Rhetorical Devices Definitions

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Literary/Rhetorical Devices


A reference to something it is assumed the reader will recognize because it refers to a well-known person, piece of literature or other famous place or thing. A brief story, often amusing, a digression from the main topic A local expression: slang A comparison between two unlike things using like or as A comparison between two unlike things Giving human qualities to non-human things Using the same beginning consonant sound for several words in a row Using words where the sound imitates the meaning Exaggerating the truth Words or phrases evoking a picture in the readers mind; appealing to the 5 senses



Colloquialism Simile

Metaphor Personification Alliteration


Hyperbole Imagery


A meaning opposite to the one stated Words, phrases and abbreviations specific to a certain industry or field. A combination of contradictory terms Two seemingly contradicting ideas that represent a truth The act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. A question with an obvious response, intended to make the reader pause A concrete object that represents an abstract idea To ridicule or criticize in an effort to change something A play on words, usually with a double meaning



Paradox Juxtaposition

Rhetorical Question

Symbol Satire


Prose Terms Thesis the authors overall message. An implied thesis is not clearly stated while an explicit or overt thesis is found as a statement in the text eg. In my opinion is an explicit thesis Tone- the authors attitude to the subject and reader Diction - the choice and use of words. Words might be formal, informal, abstract, concrete, ordinary or technical

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