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Analysis Of Three Colours Blue Three colours blue is a French film directed and written by Krzysztof Kieslowski, starring

Juliette Binoche, Zbigniew Zamachowski and Julie Delpy which was in 1993. Three colours blue shows the struggle one unsuspecting woman has to go through dealing with the death of her husband and daughter. The opening of the film has one effective shot when the camera zooms in detail to the oil leakage on the car and you see a distinct outline of a little girl walking into the car, this is effective as it is a foreshadowing of the events that will shortly occur in the film and also it hints that because the young girl is in the shot she may be effected greater than the other two people in the car from the oil leakage. Certain shots within the opening of three colours blue help establish who the characters are for instance when you see behind the car two silhouettes in the passenger and drivers seat viewers may assume that these are two dominant figures which are possibly a couple, friends or relatives, another shot which reveals a character is when the vehicle goes through a tunnel and we see a young girl so we can narrow our thoughts on the relationship between the three characters to a family. However we do not see the mother in the first 4 minutes of the film. Sound? Or Picture? I believe when watching three colours blue picture is more powerful than sound, when the camera is focused on the vehicle wheel the sound of the engine and wheel turning slowly increases and without an image this could be mistaken as potentially an airplane because when we use sounds to create imagery there is such a broad range of people, things or places we can think of and it ruins the rest of the film if a viewer had to basically imagine their own movie whereas if the picture is visible it only leaves the sound out and it may lose the tension and effect but its easy to imagine the sound of a car crash or wheel turning etc . Krzysztof Kieslowski from the opening sequence confuses the viewer by manipulating shots for example he does not show the mothers face or body until after the car crash so its possible to assume he does this because she will have no real relevance in the film but Kieslowski has made her the main character.

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