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Lets work together to get the ball.

Child: Abdiqaliq Date: August 2013 Written by: Teacher Eunjoo Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Abdiqaliq, Abdiqalig, this afternoon while you and your friends were playing with balls you a ball got caught in the shade net. You looked surprised that you were able to throw the ball there and wanted to get it back. I just observed you to see what you were going to do to get the ball. You grabbed a ball and threw it towards the net and tried to hit the ball on the net. However, you couldnt manage to get it back. After several trials you came to me and said, Teacher, Eunjoo, please get the ball for us. I really wanted to see your attempts so I encouraged you to try more to get it. Suddenly, Ibrahim said, Lets throw the balls together so you and your friends did. However, the ball remained stuck up there. Abdiqaliq

you said, Lets throw the balls at the same time and so you all threw them together. You did not succeed in getting the ball down until you went inside but you looked like you enjoyed the process.

What is happening here? Abdiqaliq, it good to see your confidence continue to grow and now you act like a leader as you are the oldest since Hothaifah left the centre. I really loved the way that you and your friends were determined to get the ball. All of you were persistent and it showed us how focused you were. You also showed team work and worked as a community. Additionally, this learning story tells us that Abdiqaliq, you are confident in using a variety of strategies for exploring and making sense of the world, such as solving problems, using trial and error, thinking logically and making comparisons, listening to others and explaining to others (Strand 5. Exploration, Goal 3). Whats next for Abdiqaliqs learning step? Our teachers will continue to offer you opportunities to further extend and strengthen your working theories for making sense of the physical and material worlds. Child/Parents/ Whnau voice

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