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Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

Computer Aided S oftware Engineering (CASE) The automation of step-by-step methodologies for software and system development to reduce the amount of repetitive work the developer needs to do. Rapid Application Development (RAD) Process for developing system in a very short time period by using prototyping, fourth generation tools, and close team-works among users and systems specialist. Joint Application Design (JAD) Process to accelerate the generation of information requirements by having end users and information system specialist work together in intensive interactive design session. Software Reengineering A methodology that addresses the problem of aging software by salvaging and upgrading it so that the user can avoid along and expensive replacement project. Software reengineering involves three steps: 1. Reverse engineering 2. Revision of design and program specifications 3. Forward engineering Reverse Engineering the process of converting existing programs, files, and database descriptions into corresponding design-level components that can then be used to create new application. Forward Engineering the final step in software reengineering when the revise specifications are used to generate new, structured program code for a structured and maintainable system. Management Wrap-up Management-selection of system approach can have a larger impact on the time, cost, and end product of the system development. Organization-organizational needs should drive the selection of a system building approach. Technology-various tools should drive the selection of a system building process.

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