinion statements. When there is no fact involved, the statement can only be a judgment statement. A judgment is an honest attempt to make reasonable observations about the given facts but they do not conclusively prove anything.

Examples: It is estimated that that 30% of Indians live below poverty line. (judgment: if it is an estimate, it cannot be a fact). Every mother has only the best interests of her children at her heart. (Is there a way to look inside a mother's heart?). Because we had three wars with our neighboring country, we should keep our armed forced ready for the fourth one.

"JUDGMENT" STATEMENTS IN CAT 2006 PAPER: 1) So much of our day-to-day focus seems to be on getting thins done, trudging our way through the tasks of living- it can feel like a treadmill that gets you nowhere; where is the childlike joy? 2) We are not doing things that make us happy; that which brings us joy; the things that we cannot wait to do because we enjoy them so much. 3) This is the stuff that joyful living is made of- identifying your calling and committing yourself wholeheartedly to it. 4) When this happens, each moment becomes a celebration of you; there is a rush of energy that comes with feeling completely immersed in doing what you love most. 5) Given the poor quality of service in the public service, the HIV/AIDS affected should be switching to private initiatives that supply antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) at a low cost. 6) But how ironic it is that we should face a perennial shortage of drugs when India is one of the world's largest suppliers of generic drugs to the developing world. 7) The Mid-day Meal scheme has been a significant incentive for the poor to send their little ones to school, thus establishing the vital link between healthy bodies and healthy minds. 8) The goal of universalisation of elementary education has to be a pre-requisite for the evolution and development of our country. 9) We should not be hopelessly addicted to an erroneous belief that corruption in India is caused by the crookedness of Indians. 10) Red tape leads to corruption and distorts peoples character. 11) Inequitable distribution of all kinds of resources is certainly one of the strongest and most sinister sources of conflict. 12) Extensive disarmament is the only insurance for our future; imagine the amount of resources that can be released and redeployed. Thats all folks! In the next article I will expound on the building blocks of critical reasoning and how to break arguments into its blocks in order to solve questions. I will take up some GMAT critical reasoning questions and dissect arguments step by step. Till then, chew the cud over the present articleC heers!

I shall have to end here and leave the rest of it for my CBT Club students. I shall cover some problems based on this in the CBT Club this week.

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by priyank a sharm a - Friday, 11 May 2007, 02:42 PM hi tg, you have writte n a ve ry nice and inform ative article . this is a se ction whe re m ost of the ppl inclusing m e got the ir answe rs wrong. thank s for e x plaining it so be autifully. priyank a.
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hello TG by sudam a baraily - Friday, 11 May 2007, 11:03 PM this was a ve ry good article .i re ally gaine d from this article . thank s again.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Muk e sh Gupta - Friday, 11 May 2007, 11:07 PM Hi, R e ally a gre at work .Plz k e e p it up.I have one doubt,isnt



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The truth is that we have more red tape- we take eighty- nine days to start a small business, Australians take two. should be an inference.As "we take eighty- nine days to start a small business, Australians take two" is definitely a Fact.And "The truth is that we have more red tape" has been derived from this fact.

Plz reply.Thanks
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Saturday, 12 May 2007, 12:15 AM Hi Muk e sh, Good que stion. This article took four days to write just be cause of this particular state m e nt be cause I also de bate d ove r it. The n I look e d at othe r infe re nce s and found one sim ilarity- the fact and the conclusion are disjoint (se parate ) things. I m e an, it ne ve r happe ne d in an infe re nce state m e nt that the conclusion was an e x te nde d m e aning of the fact itse lf. In this case , re d tape is nothing but tak ing longe r tim e and it is the e x te nde d m e aning of the fact. I couldn't find any othe r plausible e x planation. Maybe if you have a look at the 'infe re nce ' state m e nt in the C AT pape r, you will unde rstand what I m e an. But I will not conte st you if you still have doubts. I am not ve ry satisfie d e ithe r. Total Gadha
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Niral Kam dar - Saturday, 12 May 2007, 09:38 PM Hi TG, C an u he lp with the answe r for this critical re asoning que stion I am bit confuse d A valid argum e nt is ofte n de fine d as one in which it is not possible for all the pre m ise s to be true and the conclusion false . A circular argum e nt is som e tim e s de fine d as one in which one of the pre m ise s is ide ntical to the conclusion. From the se de finitions we can infe r that... A. Eve ry circular argum e nt is valid as long as its pre m ise s are true . B. Eve ry valid argum e nt is circular. C . No circular argum e nt is valid. D. Som e circular argum e nts are valid, and som e are not. E. Som e circular argum e nts are not valid, and som e valid argum e nts are not circular.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by De e p Think e r Gadha - Sunday, 13 May 2007, 01:11 AM Hi Guru,

Yesterday when i saw this article here and two controversial things came into my mind. First, I encouraged to try to solve and think over these Fact, Inference and Judgement based questions. And Second, I was started to think about time management as nowdays i'm struggling for the time as very much hungry for the same.

