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PersonaI History Paper - WorId History and Geography DUE: _______________

Name: First, Last
*nclude a Recent Picture - staple or embed into your paper (more than one is ok!)
Typed and Double spaced, size 12 font.
History is such a wide ranging word. For example, there is world history, the history of countries,
the history of states, of communities, and of people. Each one of you not only has a personal
history but a family history as well. Though some histories are shorter than others, all are very
important and make up parts of the immense patchwork which makes up the tapestry of the
world and our classroom. Let's take some time to research own personal histories and share
and learn of our classmates.
Please think honestly and critically about the following questions in as much detail as possible:
1. When and where were you born?
2. Describe the family you were born into.
3. What are some of your best and worst memories growing up. 2 or more expected!
4. What is one of your families favorite memories or stories about you - ask them!
5. How did your parents meet? Describe your parents/adults in your life and your relationship
with them.
6. How did you come to live here in Oregon? Where did your family live before the US? Do you
have family that lives abroad now? Throughout the US?
7. How big is your family? What is special to your about your family? What do you wish you
could change?
8. How far back can you trace your family? What is your heritage? Where did your ancestors
come from?
9. Who do you live with at home? What is that like? Where does school fall in your priorities? Be
honest and share as much as you can with us.
10. f you could choose a historical event to witness, what would it be? You are in a time travel
machine - where do you go?
11. Describe yourself - as a person, a student, hobbies, sports, clubs, interests, struggles,
successes, morals and values. What should we know to help you in this class or just each day.
12. What are your plans after high school? What do you want to be when you grow up?
13. What are your goals for this year? What are your goals for the future?
14. Why do you think we teach you about social studies events and do you think it is important or
not? Why or why not?
15. Anything else that we should know about you?

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