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CS-08 CS-51




Course Code CS-08

Assignment No.

Maximum Marks 10

Last date of Submission

Page No. 3

MCA (3)/CS-08/TMA/2009-10


MCA (3)/CS-08/Project/2009-10



MCA (3)/CS-09/TMA/2009-10



MCA (3)/CS-09/Project/2009-10



MCA (3)/CS-51/TMA/2009-10



MCA (3)/CS-51/Project/2009-10


15th April (for Jan session) 15th Oct (for July session) 30th April (for Jan session) 31st Oct (for July session) 15th April (for Jan session) 15th Oct (for July session) 30th April (for Jan session) 31st Oct (for July session) 15th April (for Jan session) 15th Oct (for July session) 30th April (for Jan session) 31st Oct (for July session)

Important Notes
1. 2. 3. Students are allowed to work in a group (but not more than 2) on projects. Viva-voce will be held for the project evaluation. Project report should contain the following: 3-4 pages write-up about the logic/algorithm and data structures used in the programmes implementation. The code listing (it should be well documented).

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission

: : : : :

CS-08 Numerical and Statistical Computing MCA(3)-08/TMA/2009-10 10 15th April (for Jan session) 15th Oct (for July session)

This is a Tutor Mark Assignment. There are three questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments.
Question 1: (a) Find error in following statements: i) ii) iii) iv) (b) 7,321 is a FORTRAN integer constant 163E321 is a FORTRAN real constant INTEGER is an integer variable KCNI is a real variable (2 Marks) Do as directed for each of the following: (i) Write the sequence of the numbers in which the elements of the following 3 X 2 array are stored in memory in FORTRAN environment. 10 72 26 (ii) 18 6 1 (1 Mark) Find the value of the real variable x at the end of the execution of the following FORTRAN program segment: x = 0.0 DO 40 I = 1,10,1 DO 40 J = 1, 10, 1 x = x + 1.0 40 CONTINUE (1 Mark)

Question 2:


Solve the following system of linear equations by Gaussian elimination method, using four-digit floating point arithmetic and row interchanges: 3x + 19y = 2z + 27 4y + z = 14 +3x 10x + 4z = 6 + 2y

(1 Mark)


Use the Newton-Raphson method to find to three decimal places, all the roots of the equation: cos(x)=x3 (2 marks) The ages (x) and systolic blood pressure (y) of 10 persons are given below: Ages in years (x) 55 40 70 35 60 45 55 50 35 40 Blood Pressure (y) 150 125 160 110 150 130 150 145 115 140

Question 3:


Calculate the correlation coefficient between x and y. (b) Three groups of children contain 4 girls and 2 boys; 3 girls and 3 boys; and 4 boys and 2 girls. One child is selected at random from each group. Find the probability of the group of the three children so selected, consisting of 2 girl and 2 boys. (3 marks)

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission

: : : : :

CS-08 Numerical and Statistical Computing MCA(3)-08/Project/2009-10 15 30th April (for Jan session) 31st Oct (for July session)

This is a Project Assignment. Attempt the following question. You may use illustrations or diagrams to enhance the explanation.
Question 1: The following three are well known methods of numerical integration of functions: (i) (ii) (iii) (a) (b) Question 2: Gaussian Quadrature Rule Trapezoidal Rule Simpsons Rule (6 Marks) (6 Marks)

Describe each of the above methods. Write a program for each of the above method using FORTRAN 90 as programming language.

If I = 636, M = - 642, A = 7.0983 and B = - 0.000352 Find the output if the following format pair is executed: a) b) WRITE (6,11) I, M, A, B 11 FORMAT (1, 110, I6, F 8.1, F10.3) WRITE (6,12) I, A, B 12 FORMAT (IX, 110, 2E, 15.5) (3 Marks)

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission

: CS- 09 : Computer Networks : MCA(5)-09/TMA/2009-10 : 10 : 15th April (for Jan session) 15th Oct (for July session)

This is a Tutor Marked Assignment. There are five questions. Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations.
Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: What is a Subnet? How do you implement subnetting? Explain with the help of an example. What is Congestion? How does a leaky bucket algorithm control Congestion? (i) (ii) Question 4: How is the header checksum calculated in IP? Which field of the IP header changes from a router to a router?