However, This article gives a fair idea for thinking on such questions. A nice groundwork strategy. Waiting for the next article ........... Regards, Sandeep
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Sunday, 13 May 2007, 01:03 PM Hi Niral, I think A is the answe r. In a circular argum e nt, the conclusion is ide ntical to one of the pre m ise s. That m e ans if all the pre m ise s are true the n the conclusion is also true as conclusion is sam e as one of those pre m ise s. The re fore , e ve ry circular argum e nt is a valid argum e nt. Don't look at otion D and E. The state m e nts "Som e X are Y" or "Som e X are NO T y" have no m e aning in logic (syllogism s). Total Gadha
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Sunday, 13 May 2007, 01:05 PM Hi Sande e p, Struggle is good. It adds to the fun. I think I will write som e thing 'm athy' this tim e . So m uch ve rbal is churning m y e ntrails. Total Gadha
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by chinni k iran - Tue sday, 15 May 2007, 01:00 PM

Hi TG, the follwing se nte nce sounds m ore lik e fact than infe re nce to m e . 'Be cause the old m an staye d indoors all the tim e and did not re ce ive any visitors, no one discove re d his de ad body for days' se e the following se nte nce s.. 'My frie nd couldn't tak e e x am s be cause he had fe ve r' ....isn't it a fact? 'It raine d ye ste rday be cause of the de pre ssion in bay of be ngl''s lk e a fact. Do you mean here we can prove even when because part is not mentioned? the n shuldn't te h se nte nce be lik e this. 'Be cause the old m an staye d indoors all the tim e and did not re ce ive any visitors, no one Would be A BLE to discove r his de ad body for days' if it was "no one discove re d his de ad body for days" he re we can still prove that he was discove re d late ......e ve n without the be cause part................iti's lik e a fact. plz clarify..........
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 15 May 2007, 01:48 PM Hi Kiran, Fact- The old m an staye d indoors all the tim e and did not re cie ve any visitors. C an you prove why no one discove re d his de ad body without m e ntioning this? Fact- My frie nd had fe ve r. C an you prove why your frie nd didn't tak e the e x am without this inform ation? Fact- The re was a de pre ssion in Bay of Be ngal ye ste rday. C an you prove why it raine d without this info? The point is that the conclusions m ay also be facts (the y have to be as the y are prove n de ductive ly through facts) but the y cannot be standalone state m e nts. The y ne e d anothe r fact to support the m . I think the be tte r way to e x plain is this- if i give you the fact only, you m ay be able to deduce the conclusion. If I te ll you the re was a de pre ssion in the Bay of Be ngal ye ste rday, you m ight be able to re ason de ductive ly, "the n it m ust have raine d ye ste rday.." If I te ll you that your frie nd was sick ye ste rday, you m ight be able to say, "he had an e x am ye ste rday, so he m ust not have tak e n the e x am ..." and so on. And I agre e with your re phrasing of "the old m an and the de ad body.." Total Gadha
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(sorry m r. he m ingway)

Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by chinni k iran - Tue sday, 15 May 2007, 06:12 PM thank s TG... I think I am ge ttingit now.......also...the diffe re nce s be twe e n infe re nce and judge m e nt are so subtle . But your 'rock -solid' points unde r judge m e nt are invaluable to find the diffre nce . by the way can we say ' Many a times'? isn't it 'many a time' or 'many times'
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Kunal Gupta - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 03:53 PM Hi TG Sir, have 1 confusion..

Because we had three wars with our neighboring country, we should keep our armed forced ready for the fourth one. Why this is judgment... why not inference as the fact is : Because we had three wars with our neighboring country and conclusion is we should keep our armed forced ready for the fourth one.

Pls clarify...

Thanks 4 article.. Started at least to think..

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by KayBe e Aar - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 04:44 PM Hi, W at I unde rstood was ..." we

should keep our armed forced ready for the fourth one" is somebody's opinion. That is not a direct conclusion of "Because we had three wars with our neighboring country".
The clue is "we shud"....I might ask "why shud we?"...hence the statement is subject to argument and cannot be verified.



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Rephrasing the sentence , Because we had three wars with our neighboring country, our armed force is ready for the fourth one. In the above sentence ..."our armed force is ready for the fourth one" can be true or false..hence can be verified hence it can be an Inference .


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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 05:39 PM Hi Kunal and Kaybe e , The point is that if I te ll you the fact, it should give rise to conclusion naturally. He re , the fact that we had thre e wars doe s not give rise to the fact that we will have the fourth war. The re fore , the conclusion about k e e ping the arm e d force s re ady doe s not arise dire ctly. Le t m e give you an e x am ple : Kaybe e is we aring black today. Black m ust be he r favorite color. Total Gadha
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by ank ur aggarwal - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 06:22 PM De ar Sir , First of all i would lik e to thank you for such a nice article . I re ally lik e the initiative that has be e n tak e n by totalgadha to cate r to the ne e ds of stude nt pre paring for C AT and hitting the nail on he ad with e ve ry article .Thank s for all the support that you are providing to us. And as usual I also have som e que rie s which i wante d to clarify :1. Eve ry re d tape proce dure is a point of contact with an official, and such contacts have the pote ntial to be com e opportunitie s for m one y to change hands. C ant this be an opinion. If i raise the que stion that why such contacts have the pote ntial to be com e opportunitie s for m one y to change hands. Isnt this an opinion of a pe rson. R e gards, Ank ur

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by KayBe e Aar - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 07:38 PM

He y TG.. C orre is HIS favourite colour...

