1 David Mangum PC Statement

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with he ended the relationship

cheating on him.

Mangum in

After the break up,


B. stated she told him when Mangum and admitted he had a questioned Mangum he stated B since 2003. hundred sexual had been HIV positive
positive test in

was he discovered Mangum June of 2013 because Mangums former call from stated he received a disclosed he with her in 201 1 he



Texas in 2003.

Mangum further admitted he

has had over three

positive partners since his

HIV test. B, estimated

and July 2013 he had between October 2012

stated twenty times. Blfurther Mangum and him would

anal and oral

between fifteen and intercourse with Mangum


protection was no

males Bprovided names of other during intercourse. include a third male

B, also mentioned on

several occasions

Mangrum and him

had intercourse with.

36 year old David August 26, 2013 I located


from his Miranda Rights I read Mangum Prior to questioning, Department. the Dexter Police and agreed to talk to waived each of his Rights Rights form. Mangum Of Advice PD a Dexter Since, he positive test for HIV. in 2003 he had a admitted Mangum me. During the interview sixty sexual estimated between fifty and partners. Mangum sexual hundred three has had over June between October 2012 and Missouri. Mangum admitted County Stoddard from partners occasions fifteen and twenty intercourse with 2013 he had anal and oral occasions further admitted on several positive HIV test. Mangum his disclosing without Mangum provided several names of third male during intercourse. a include would him and had he never disclosed he with. Mangum admitted intercourse had him other males Band Mangum did confirm he disclose to his in Stoddard County. partners sexual his of HIV to any not disclose inquired why Mangum did a positive test in 2003. I former roommate that he had "Fear of rejection." Mangum sexual partners and he replied, he was HIV positive to his Health Center. test from the Stoddard County provided records of his positive


Mangum and he

at agreed to an interview



Li Signature of mplaining witness



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