Native Son: & Richard Wright

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Native Son

& Richard Wright

The day Native Son appeared, American culture was changed foreverit made impossible a repetition of old lies. -Irving Howe

Of course I had an unhappy childhood. The happy childhood is hardly worth your while.

Wright background
Born Mississippi 1908 Father leaves Abusive mother, grandmother, whites Valedictorian of Middle school Drops out after 8th grade Moves North

Life in Natchez, Mississippi

Wright background (contd)

Dead end jobs
Janitor Post office

Federal Writers project Communist Party - 1933 Expatriate Wrote Uncle Toms Children - Popular success

Goals for Native Son

Published in 1940 Book of the Month Club 3 weeks sold 215,000 Based on a story of a real man New version published 1993
To write a book so hard and so deep that white America will have to face it w/out the consolation of tears.

On Bigger Thomas
Anti-hero Shows society its savagery Searches for a desire to live
Despite a hostile environment Despite white rejection of ever effort toward self realization

Wrights Philosophy
All Native Sons victims of white caste ideology

Exist in HATE, SHAME and FEAR Treated as less than human - escape into excess

Escapes Into Excess

Excess of : Violence Sex Drugs/alcohol Religion

Black persons condition in America traced directly to treatment by whites

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