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Metatron Energy System

ASCENSION ENERGY SYSTEM: A Gift from Metatron Under the guidance of Lord Metatron the Ascension Energy System is released for our ascension and the ascension of our planet. In the Light and Love of God, All Information below has been added by guidance of Metatron.

________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO AES: ASCENSION ENERGY SYSTEM Dear Friend, This paper describes a project under guidance of The King of Angels. The project is about introducing an energy system called the Ascension Energy System. If you are drawn to experience these energies then this paper will get you started. Try looking at the symbols and following your intuition in deciding whether or not to experience these energies. The Director of this energy system, Lord Metatron, has shared several key points. These symbols and energies are sacred. This information is intended to be kept in the highest of regards. Go slow in practicing these empowerments. Over time you can build up the frequency, duration, and intensity of these energetic treatments. My intent is to receive these energies, investigate, document, and make this information available to others. Self motivated people can use these empowerment techniques and may gain immediate value in their practice. This paper, Ascension Energy System, Part I is complete. Part II has been started. As the information is received it will be documented. ________________________________________________________________________ SOME BACKGROUND ON THE ASCENSION ENERGY SYSTEM These enlightenment energies, the Ascension Energy System, are coming through Lord Metatron, The King of Angels. Numerous members of the Spiritual Hierarchy support these energies including Archangel Michael and Ascended Master El Morya. These are First Ray energies of Will and Power. There are four energies currently associated with the Ascension Energy System, Part I: Ascentia, Focus, Clarity, and Godhead. The symbols are diagramed IN Figure 1; the arrows adjacent to the symbols show how they are drawn. These energies are keyed by drawing and visualizing the appropriate symbols. These Universal Language of Light symbols key the empowerment or "turn on" the energy. There

is no attunement process involving another person to be able to channel these energies as in Usui Reiki. When this information was received the symbols were shown to me and I began experiencing the energies. At that time I knew this was something special. My life has changed dramatically. The Ascension energies may be new to this planet. They are designed to facilitate not only the ascension of individuals but for the ascension of our planet into the 5th dimension. These energies work on the individual, planetary, solar, galactic, universal and cosmic levels. The first symbol received was Ascentia. My profession is medical sales. I was working outside of Jackson, MS, in October of 1997 when Lord Metatron, The King of Angels, got my attention. Metatron, also called The Right Hand of God, sat down next to me in my car as I was driving between sales calls. The symbol appeared and I was asked to work with this energy. That night I first used the symbol on my heart area and then at my ascending heart chakra just above the heart. I was overcome with a feeling of love and experienced a high vibrational energy. My light body was energized. This energy is empowered by Mahatma, the Avatar of Synthesis. Mahatma is directly involved in helping us along the path back to God Consciousness - or ascension. Ascentia catalyzes inner journeys more than any energy I have experienced. The second symbol received was Clarity. A similar experience occurred in rural Mississippi between Memphis, TN, and Tupelo. Again, Lord Metatron introduced this energy and symbol. I do not think it a coincidence most of these symbols were introduced in the rural south. The third symbol received was Godhead. The symbol appeared as I was channeling an Ascentia energy treatment for my wife Lisa here in Nashville. This symbol, called Godhead, has a multi-dimensional feel. Godhead is the most powerful of the energies. When using Godhead energy take it easy, don't rush it. Let this energy work with you gradually. It is important to use the other three energies for a few weeks prior to experiencing the Godhead energy. There is no hurry, let your bodies adjust gradually or you may have adverse effects. The fourth symbol received was Focus. This symbol and the accompanying energy were received in north central TN, at a state park outside of Jamestown. The symbol appeared when I was meditating with my wife Lisa. The Mind of Metatron empowers the Focus energy as well as the Clarity and Godhead energies. Focus promotes clairvoyance. These are some of the most powerful and life enhancing energies I have experienced. Since using these energies I have experienced several Initiations. Ascension Energy System energies have opened a doorway I have not encountered with Usui Reiki or Karuna Reiki; yet Reiki has helped me to be experiencing what I am now. These are high vibrational energies. Take it slowly if you choose to use these energies. Keep in mind a person does not have to experience an attunement to be able to channel this energy. While these symbols are sacred they are not secret. These energies are meant to be used by anyone so guided. Just meditate on the symbols prior to keying them as discussed later. Again, Lord Metatron has several requests. Cherish and honor these energies. Go slow, gently move into a daily practice of these empowerments if you so choose. Use your wisdom with these energies. Treat them as sacred. ________________________________________________________________________ INSIGHTS ON THE ASCENTIA, FOCUS, CLARITY, AND GODHEAD ENERGIES

