Workshop Level 2 Countable Uncountable

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WORKSHOP COUNTABLE-UNCOUNTABLE Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Grammar 1 countable and uncountable nouns: much/many/a lot of Underline the correct answer.

How much / many pasta do you eat? 1 2 3 4 5 I dont eat much / many bread. Do you usually buy much / many vegetables? Josh drinks a lot of / much water. I eat a lot of / many fruit every day. Children dont usually drink many / much tea. 2 a/an, some and any Choose the correct answer. I dont want _____ carrots thank you. a some b a c any 1 Do you have _____ chicken? a any b a c some 2 We have _____ bananas at home. a any b some c a 3 Ahmed doesnt drink _____ water during the day. a some b a c any 4 Do you want _____ sandwich for lunch? a some b a c any 5 I always eat _____ apple for breakfast. a an b some c a

4. Write c for countable and u for uncountable: time meat flour rice a) c) e) g) i)

books butter apples tea -

sugar pencils oil games -

milk bread cars tomatoes b) d) f)

pens jam salt cream -

hair friends houses honey -

chairs fingers cheese carrots -

5. Choose How much or How many cheese do you buy? films did Tom see last week? friends does Linda have? books are there in your bag? money do you spend every week? sugar do we need? meat are you going to buy? apples do you see?

tomatoes are there in the fridge? h) milk did you drink yesterday? j)

Question: Do you make a budget? How much do you spend in a month? Write a budget in the back of this paper. Use the model.

Writing Model: Monthly Budget for Michael Costa Rent: $500.00 Cell Phone: $35.00 TV Cable: $59.00 Food: $250.00 Transportation: $125.00 Extra: $150.00 Total: $1119.00

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