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Grade 10 Drama Movement-Mime Maren Coates- CCH September 10/12- September 18 /12

Movement Rationale
Movement is non-verbal physicalization and communication. The development of a responsive and expressive body is enhanced when the movement elements of energy, focus and control work together. All movement occurs in and occupies space, it is measured by time and it requires energy to begin and complete itself. Movement aids students in developing their acting skills in terms of body language (posture, movements, gestures, etc), gain a greater awareness of the importance of body language as a form of communication, develop more confidence performing in front of others. This unit encourages students to recognize physical involvement and wellness in their daily lives at the crucial age where habit establishment should occur. It also gives them a form of transportation in which they can express/utilize it. Students will learn to effectively communicate with others through physicalization and not just verbalizations alone. This can alleviate many frustrations students have in expressing themselves, by aligning what they say verbally with what their body language is saying.
Drama 10-Movement SLOs The student will be able to: 1. Display the ability to be still. 2. Demonstrate understanding of basic anatomy. 3. Recognize the necessity for physical warmups. 4. Perform a physical warmup. 5. Demonstrate effective breathing techniques. 6. Recognize when to use specific breathing techniques. 7. Display proper body alignment. 8. Extend flexibility. 9. Display increased ability to balance. 10. Demonstrate focus, concentration and energy in all movement and gesture. 11. Demonstrate the ability to move isolated body parts. 12. Demonstrate knowledge of elements of space. 13. Use levels (high, medium and low). 14. Create physically shapes in space. 15. Use basic locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, crawling) to explore space. 16. Create and repeat patterns of movement. 17. Demonstrate freezing of movement in space. 18. Appreciate that physical expression can enhance language. 19. Demonstrate qualities of energy. 20. Create appropriate personal physical warmup routines. 21. Demonstrate the ability to extend a movement. 22. Translate words, images and emotions into movement. 23. Demonstrate non-verbally the who, what, where, why and when of a story. 24. Demonstrate understanding of mood, and communicate mood.

Unit Overview Lesson 1Lesson Objective: Students will perform a 3-5 tableau scene. Unit outline, Warm-Ups: Roll-Down, Large Group Activities: Stage Directions, Zoom Eek!, Change the Action, Ali Baba, mime exercises: Body Isolation, mirror mirror, freezing walk, Individual Activity: Frozen pictures, Small Group Activity: guided tableaus, student created and performed tableaus, Conclusion: Self-Critique and share. Movement (Sr. High) 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17 Lesson 2Lesson Objective: In groups students will demonstrate 3 movements/physicalizations to communicate an emotion. Intro, Warm-ups: Body Circles, Port and Starboard, Master of the Keys. Mime Exercises: Individual Activities: The Wall, Opening Doors, Pulling a Rope, Climbing Stairs, Walking, Bubble Gum, Class Activity: mime it down the alley, emotion walk, moods, sculpture gallery. Partner Activity: Rehearse and perform 3 movements to communicate and emotion. Movement (Sr. High) 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 24 Lesson 3Lesson Objective: Students will communicate through mime the who, where, and what of a story. Intro, Mime Spotlight: History of Mime, Marcel Marceau history and video, Rowan Atkinson video, Warm-ups: breathing exercise, plate stretch, memory recall, Mime Exercises: Class Activities: Changing Shapes, Flamingo Individual Activity: Cat Exercise, Chain Mime, Partner Activity: hands and feet project- plan rehearse and perform. Journals Movement (Sr. High) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16,18, 23 Lesson 4Lesson Objective: Students will combine and repeat patterns in space to create a movement sequence or choreographed routine. Intro, Warm-ups: Body Isolation, Reaching, Class Activity: Evolution, This is a Book, Individual Activity:Begin Creating Warm-up routine, Mime Activities: Nicholas Bell Scene, Partner Activity: Fantastic Duet Pantomime plan, rehearse and perform. Individual Activity: Solo Mime Project-plan, rehearse and perform.