Ascentia energy is embodied by the masculine and feminine aspects of Mahatma. This energy facilitates the development of freedom of spirit within the third dimension. Ascentia is qualified with the highest energies of creation. Ascentia has been lowered into the heart center of Mother Earth to reside through the Golden Age. I find the Ascentia energy the most mellow of the four energies, this is a gentle and loving energy. Focus is a cosmic energy empowered by Lord Metatron. A Focus empowerment attunes the chakras to the cosmic Light energies of ascension. This energy is used for the focus and alignment of our individual I AM Presence at the planetary, solar and galactic levels. Focus energy is used for the focus and alignment of the Divine Presence of our planet, our solar system and our galaxy. Focus acts not only on us as individuals but on Mother Earth as well. The Focus energy helps develop a change in consciousness from a temporary third dimensional perspective to a higher perspective. In this higher perspective we see our life as a transitional process, where we are part of something much bigger, a grand scheme extending far beyond our five senses. This is why Focus can help the development of clairvoyance. From the Mind of Metatron comes Clarity. Clarity energy originates from the God Source or Universal Mind and is filtered to an acceptable frequency by Lord Metatron as is Focus and Godhead. The Clarity symbol has two parts, a C and a 7 - a combining of the feminine and masculine respectively. This energy facilitates development of the emotional and mental aspects of the ascension process. In the Clarity symbol, C is for clarity, 7 for the Seventh Golden Age and the backwards 5 is the number of the mind. This symbol stands for Clarity of Mind in the Seventh Golden Age. The C clears maya of emotions resulting in clarity of true feelings of heart; the 7 clears maya of mind resulting in clarity of mind. The Clarity energy helps in understanding our part in the planetary and solar plan, the unfolding of what we are evolving into. The energy associated with Clarity is closely tied to a persons breath. Filling your lungs during breathing greatly enhances the Clarity energy flow. If a person does not use full lung breathing with any of these energies the flow of channeled energy decreases. Visualize on the in breath Clarity expanding in the front and back directions; on the out breath visualize Clarity expanding to the left and right directions. See how this feels. Notice the cross at the top of Clarity where C and 7 intersect. The quadrant represents four doorways. As Clarity energy is grounded and we gain personal clarity in our life this symbol will open four doorways - the expansion of the Mind of God within us. These four doorways are as follows: 1) Gabriel teaches the Oneness of all, 2) Michael teaches the use of the Power of God, 3) Uriel opens the doorway to the pure Goddess energy, and 4) Sandalphon opens the doorway to the heart of Mother Earth to bring forth ascension energies. As clarity is gained, our self limiting beliefs, thoughts and words become evident. Instead of projecting God as outside ourselves we see ourselves as extensions of God the Creator; the same holds true in seeing ourselves as One with all others. We go from an intellectual understanding of the concept of Oneness to a heart felt connection with ourselves, others in embodiment, the Hierarchy and God. Hold the highest thoughts of love and wisdom in working with these symbols and energies. The fourth energy of this system is keyed by the symbol Godhead. This is the energy of the Higher Self. Metatron has developed this energy to assure our transition into the 5th

dimension. Godhead is the crown jewel of Ascension Energy System, Part I. Use this energy wisely. Godhead energy primarily acts in the head and neck areas, it also acts in the heart region. In the head area this energy acts on the pineal body and the pituitary gland (where the Christ Consciousness is born), and the hypothalamus (associated with higher feelings). In the neck area Godhead acts on the throat chakra. The mental body chooses the degree to which the Higher Self merges with the consciousness, it is our choice, our responsibility. The emerald green Godhead energy quickens this process. This healing process begins in the head. Dormant brain cells are activated to accept the higher energies. Restricting mental concepts dissolve. The hemispheres of the brain work together. Godhead energy works immediately with the head and neck areas along with the hypothalamus. Godhead energy, over time, will also heal the physical body. My experiences with Godhead are in the early stages. What I have found is personal issues I need to give the most attention to become quite apparent. Presently I am going through a personality change including being more positive, loving, and accepting. This personality change, to a large extent, results from the use of these energies. Godhead takes this development a step further. The use of these energies will allow a person to become more aware of how they can improve themselves and help supply the momentum to accomplish these changes. Again, Lord Metatron has several requests. Cherish and honor these energies. Go slow, gently move into a daily practice of these empowerments if you so choose. Use your wisdom with these energies. Treat them as sacred. Start with Ascentia energy. After the energy has been "turned on," rest your hands on your body at the ascending heart chakra, between the heart and the throat areas. In a few minutes try working your way out from the physical body, gradually increasing the distance between your body and your hands. Spend a few minutes with your hands at say six inches from your body, then try nine or 10 inches, then extend your hands a little further. The instructions here on hand positions are to get you started. From here follow your intuition. Remember, you are your own best teacher. With Focus begin at the solar plexus. From the solar plexus move to the heart area. From there follow your intuition. Also, channel this energy into the third eye and head region. Try visualizing blue and green hues during the empowerment. Again, during a treatment extend your hands away from your body to channel the energy into your nonphysical bodies.