KayBe e ...
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Dagny Taggart - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 08:56 PM

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by sgx 100 O nline - W e dne sday, 20 June 2007, 01:55 AM De ar TG, The article m ade for a ve ry inte re sting re ad. I re ally had a tough tim e se gre gating the Facts, Infe re nce s and Judgm e nts from e ach othe r. I am practicing the m again n again to ge t a grip on the sam e . I will de finite ly post m y doubts n que rie s. W ould you be k ind e nough to te ll us how to go about with syllogism s. Particularly with FIJ base d m ak ing the ir pre se nce fe lt in C AT afte r a tim e ...I ge t a gut fe e ling this tim e around we r going to se e the re surge nce of syllogism s. C ould you he lp us with the sam e . Look ing forward to som e gyan on the topics of syllogism Thank ing You sgx 100 IIM - Batch of 2008-10
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Thursday, 21 June 2007, 04:25 AM Hi sgx 100, Le t m e se e if I can pre pare a sm all write -up on syllogism s. I doubt though that syllogism s will e ve r com e back . Total Gadha
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by sgx 100 O nline - Thursday, 21 June 2007, 05:59 AM De ar TG, Thnx , will be e age rly look ing out for the post of urs. W e ll e ve n if syllogism s fail to turn up in C AT 2007, we can always add to the e x isting database for future re fe re nce . ( Just a pe rsonal opinion )

C he e rs Sgx 100 IIM - Batch of 2008-10

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Ne e na Jha - W e dne sday, 11 July 2007, 05:49 PM

Hi TG Great job done!!! This topic indeed needed a thorough explanation. Would you mind giving us some practice exercises so that we could test our concepts in FIJ. R e gards, Ne e na

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by avik chak rabarti - W e dne sday, 18 July 2007, 03:22 PM

Hi TG, Your article on Facts, inferences and judgements really was of great help to me.Same here like others. A small doubt...... The Mid-day Meal scheme has been a significant incentive for the poor to send their little ones to school, thus establishing the vital link between healthy bodies and healthy minds.. We can clearly see the first part of the sentence is a fact and based on the fact a conclusion is drawn that a vital link is established.C an u tell me why is it not an inference ?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by avik chak rabarti - W e dne sday, 18 July 2007, 03:30 PM

Hi TG, Your article on Facts, inferences and judgements really was of great help to me.Same here like others. A small doubt...... The Mid-day Meal scheme has been a significant incentive for the poor to send their little ones to school, thus establishing the vital link between healthy bodies and healthy minds.. We can clearly see the first part of the sentence is a fact and based on the fact a conclusion is drawn that a vital link is established.C an u tell me why is it not an inference ?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Ak on C onvict - Tue sday, 24 July 2007, 12:07 PM

Hi TG i want som e sam ple que stions on FJI to parctice

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Sate ndra Kum ar - Friday, 3 August 2007, 06:29 PM Hi TG!!! Awe som e W ork ... You k now what!!! I gave 2006 C AT.. but ne ve r che ck e d the corre ct answe rs for English as i fe are d of e x tre m e le y low m ark s..howe ve r that was not to be .. I score d 96 pe rce ntile in Vocab se ction.(God Knows How). O ne thing I re m e be r was i we nt by instincts and k ne w i was corre ct..thats it.


Tnx ... Sate ndra

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But this tim e no m ore chance s.. can you plz he lp us with som e tips on Infe re ntial re asoning (which state m e nt would follow the paragraph)