Movement (Sr. High) 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Lesson 5Lesson Objective: In groups students will translate an image into a 30 sec mime scene. Intro, Warm-ups: Breathing Exercise, Plate Stretch, Wonka Tag, L Walk, Mime Activities: Recap Classic Mime Moves, Death in a Minute, Small Group Activity: Image to Mime planning and rehearsal, music and mime exercise, Mime to music project- Planning. Individual Activity: Journals Movement (Sr.High ) 3, 4, 11, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23 Lesson 6Lesson Objective: In groups, students will perform a 2-4min musically guided mime scene telling a story. Intro, Warm-Ups: Class Activities: Breathing Technique, Sharks, Cross the Circle, Mime exercises: Mime Journey, Mime an activity, Small Group Activity: Mime to music-planning/rehearsal. Movement (Sr. High)1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23 Lesson 7Lesson Objective: In groups, students will perform a 2-4min musically guided mime scene telling a story. Intro, Warm-ups: Partner-Guided physical warm-up, Class Activities: Cat and Mouse, Zoom Eek, Small Group Activity: Mime to music-rehearsal and performance. Self and Peer Evaluation. Journals. Movement (Sr. High)1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23

Date: September 10, 2012 Grade: 10

Period:1 & 2 Unit: Movement-Mime1 OBJECTIVES

Maren Coates Length: 156mins

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will perform a 3 or 5 scene tableau. ASSESSMENT -Exit Slip MATERIALS -Cue Cards INTRO Attendance, reminders and go through Unit outline. (10mins) BODY Activity 1- Warm-ups- Roll Down--Starting at the top of the head students let their head fall slowly to their chest and slowly from top down the rest of their body pulls to the ground until they are completely bent over at the waist. They relax in that position and practice deep breathing. Then they reverse the action vertebrae by vertebrae. (5mins) Activity 2-Stage Directions- A review of stage direction terms: upstage, downstage, stage left, stage right, full front, full back, profile right and left, quarter turn right and left, turn right and left, in the form of an elimination game. (10 mins) Activity 3-Zoom Eek-A Zoom (car) is passed around the circle. Anyone can stop it and reverse it by shouting EEK! It must then change direction. No one can say EEK more than once. If you are feeling very strong, you can send two cars in opposite directions but that takes a lot of concentration. (10mins) Activity 4- Change the Action- One person starts an action. Everyone in the circle repeats it. The next person in the circle chooses a different action and everyone copies it. Continue until everyone has had a turn. (10mins) Activity 5-Ali Baba-Players stand in a circle. The first player begins by (rhythmically) calling Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, while doing some motion. (e.g. stamping feet, clapping hands in rhythm). Then, the second person says it while copying the first motion. At the same time, the first person again repeats the chant but changes the actions. The

third copies the first motion, now being performed by the second player. The second player then does the second set of actions and the first person does a new set of actions. The chant is maintained by all the moving players until the whole circle is in motion. (10mins) Activity 6- Isolation of Body: Teach students to stand in neutral position heels 5 inches apart feet at a 45 degree. Isolation of head- Have students focus on not moving their neck! Tilt head slowly to the right then back to neutral position. Then to the left, then back to neutral position. Have students rotate head clockwise and counter clockwise. Isolation of Neck- Push neck forward and down. Do not move head! Isolation of Shoulders- roll shoulders and try not to move chest and neck. Isolation of arms- Crucial for creating believable illusions through repeated, exact hand positioning. Isolate left arm then right. Isolation of legs and feet- lift and create circles with each isolated leg. And then each foot. Isolation of face- Lips, nose, eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, full face. (5mins)

Activity 7- Mirror, Mirror- Everyone takes a partner. (If there is an odd number, the teacher pairs with someone.) Partners stand facing each other, about three feet apart. One is the leader, the other, the "mirror." Moving only from the waist up, the leader begins to make simple gestures or movements. The "mirror" duplicates the leader's movements exactly--just as a mirror would. (Some students have trouble with the right-left shift. If the leader raises his right hand, the "mirror" should raise his left, just as the figure in a real mirror would. (10mins) Activity 8- Freezing Walk-Students walk in a large circle in different styles according to instruction then freeze. Students observe how others have frozen and make deductions about what sort of story a frozen scene could imply. (5mins) Activity 9- Frozen pictures- Students in small groups will create frozen pictures as instructed by the teacher. (10mins) Activity 10- Guided Tableau- Students will be divided into small groups. As instructed by the teacher they will create tableaus to accompany a story. Eg. Princess is going for a walk. Dragon attacks Princess. Prince appears and fights dragon. Prince slays dragon. Prince and Princess leave. (15mins)