Construct a systematic (7, 4) cyclic code using generator polynomial: g (x) = x3 + x2 + 1 Consider a data vector = 1010

Question 5:

Explain the difference between the following techniques using an example: Unipolar NRZ Polar NRZ Manchester Encoding Differential Manchester Encoding

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission

: CS-09 : Computer Networks : MCA(5)-09/Project/2009-10 : 15 : 30th April (for Jan session) 31st Oct (for July session)

This is a Project Assignment. There are two questions. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 7 marks. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance answers.
Question 1: (i) Compare the following: (a) (b) (c) (ii) (iii) (iv) Question 2: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Bridges with Switches Bridges with Routers MAC address with IP address

Explain the operation of VLAN with the appropriate diagram Why do we require transparent bridges and how do we construct them? What are the reasons for having a minimum length of Ethernet frame? Compare the TCP header and the UDP header. List the fields in the TCP header that are missing from UDP header. Give the reasons for their absence? Highlight the important features of TCPs sliding window scheme? What is silly window syndrome? What are its proposed solutions? Explain. List and explain the important timers used in TCP. Describe the objectives of Karns algorithms.

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission

: : : : :

CS-51 Operations Research MCA (3)-51/TMA/2009-10 10 15th April (for Jan session) 15th Oct (for July session)

This is a Tutor Marked Assignment. There are four questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations.
Question 1: (a) Define the following terms very briefly, typically within one paragraph.: (i) Dominance (ii) Reasons for rising simulation (iii) Safety stock (iv) Queue discipline (v) Basic feasible solution List out the various steps involved in the Modified Distribution method for solving a given transportation problem. Differentiate between Non-Linear Programming and Integer Programming (3 Marks) Question 2: Explain the following concepts in context of Linear Programming/Operations Research: (i) Objective Function (ii) Convex Polygon (iii) Redundant Constraint (2 Marks) Explain the following in context of Transportation Problem (not exceeding three sentences for each): (i) Stepping Stone Method (ii) Degenerate Transportation Problem (iii) The Modified Distribution Method (2 Marks) A manufacturer uses Rs. 40000 worth of an item during the year. He has estimated the ordering cost as Rs. 100 per order and carrying costs as 25% of average inventory value. Find the optional order size, number of orders per year, time period per order and total cost. (3 Marks)

(b) (c)

Question 3:

Question 4:

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Last Date of Submission

: : : : :

CS-51 Operations Research MCA (3)-51/Project/2009-10 15 30th April (for Jan session) 31st Oct (for July session)

This is a Project Assignment. There are three questions. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations.
Question 1: (a) Determine the optimum strategies and the value of the game from the following 2 * m pay-off matrix game for X:

12 6

6 4

2 8

0 4

6 2

An item is sold for Rs. 50 per unit and it costs Rs. 10. Unsold items can be sold for Rs. 5 each. It is assumed that there is no shortage penalty cost besides the lost revenue. The demand is known to be any value between 500 and 1000 items. Determine the optimal number of units of the item to be stocked. (5 Marks)

Question 2:

Solve the following linear programming problem by: (i) (ii) Simplex method Two-Phase method and M-method using artificial variables corresponding to second and third constraints: Maximise 16x1 6x2 + 12x3 subject to 8x1 + 16x2 + 12x3 250 4x1 + 8x2 + 10x3 80 14x1 + 18x2 + 16x3 = 210 x1 0, x2 0, x3 0

(5 Marks)

Question 3:


20000 units of an item are required per year. Storage cost is Rs. 10 per unit per month. If the cost of placing an order is Rs. 500, find the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) EOQ Number of orders per year Cycle period Total annual cost if per unit cost is Rs. 5

(2 Marks)


A cafeteria with self-service has an arrival rate of 6 per hour. The average time taken by a person to collect and eat his meal is 30 minutes. Assuming that the inter-arrival times are exponentially distributed, how many seats must the cafeteria have to accommodate each customer with 75% probability? (3 Marks)


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