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Varun Kum ar - W e dne sday, 15 August 2007, 07:03 PM Hi TG, Absolute ly brilliant wrk on the se ...... A que stion to ask : The no. of se nte nce s a que stion contains is 4. Should e ach se nte nce be tre ate d unique ly or can it be link e d with the pre vious state m e nt. An e x am ple to illustrate : State m e nt 1: W hile the conve rge nce are as for custom e rs use d to be ne ar station are as and bus-stops, it is now the m alls that attract footfalls. State m e nt 2: Le ase re ntals ne ar the ne w conve rge nce are as would be high. The first is a fact. Is the se cond an infe re nce or judge m e nt be cause the rule for infe re nce as pe r what I've unde rstood from your le sson is that it MUST have a fact. But if this state m e nt is a standalone state m e nt the n the re 's no fact and it be com e s a judge m e nt. Plz. clarify. Thank s, Varun.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Varun Kum ar - W e dne sday, 15 August 2007, 07:08 PM Hi TG, C ould u plz. give le ssons on paragragh com ple tion type of que stions. The y have be e n appe aring constantly in C AT 2005 & C AT 2006. Kindly give som e le ssons plz. as I fe e l it is an are a to score but I som e how m isse d the m in C AT 2006. R e gards, Varun.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by priyank daga - Friday, 17 August 2007, 11:40 AM hi tg i am still waitin for the ne x t le sson on this ...also a se ssion on com ple ting the paragraph which has be e n thr in cat for a long tim e
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by harish k am bam - Friday, 17 August 2007, 01:24 PM hi tg 1 doubt re garding FIJ a)A ne w re d wine which claim s to be m ore a he alth tonic than alcohol as it contains 32 % m ore of the antiox idants than re gular re dwine s will soon be sold in the UK. b)Althoug our body produce s antiox idants which cle ars up those dre adful fre e radicals which le ad to ce ll dam age ,the y are n't e nough. c)It is be ing funny how so m any things in life swing from be ing conside re d good to be com ing outright e ve il and som e tim e s back to be ing good again. d)All the pe ople who e njoy the ir vice s,whate ve r the y m ay be -fe e l fre e to do so,for the y are bound to be conside re d he althy at som e point of tim e . 1)FFJJ 2)FIIJ 3)FFIJ 4)FIJJ 5)FFJI

The first se nte nce talk s about som e thing which is going to happe n in the future ,the n how can we can conclude it as a fact? As u told an e ve nt cant be com e a fact unle ss it occure d the n the first state m e nt shouldnt be state d as fact. plz clarify m y doubt
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by harish k am bam - Friday, 17 August 2007, 01:28 PM hi varun. the se cond state m e nt cle arly is an opinion be cause e ve n though it had a fact it cant be an infe re nce be cause judge m e nts can be que stione d but infe re nce s cannot be .
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by jupite r jone s - Sunday, 19 August 2007, 07:33 PM

hi TG, Ur way of e x palnation re garding FIJ is im pre ssive but I ne e d m ore practice se ts re garding this. Also i ne e d lots of practice se ts re garding ve rbal logic(assum ptions/infe re nce s paragraphs). Tips are ve ry badly ne e de d for paragraph com ple tion and also practice e x ce rcise s too. Jupite r
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Total Gadha - Sunday, 19 August 2007, 10:55 PM Hi Jupite r Jone s, You re m ind m e of the 'Thre e inve stigators" I use d to re ad in m y te e ns. I wonde r how a brain lik e yours cannot de duce facts in ve rbal. I will try to cre ate som e FIJs and paragraph com ple tion for you folk s. Give m e som e tim e . Total Gadha
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by sum an singla - Monday, 17 Se pte m be r 2007, 09:50 PM he y TG its re ally a nice article provide d by is re ally ve ry inform ative ...apart from m y routine studie s i visit this site re gularly and re ally be ne fit from the article s provide d he re ....
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by garim a jain - Tue sday, 18 Se pte m be r 2007, 06:54 PM the first state m e nt is a fact as it is state s othe rs claim s.what som e one othe r says ,whe n state d by som e one e lse is a fact.we the r occure d or not.

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Singhvir ... - Tue sday, 25 Se pte m be r 2007, 07:35 PM hi Tg.. "I found the m usic ve ry loud (A fact as it is e ithe r a truth or a lie . I m ust have found the m usic ve ry loud or not ve ry loud)." if this is a fact.. the n shouldnt the following also be a fact? "To m y e ye s, the close st e quivale nt to the R owling phe nom e non, re garding both the te h dispe rsion of the work worldwide , as we ll as its she e r popularity, was Agatha C hristie " thank s
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Kaustav Muk he rje e - Thursday, 27 Se pte m be r 2007, 03:02 PM Hi TG, the article give n by you was a ve y inform ative one .... i have be e n victim to this que stion m any a tim e s and whe n i have sat to analyse the se que stions i have always be e n confuse d be twe e n infe re nce s and Judge m e nts. the tips m e ntione d by you are re ally he lpful and i will k e e p the m in m ind. thank s a lot. Kaustav
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by abhije e t singh thak ur - Tue sday, 2 O ctobe r 2007, 06:27 PM hi tg, u hv done a gr88 job by doin this..m any ppl do the se things wrong including m e this hs cle ar m y vie ws of facts jdgm nt n infe re nce n nw i can do the se typ of que stions corre ctly with e ffort...thnk s alott
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by libre n libra - Thursday, 4 O ctobe r 2007, 12:43 AM Hi TG

A ve ry use ful article inde e d........I have be e n a re gular but sile nt sude nt or urs( m y first post)......but of all the source s of inform ation re garding C AT....TG is the be st.......U rock m an........... Ne e d your he lp re garding Paragraph C om ple tion as in C AT m any of the options we re goin with the para so lot of m istak e s
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Srinath R avichandran - Thursday, 4 O ctobe r 2007, 09:23 AM