Activity 11- Brainstorm and Rehearsal- In small groups students are given time to create their own 3 or 5 scene fairy tale tableau. (20mins) Activity 12-Performance-Students will perform their tableau for the class. (35mins) CLOSURE Have Students discuss in their groups what was successful about their tableaus and what couldve been improved. (10mins) SPONGE -Zip, Zap, Zop- concentration circle game. REFLECTION

Date: September 11, 2012 Grade: 10

Period: Unit: Movement-Mime 2

Maren Coates Length: 156mins

OBJECTIVES LESSON OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate 3 movements/physicalizations to communicate an emotion. ASSESSMENT Daily participation Mark. Mime Checklist. MATERIALS -emotion papers -blindfold -keys INTRO
Attendance, reminders, and announce class outline (10mins) BODY Activity 1-Warm-ups- Body Circles- Body Circles- With straight stance, create circles in space with various isolated parts of the body. Feet, Legs, waist, arms, hands, neck etc.(5mins) Activity 2-Port and Starboard- The sides of room become parts of a ship. You call - pupils run. Variations:

man over-board - run to the sides; man the rigging - pretend to climb; scrub the deck - pretend to scrub; hit the deck - play dead


Activity 3-Master of the Keys- A student is given a set of keys, they goes into the center of the circle that the rest of the students are sitting in. The student sits down, places the keys in front of him/her and closes their eyes. A teacher-designated student will try to remove they keys without the blind student hearing him/her. If the student thinks they hear someone taking the keys they may stop them by pointing in the direction of the noises. If pointed to a student must return to the circle. (10mins)
Activity 4- Mime Exercises- The Wall- Teach the classic mime movement of finding and defining a surrounding wall with their hands. Put hands palm out on the same depth level to simulate a wall (or box). (10mins)

Activity 5- Opening Doors- Teach basics about using and opening doors. Grasping the doorknob, and opening the door towards or away from oneself. Revolving doors and pushing with weight. (5mins) Activity 6- Pulling a Rope- Teach how to mime pulling a rope. Consistent thickness of rope and keep the same distance between hands. (10mins) Activity 7-Climbing Stairs- Teach how to give the appearance of climbing a flight of stairs. Using hands to create a banister and legs to show stairs. (10mins) Activity 8- Walking-Teach the classic mime technique of how to do a profile walk. The illusion is created by stepping out with one foot to the heel, placing the foot flat and sliding it back as the other foot is raised onto the ball of the foot. (10mins) Activity 9-Bubble Gum. Teach students how to chew gum as a mime. The exaggerated chewing and the inflating of a bubble that pops onto the persons face. (5mins)

Activity 9-Mime it Down the Alley- Divide the class into two groups. Give one student an action to mime. They will then mime the action to one person in their group. That person will then mime what they think the action is to the next person in the group, so on and so on until the last person guesses what the action was. (15mins) Activity 10- Emotion Walk students walk around the room trying to create physicalizations of certain emotions in their walk. (5mins) Activity 11-Moods- Two students are given a situation and pick a piece of paper from a bowl. On the piece of paper is an emotion/mood. The two students must then try to act out the scenario in their mood while the audience tries to guess the moods. (15mins) Activity 12-Statue Gallery- Working in pairs, students create a statue. One student is the statue and the other is the sculptor. The sculptors then carve their partner to create a statue that represents a certain emotion or mood. Then all they sculptors walk around looking at the other sculptures. Roles are reverse and repeated. (15mins) Activity 13- Brainstorm and Rehearsal- Students will be divided into pairs. With their partner they will come up with 3 movements/physicalizations that would communicate to an audience a certain emotion. (10mins) Activity 14- Performance- each partnership will then demonstrate their physicalizations with the class. (15mins) CLOSURE

Have Students discuss as a group how you could use those movements in a scene. (5mins) SPONGE


Date: September 12, 2012 Grade: 10

Period: 1 & 2 Unit: Movement-Mime 3 OBJECTIVES

Maren Coates Length: 156mins

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will communicate through mime the who, where, and what of a story.