Clarity is an energy I work with mostly in the head and heart areas. When I channel the energy I may put my hands touching the back sides of my head or I may place my hands six to 18 inches away from my head. Also, I may rest my hands on my heart area and then extend outward from there. Follow your intuition.

Using the Godhead energy has been incredible. Use the other energies for a while before experiencing Godhead or you may not get as much out of the empowerment. Concentrate on the head area. There is such a big difference between channeling a self treatment where my hands are touching my head versus channeling a treatment where my hands are twelve to 18 inches away from my head. Try this and you will see the difference. By the time you start with these Godhead empowerments you will be your own teacher. Here are a couple of tips on enhancing the energy flow. Remember to breath. Visualize the symbol you have used to key the energy flow. See the symbol inside your body. See the symbol on the palm of your hands. See the symbol on the walls of the room you are in. Repeat the name of the symbol three times, try it again. These empowerments have been quite a gift. You may experience spiritual awakenings when using these energies; I certainly have. I hope others benefit by the Ascentia, Focus, Clarity, and Godhead energies as much as I have. To get to the point where I can use these energies on a daily basis I have had to build up gradually so as not to overwhelm myself. The daily practice concept is important to get the most out of this gift. ________________________________________________________________________ TREATMENT OF OTHERS Basically speaking the above on self treatment applies for facilitating the treatment of another. There are some extra advantages here though. These energies do very well with hand positions away from the body. I believe these energies work more so on an individuals higher vibrational bodies. Try working out from the persons physical body, scan away from the body till you find the draw of energy.

Another benefit for me is that I am more aware of the involvement of the Higher Realm when I am channeling a treatment for another than during a self treatment. When channeling a treatment with these energies I also receive a treatment. I suggest starting with Ascentia at the ascending heart chakra, between the heart and the throat areas. Try working your way out from the physical body. Start just over the body, then go from a few inches to a few feet away from the body. See the energy shift as you progress away from the body during the channeling. From there follow your intuition. With the other three energies use the same strategy. Work out from the physical body. When you find an area which draws energy strongly then channel to that area for a few minutes before moving to the next. Follow your intuition. If you are working with a partner to channel a treatment to a third person here are a couple of suggestions. First, work across from each other on either side of the person receiving a treatment. Mimic the hand positions of each other as you channel to the person laying on a massage table or some flat surface. Second, there is another type of channeling I call a dipole. This is when two people channel to the third as above except one person is at the feet and the other at the head instead of on either side as above. Step back a little and beam energy towards the person on the table. Enjoy the energy as all three of you get a treatment. ________________________________________________________________________ GROUP EMPOWERMENT To me the group empowerment is a most fantastic experience. This empowerment can be done as a group of two or more. In the following empowerment I have used one energy at a time. Start with Ascentia and then move on to another energy if you are so led. This group empowerment can be exceptionally powerful. Sit comfortably in chairs facing each other. As with the treatments invoke the blessings of the Ascended Ones and Angelic Realm. Start by beaming energy at each other without keying a specific energy. Just let the appropriate energy flow while knowing that it is the perfect vibration. After a couple of minutes you and your partner(s) key one of the energies using the symbol. Beam the energy towards each other. Visualize the symbol while beaming the energy. Go for 5 minutes or so. Next, see Mother Earth between you and your partner(s). Continue to visualize the symbol while beaming the energy. See our planet receiving a blessing. Again go for 5 minutes or so. Follow your intuition from here. You may like to extend this blessing to our solar system. It is a good idea not to exceed a total time of 10 minutes. As you get started I suggest not doing this exercise more than every couple of weeks. ________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL EXERCISES Consider this goal setting exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down 10 goals. Draw the four Ascension Energy System symbols on this sheet of paper listing your goals. Put this sheet in a drawer and see what happens. As you complete your goals include additional goals on the list. Lets take this goal setting another step. Pick one of your goals; select the goal which is most important to you at this time in your life. Write down 10 ways in which you can move towards the accomplishment of this single goal. Draw the four symbols on the piece of paper. Keep in mind an unwritten goal is only a wish. Pen and paper activate the

subconscious and program in the goal. A continuation of the above exercise follows. Key Clarity or one of the other energies for a self treatment. Go into a meditative state to calm your mind as the energy flows. Now visualize yourself accomplishing one of your goals. Do this every day for a week and by then you will be experiencing powerful visualizations. The amount of emotion you put into visualization is proportional to the benefits you receive. Visualization is a powerful tool in co-creating reality. It may take some time to see the fruits of your labor but keep up the effort. Since I began visualizing my life has taken off spiritually, in my relationships with others, and professionally. However, it took a few months for the visualizations to kick in. The four Ascension Energy System symbols are shown here. Numbered arrows indicate how these symbols are drawn. The Ascentia arrow is not numbered because it is drawn with only one line. Godhead is a three dimensional representation.

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