Hi TGians, Here is something I wuld love to know. Consider the following statements: a)The decision of the pharma sector to support freebies is welcome. Ans: This obviously is an judgment. I don have a doubt here. b)Some experts feel that the decision of the pharma sector to support freebies is welcome. Ans: This accroding to me is a fact. This is because what these experts feel is not our point of concern. But whether they feel this or not can definitely be verfied. So this must be a fact. c)I feel that the decision of the pharma sector to support freebies is welcome. Ans: NOW>>> this is confusing. Expressing what one feels(that too saying it is welcome) is definitely a judgement(expressin approval). However, instead of jus stating what I feel, if i precede that with a " i feel that" clause, will it become a fact as is the case with "some experts feel......" . Waiting for ur judgements on my inferences abt the above three statements : If i m totally wrong, pl be pateint and crrect me. THanks a lot. AMAZING FORUM THIS IS TURNING OUT TO BE>..... .

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by harry potte r - Thursday, 4 O ctobe r 2007, 01:20 PM

Hi TG I appreciate ur work on these articles but then , i have few doubts w.r.t the definition of the FACT. Can you please explain me the below sentences? deal with pieces of information that one has heard, seen or read, and which are open to discovery or verification and
A fact will be agreed to by every person. It does not change from person to person.

what i understand is that, the fact if not verified will not be accepted by everyone. IF it is open for verification, that becomes the perception of the person who has experienced it.
please correct me if i am wrong. awaiting for your response! thank you harika
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by subhade e p das - Tue sday, 9 O ctobe r 2007, 06:19 PM it would be a gre at he lp if you could write a sim ilar article ob upstre am /downstre am se nte nce s or any othe r othe r ne w re asoning orie nte d ve rbal abilty which you think m ay com e in C AT 2007 [ ]
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Shubham Agarwal - Friday, 12 O ctobe r 2007, 01:59 AM



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Hi , the article was awesome.I was expecting some CR questions based on similar pattern ( as you promised In the next article ..... I will take up some GMAT critical reasoning questions and dissect arguments step by step.). In my opinion this year again we will have similar kind of CR question which generally appears in GMAT papers . I am trying my best to get those CR question which are generally asked in GMAT. If you could do it on TG that would be of great help. thanks a ton in advance

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by gO d's chILd!! - Friday, 19 O ctobe r 2007, 07:19 PM to whom soe ve r it m ay conce rn..!! INFER ENC E :gorillas pre fe r e ating nuts to e ating fruits. it Doe sn't C ontain any fact.or le t's put it ds way..;it doe sn't have ny dam n k nown part. !
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by m e e ra singh - Friday, 26 O ctobe r 2007, 07:07 PM hi tg ure article so inform ative .i te ll u sm th for the last fe w days ihave be e n doing fij's only i had a confusion b/w facts and infe re nce s. what i was told in coanching was com ple ty diffre nt from ure input.though it was also he lpful but not always now i will use ure points le t u k now abt im prove m e nt

thank u m e e ra singh
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by m e e ra singh - Friday, 26 O ctobe r 2007, 07:21 PM hi tg ure article so inform ative .i te ll u sm th for the last fe w days ihave be e n doing fij's only i had a confusion b/w facts and infe re nce s. what i was told in coanching was com ple ty diffre nt from ure input.though it was also he lpful but not always now i will use ure points le t u k now abt im prove m e nt

thank u m e e ra singh
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by nishant she k har - Monday, 29 O ctobe r 2007, 01:27 PM hi TG,

U have mentioned "I found the music very loud " as a fact . Dont u think it shud come under the category of judgement. C an u clarify plzz. and "Even without war, we know that conflicts continue to trouble us- they only change in color." in the above sentence "we know tat" slightly tilts the meaning towards being a FAC T. and Finally , u say : FAC T : Only about 13 million children in the age group of 6 to 14 years are out of school. Judgement : It is estimated that that 30% of Indians live below poverty line. (judgment: if it is an estimate, it cannot be a fact). How do u diffrentiate between the above 2 lines ??? Thankuu before u clarify my doubts , i must thanku a google times for so many useful posts u and Dagny have given us , really a wonderful work .

waiting for ur reply.......

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by he m ant agarwal - Sunday, 4 Nove m be r 2007, 12:20 PM



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de ar tg you say that an incide nt has to occur be fore it be com e s a fact."An e ve nt cannot be com e a fact until it has occure d".what is this the n a f,i or j I will go to school tom orrow. Thank s He m ant
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by r c - Thursday, 8 Nove m be r 2007, 09:05 PM A fe w doubts: The be low m e ntione d se nte nce was am ongst 4 odrs (som e body poste d it he re only) to b classifie d f,j,i. I think it shoud be a judge m e nt, but that wasnt one of da options, plz clarify: "Althoug our body produce s antiox idants which cle ars up those dre adful fre e radicals which le ad to ce ll dam age ,the y are n't e nough." Se condly, is it be cause of the words 'significant' and 'vital' (opinions) that the be low m e ntione d se nte ncs is a j and not f?: "The Mid-day Me al sche m e has be e n a significant ince ntive for the poor to se nd the ir little one s to school, thus e stablishing the vital link be twe e n he althy bodie s and he althy m inds." Thirdly, y isnt the following se nte nce an infe re nce ?: "But how ironic it is that we should face a pe re nnial shortage of drugs whe n India is one of the worlds large st supplie rs of ge ne ric drugs to the de ve loping world." Doe s 'ironic' m ak e it an judge m e nt? If ye s, the n why isnt the following se nte nce also a judge m e nt be cause of 'am bitious'?: According to all statistical indications , the Sarva Shik sha Abhiyan has m anage d to k e e p pace with its am bitious goals .
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Him anshu Jaggi - Tue sday, 4 March 2008, 10:37 AM HI TG, Ve ry inform ative we ll crafte d article ...k e e p doing the good work . C he e rs...!!

