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Government palliative and end of life care websites

UK governments

Department of Health provides fairly comprehensive websites: end of life strategy
NHS end of life care website:

Northern Ireland
No end of life or palliative care website at the Northern Ireland Office website, but a
search for palliative care on the Department of Health, Social Services and Public
Safety will lead to some documents:

As with NI, there appears to be no website on palliative and/or end-of-life care on the
Scottish government website; searching for these topics (aside from the usual results
on things like end of life vehicles) produces a fairly large number of documents on
social care issues generally; this seems to suggest that the Scots see palliative care as
much more of a social care issue than the London-based Department of Health, which
is highly medical in its orientation. There is a national standard for hospice care
to which there are 2007 revisions:
The Scottish government website on health and community care is:
Don’t stay there too long or you get a really irritating video download about 60 years
of the NHS.

Again no specific website; NHS Wales website, connects to the Wales government
and National Assembly; a search for ‘palliative care’ offers a range of documents,
‘end of life care’ only one: (also available in Welsh).
Commentary: All this suggests that, compared with the well-resourced England DH
site, there is no coordinated information about end–of-life and palliative care on
government website, although interesting documents may be found; see my selected
documents post.

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