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By: Joel Ocaas , Marisol Cervantes, Michael Mata

Concordia Salus (Salvation through harmony)

Together as one, we join hand in hand, for a greater

good, a community with freedom, justice, and peace, to ensure that each citizen has an equal opportunity to prosper and not fear any oppression.

Communism, everyone works for the benefit of society as

a whole. They do not worry about what they are paid, because everyone is given what they need. There is no leader, everyone simply works together without anyone forcing them.

They do not need a very big

military because they are isolated from the rest of the world. But, they do have a small military to keep Cthulhu, a demon that terrorizes Kanoloa by stealing souls, at bay.

People are taught the basic

knowledge they need for a prosperous life: social skills, good morals, the importance of hard work, and basic knowledge such as Mathematics and English. Then, as they continue their education they have the liberty to choose what they feel would be an enjoyable career based upon what they have learned and what strengths and weaknesses they possess. After they have chosen a suitable career they proceed to entering an institution of higher education that specifically caters to their profession.

There is no organized religion. They believe that there

is a higher being, however the deitys role is nothing more than a clockmaker. He made the universe and then stepped away, allowing it to work on its own without any interference.

The utopia is underwater, therefore cars would be an

ineffective method of transportation. The people instead have formed a bond with the hippocampi, and use them as their main source of transportation. From the moment a person is born they are given a hippocampi to grow up with, forming a mutual bond, and they are treated much like we treat dogs as mans best friend.

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