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Him anshu Jaggi - Tue sday, 4 March 2008, 11:31 AM Hi TG, Just wonde ring about "FIJ" conce pts, U have shown the insight of IFJ ce pts and what I re ally fe e l afte r re ading your article is is that the se que stion re quire s ve ry m uch logical re asoning than it look s lik e in the ve ry first go, m y que stion is do you re ally think that the se que stions we re doable whe n an ave rage stude nt was tak ing his cat06-ve rbal, coz at that tim e de finitions we re give n ave rage guy m ight not have that m uch insight what he m ust be having afte r re ading your article . W hy i am m ak ing this point is to k now whe the r to touch the que stions which are on fre sh concpts (as the se IFJ in 06)in cat or not, though I k now it re ally de pe nds "how we ll you unde rstand the conce pt on D -Day"

C he e rss....
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Nam rata Khubchandani - Saturday, 29 March 2008, 05:12 PM hi....

would it he lp if i re ad som e gm at m ate rial for critical re asoning? whats the com parison be twe e n gm at and cat critical re asoning.. is it lowe r or highe r in le ve l of difficulty?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by avinash Ve rm a - Thursday, 3 July 2008, 11:30 AM thank s , for such a good article ,I hope ne x t tim e the re will be article on late ral state m e nt, supporting state m e nt,de duce d state m e nt.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by vinayak iye r - Saturday, 5 July 2008, 11:43 AM He llo sir re ally be ne fitte d a lot from this we bsite . But should say , "fact infe re nce and judgm e nt" has be e n m y we ak link . Your artick e on the sam e was e x ce lle nt and hope you k e e p com m ing up with such article s. C an you re com m e nde d any book that I can buy for e x tra practice of "fact infe re nce and judgm e nt" type que stions



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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by shilpi m ishra - W e dne sday, 9 July 2008, 07:21 AM

hi,i have a doubt

Even without war, we know that conflicts continue to trouble us- they only change in color here the phrase,"we know that" indicates that the statement is a it should be judgement.i suppose.let me know if i am wrong.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Lok e sh Jain - Thursday, 10 July 2008, 09:47 AM Hi T.g I found this article of yours ve ry inform ative .can u ple ase upload som e practice que stions on download it se ction..plz...
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Saurabh Kum ar - Saturday, 12 July 2008, 06:37 PM This is an e x ce lle nt article TG....its re ally gre at... and thank s to your forunm which is he lping us pre pare for cat e ve n afte r be ing in london
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Priyabrata Das - Saturday, 26 July 2008, 12:09 AM

4) The legislature is advocating vigorously against intrusion of judiciary in parliamentary affairs. doesn't 'vigorously' attach some information or veiw about the way the legislature is advocating against ... so i think that makes it a judgement. had it been The legislature is advocating against intrusion of judiciary in parliamentary affairs. den that's a Fact am I right
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by IIM C alling!!!! - W e dne sday, 6 August 2008, 02:27 AM

Hi TG Sir, Please clarify the following doubts: 1) Why can't the following statements be an inference? The Mid-day Meal scheme has been a significant incentive for the poor to send their little ones to school, thus establishing the vital link between healthy bodies and healthy minds. Extensive disarmament is the only insurance for our future; imagine the amount of resources that can be released and redeployed 2) Why can't the following statement be an fact? Red tape leads to corruption and distorts peoples character

Thanks & Regards

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Aashish Dua - Friday, 8 August 2008, 03:18 AM

Hie TG Sir, Just wanted to propose a vote a thanks to you for this article. This articles of yours has made my concepts more clear and better especially your valuable points related to inference, though I used to have a fairly decent accuracy in FIJs and from now on I'll try to attain scores as close as possible to 100% in FIJs. Thank you again Sir Regards
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by binit bhagat - Friday, 15 August 2008, 01:43 PM

Hi TG, gre88 work... FIJ was never so lucidly explained anywhere.. thanks a lot.. if u got some quizzes on this section.. it wud hav been so 12/17


