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A World free of poverty

World Bank

Founded in 1944,at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire First loan to France in 1947 of $250 million 1947 - Incorporation into UN System 1979 - Lending for the fiscal year crosses the $10 billion mark for the first time 1995 James D. Wolfensohn becomes Bank president

World Bank

What is the World Bank ?

One of the worlds largest sources of

development assistance (FY 2001 provided more than US$17 billion in loans) IBRD has 183 members, IDA has 161, the IFC has 174, MIGA has 154 and ICSID has 133

World Bank

International Organizations

(EU,IMF,UN,WTO) Affiliates (CGIAR,CGAP, Development Gateway, GEF) NGOs and Civil Society Business and the Private Sector Donors & Co-financing Students and the Academic Community

World Bank

The Bank is Accountable

Information sharing essential for

effective and sustainable growth.publicly accountable to member countries Staff and management held directly accountable by its members OED reviews all Bank-financed projects and reports directly to the Board World Bank

Where does the money go?

World Bank

Where does the money go? (cont.)

World Bank

The role of the World Bank

Partner in strengthening economies and

expanding markets lends money, doesnt make grants G-7 members (Canada ,France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, and U.S)U.S. has largest shareholding in the Bank (approximately 17%) Bank comparable to a Global Cooperative

World Bank

Conclusion: Lessons of Experience

Proposal for a comprehensive

development Framework might be too holistic Absolute number of poor people is rising as a result of rapid population growth Resistance by some governments

World Bank

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