Gramatica-Engleza 64 PDF

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finite and non-finite verbs

after feel, hear,

finite and non-finite verbs v7


The non-finite Parts of the verb

Non-finite parts of a verb are those that do not indicate number, person ortense.The common non-finiteforms are:

wotch + an object.

heard him run downstairs. Laterwe saw them leave the house.

thebaseform the present participle the past particiPle the to infinitive

or -ing f orm

after a to infinitive to which it

I wantyou to sit and listen. Justwoit and see.


joined by and.

There are also other non-finite forms, such as:

after would rather and hod better.


the continuous to infinitive: to beteoching the perfect to infinitive:to hovetaught the passive to infinitive:to betought

would rother go out, but I thinkwe had better stly home and

finishthe painting.
Verbs of perception may be followed either by the base form or by the -ing form.There is often a change of sentence meaning.
Th ese verlrs i ncl ud

The base form

see, hea r, feel, smell, listen to, w atch.

parts As well as serving as the verb form on which most of the other ' of the verb are based, the base form is frequently used as a non-finite part of the verb. Because of this it is someti mes called the'bdre
infrnitivd or the'infinitive without
to' '

watched her parkthe car = we watched the whole event. We wltched her parking the car = we may only have seen port

ofthe event.
cuckoo call = I heard just one call. We heard the birds singing = We heard part of the song the birds.
I heard a

The base form is used as a non-finite part of the verb in these ways:


after modalverbs.
You must stop atthe kerb beforeyou cross. He shouldthink before he sPeaks.

after let s (suggestion) and let (permission) and




invite Annette round for dinner.

Letthe catgo! Make himstoP! Let himfrnish whathewas saYing!

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