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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by de e pak garg - Sunday, 31 August 2008, 03:32 PM hi TG "I lik e X", is this a fact or judge m e nt?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by ashish k hr - Sunday, 31 August 2008, 08:15 PM fact as e ithe r I lik e X or not.ope n to justification. and this not change s from pe rson to pe rson.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by de e pak garg - Sunday, 31 August 2008, 11:00 PM e ve n i thought so, i found this que stion in som e forum , ppl had diffe re nt opinion the re , if its a fact the n what wud "I lik e X for he r soothing sm ile " be ?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by gaurav guglani - Tue sday, 9 Se pte m be r 2008, 08:51 PM Sir Thank s for a nice article . it prove d re ally he lpful to m e . also,ple ase provide som e guidline s for the paracom ple tion que stions ve ry soon as the y are m ost difficult to face thank s
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by ashish k hr - W e dne sday, 10 Se pte m be r 2008, 10:42 PM hi tg thnx 4 such a nice article . but I re ally ne e d a article on parajum ble s.

plz post one .

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Sum it Ahuja - Monday, 15 Se pte m be r 2008, 03:17 PM Ve ry good article ....C an you ple ase post som e thing lik e this on UDLI ?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by She e tal Koul - Monday, 15 Se pte m be r 2008, 06:09 PM hi.. good article it re ally se que nce d m y jum ble d m ind... thx a lot...

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by nim ish vik as - Monday, 15 Se pte m be r 2008, 11:24 PM HI TG KINDLY C LAR IFY "The footprint warne d R obinson C rusoe that the re was som e one e lse on the island."



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This state m e nt se e m s to be a fact to m e . robinson is doing the infe re nce , but the state m e nt "the foot print warne d R C of som e thing." can be conside re d by us as TR UE or FALSE (,as a pie ce of history). a sim ilar state m e nt is " The alarm m ade R aghu jum p." . Is it a fact or an infe re nce . It se e m s infe re nce to m e . thank you for the wonde rful work you are doing. No coaching is be tte r than this site of yours. nim ish
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by arvind k um ar - W e dne sday, 17 Se pte m be r 2008, 09:53 AM actually i have a doubt to ask about... obse rve this state m e nt the ne x t O lym pics will happe n in 2012. what k ind of state m e nt is this.... a "Fact" state m e nt can be e ithe r true or false , and sim ilarly this state m e nt has only one ce rtainty of the two, i.e . we can te ll whe the r O lym pics will tak e place or not in 2012. on the othe r hand, this e ve nt is suppose d to happe n in future , but according to de finition i.e . An event cannot become a fact unless it has

occurred . also, fact is C onfined to what one observes; cannot be made about the future..
so this state m e nt com e s unde r which cate gory... fact or judgm e nt???

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Prashant C hanchal - Saturday, 20 Se pte m be r 2008, 01:00 AM Hello, let me tranna answer your doubt. The statement: the next Olympics will happen in 2012 is a FACT! I guess you're getting things unnecessarily complicated, putting words in your own mouth. We can always verify this statement through various sources / records etc. It may or mayn't be true, once you see this is something VERIFIABLE, stop right there. As per " also, fact is Confined to w hat one observes; cannot be made about the future.." please note the speaker / author is actually just putting forth the statement as

learnt / observed by him from the sources.

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Vine e t Kum ar - Thursday, 2 O ctobe r 2008, 01:33 PM Eve n i m waiting 4 d sam e
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by fe lis m aniac - Thursday, 16 O ctobe r 2008, 11:21 AM plz he lp ..... 1) Indian airline com panie s are cutting flights and postponing plans for fle e t aquisition on account of lowe r re ve nue s cause d by rising fue ls. IS THIS AN INFER ENC E AS--"on account..fue ls" is a FAC T n the othe r part is INFER R ED from it 2)Incre ase d fue l surcharge s have le d to doubling of airfare s, and that is de te rring the low and m iddle incom e group trave lle rs who we re be ginning to switch to air trave l from rail trave l. ISN'T THIS AN INFER ENC E TO O ?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by je e t je e t - Thursday, 23 O ctobe r 2008, 12:32 PM hi tg.. k indly e x plain som e funda of Upstre am Aurgum e nt, Downstre am Argum e nt, Late ral Argum e nt & irre le ve nt Argum e nt
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by King Anand - Monday, 10 Nove m be r 2008, 12:50 AM @tg nice one sir. thank u!
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Je rry JFK - Tue sday, 31 March 2009, 01:11 AM



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Love d ur FIJ article ... Q ue ry:The Jury is, howe ve r, still out whe the r this will be acce pte d by the two partie s. the answe r k e y says FAC T. I calle d it a Judge m e nt ...

e x plain how ?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by k at goe l - Thursday, 11 June 2009, 11:47 PM Nice article TG .. I ne e d im prove m e nt in que stions about incorre ct usage of a word . Any sugge stions how to im prove on that?
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Sushil Sharm a - Saturday, 27 June 2009, 06:58 PM Hi TG sir, Thank s a lot for such an inform ative article ! I have one doubt re garding Infe re nce and judge m e nt.In the be low se nte nce

The recent initiatives of networks and companies like AIDScare Network, Emcure, Reliance-C ipla-C II, would lead to availability of muchneeded drugs to a larger number of affected people(which is an inference) If I change the sentence to The recent initiatives of networks and companies like AIDScare Network, Emcure, Reliance-C ipla-C II, should lead to availability of muchneeded drugs to a larger number of affected people then will it become a judgment ?as the latter one suggets the possibility of happening of something. Regards, Sushil.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Ahe faz Khan - Tue sday, 30 June 2009, 08:20 PM hi tg, the state m e nt: Be cause we had thre e wars with the ne ighboring country, we should k e e p our force s re ady for the fourth. He re the first part (we had thre e wars with our ne ighbours) appe ars to be a fact. W o why cant we call this as an infe re nce .
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by m anoj k um ar - W e dne sday, 8 July 2009, 10:33 PM Hi Ahfaaz.. the re was confusion to m e as we ll e arlie r, but it is judgm e nt only as the part afte r com m a i.e . "we should k e e p" m ak e s it an opinion, he nce its a judge m e nt..

TG sir, am i right???

R e gards
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by dipak ram avat - W e dne sday, 29 July 2009, 09:21 PM cause it is not ne ce sary to go 4 4th war. this was an opinion of an author, he nc a judge m e nt

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by siddharth jain - Monday, 19 O ctobe r 2009, 09:22 PM Hi TG, C ould you ple ase te ll m e the solution to the que stion be low.



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(1) Fre nch toys: one could not find a be tte r illustration of the fact that the adult Fre nchm an se e s the child as anothe r se lf. (2) All the toys one com m only se e s are re duce d copie s of hum an obje cts, as if in the e ye s of the public the child is nothing but a sm alle r m an. (3) Form s that stim ulate cre ativity are ve ry rare : a fe w se ts of block s, which appe al to the spirit of do-it-yourse lf, are the only one s which offe r dynam ic form s. (4) All m achine -m ade Fre nch toys always m e an som e thing, and this som e thing is always e ntire ly socialize d, constitute d by the m yths or the te chnique s of m ode rn adult life . FJFJ FFJJ JJFJ IIJJ IJIJ O ne m ore re que st, if you could put 15 to 20 se le cte d que stions virtually cove ring 70-80% type s of IJF in an e x plaine d solution type . It would be of im m e nse he lp to all of us.
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Prince Kum ar - Tue sday, 20 O ctobe r 2009, 05:10 PM Siddharth, Ple ase confirm if the answe r is as follows: 1. Fact 2. Judge m e nt 3. Fact 4. Judge m e nt
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by divya ge ra - Tue sday, 20 O ctobe r 2009, 11:08 PM Hi TG, shouldn't " Because we had three wars with our neighboring country, we should keep our armed forced ready for the fourth one." be an

inference instead of a judgement?

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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Sachin Kulk arni - W e dne sday, 21 O ctobe r 2009, 12:05 PM Hi TG, Is the state m e nt "Be cause we had thre e wars with our ne ighboring country, we should k e e p our arm e d force d re ady for the fourth one ." Infe re nce or Judge m e nt ? we had thre e wars with our ne ighboring country ---- Fact we should k e e p our arm e d force d re ady for the fourth one -----C onclusion Sachin
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Harsim ran Sahni - Thursday, 22 O ctobe r 2009, 01:16 PM Hi TG, I have doubt re garding e low se nte nce :-

Given the poor quality of service in the public service, the HIV/AIDS affected should be switching to private initiatives that supply antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) at a low cost. Fact- Given the poor quality of service in the public service. Based on this fact we can conclude the below sentence.. C onclusion-the HIV/AIDS affected should be switching to private initiatives that supply anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) at a low cost. So this should be inference.. Please explain if i am wrong??
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Brije sh Kum ar - Friday, 13 Nove m be r 2009, 07:06 PM The m atte r is ve ry good sufficie nt for basic only, ne e d to som e m ore critical e x am ple s for C AT le ve l
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Anant Tute ja - Sunday, 29 Nove m be r 2009, 05:43 AM



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Thank s TG ... It is a ve ry inform ative article and it re ally he lpe d m e a lot ...
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by parde e p sharm a - Sunday, 29 Nove m be r 2009, 11:36 AM W onde rful article ......thank s
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by rahul dbond - Thursday, 21 January 2010, 11:57 PM thank s 4 sch gr8 n sim ple clue s
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by Srinivas M T - Sunday, 18 April 2010, 05:40 PM Hi TG sir, Nice article , F,I,J se e m s to be ve ry sim ple afte r going through this. R e gards,
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by m ohil m ittal - Saturday, 8 O ctobe r 2011, 10:40 AM The le gislature is advocating vigorously against intrusion of judiciary in parliam e ntary affairs. How can this state m e nt be te rm e d as fact... inte nsity of advocation varie s from pe rson to pe rson??
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Re: Critical Reasoning Primer- Fact, Inference and Judgment by vaibhav jain - Sunday, 28 July 2013, 04:41 PM "I found the m usic loud". Is it not a judge m e nt???
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