ASSESSMENT Journals Teacher Observation of performance MATERIALS -Sound system -Music -Videos -Screen INTRO Intro the class outline and give class reminders. Emphasize that activities are silent individual activities unless otherwise directed. (2mins) BODY

Activity 1-History of Mime- Students will be given an overview of the history and development of mime. (3mins) Activity 2-Marcel Marceau: Information will be presented to the class on Marcel Marceau about his life and career. This way, students will come to be familiar with an authentic actor in the field of Mime. Also show a video of Marcel. (10mins) Activity 3- Rowan Atkinson- Give a brief description of Rowan Atkinson and his career show a video of Atkinson doing mime. (10mins)
Activity 4-Warm-ups: Breathing Techniques Students lay on their back, Exhale. Inhale and, at the same time, relax the belly muscles. Feel as though the belly is filling with air. After filling the belly, keep inhaling. Fill up the middle of your chest. Feel your chest and rib cage expand. Hold the breath in for a moment, then begin to exhale as slowly as possible. As the air is slowly let out, relax your chest and rib cage.

Begin to pull your belly in to force out the remaining breath


Activity 5- Plate stretch- A stretch of balance and flexibility. Guide students through picking up a plate feel its weight, shape/size, texture, temperature, articulation, and placement. Students imitate that they are holding a plate that they must keep flat and carefully moving it around their body. (5mins) Activity 6- Changing Shapes Everyone stands in a circle. One student starts out by picking up an imaginary ball of clay. The students then mould the clay into an object of their choice and use it paying special attention to weight, shape/size, texture, temperature, articulation, and placement. Other students may try to guess the object. The student then crumples the clay back into a ball and passes it on to the next student. Repeat with a theme. (10mins) Activity 7- Memory Recall - Students in pairs decide on A and B. B creates a series of 5 actions in slow motion. A tries to reproduce the exact actions in precise series. Reverse and repeat. Concentration (10mins) Activity 8-Flamingo- Students create certain spots in the classroom where they have developed a scene. They must recall the specific place when called by the teacher. Object permanence (10mins) Activity 9-Cat Exercise- Students lay on the floor with their eyes closed. Slowly students become aware of all parts of the body as they concentrate on the word cat. Students wake up as CAT. Stretch, clean face and paws. Look for breakfast. CATS explore the home, upon reaching the living room they discover a large plant on the table. No one else is home. They are tempted what will cat do? Just as cat approaches the plant the master enters the room, what happens? Students have 1 min to complete the rest of the scene without teacher direction. (10mins) Activity 10-Chain Mime- Five people are chosen to leave the room - the group decides on a mime sequence for them to do, such as making a complicated sandwich, or changing a baby's diaper.

The first person is called in and told what to do. The second is then called in and watches while the first mimes changing the baby or whatever. The third is called in, and watches the second repeat what he or she saw the first do, and so on. The last person does the mime for the audience. The mime often changes with each repetition. Now ask each of the mime artists what he or she was trying to show. (15mins)

Activity 11- Brainstorm and Rehearsal- Students will take 10 mins to create a story that they can tell using only hands or only legs. During which they must communicate the who, what and where of a story. (20mins) Activity 12-Performance- students will perform their stories to each other. (30mins)

CLOSURE Journal prompt What is the advantage in effectively communicating the who, what, and where to the audience?/ How do you effectively communicate the who, what, and where to the audience? (15mins) SPONGE -Painting the fence- in groups of 3 students must mime painting a fence that is 6 feet high. REFLECTION

Date: September 13, 2012 Grade: 10

Period: 10:15-11:40 Unit: Movement-Mime 4 OBJECTIVES

Maren Coates Length: 156mins

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will combine and repeat patterns in space to create a movement sequence or routine.

ASSESSMENT Solo Project Evaluation Teacher Observation. MATERIALS -Evaluations. -Book and pen -Drama Journals INTRO Discuss Class expectations, and announce class outline. (5mins) BODY

Activity 1 Warm-ups: Isolated Body Parts- Teach students to stand in neutral position heels 5 inches apart feet at a 45 degree. (Integrate big space, little space) Isolation of head- Have students focus on not moving their neck! Tilt head slowly to the right then back to neutral position. Then to the left, then back to neutral position. Have students rotate head clockwise and counter clockwise. Isolation of Neck- Push neck forward and down. Do not move head! Isolation of Shoulders- roll shoulders and try not to move chest and neck. Isolation of arms- Crucial for creating believable illusions through repeated, exact hand positioning. Isolate left arm then right. Isolation of legs and feet- lift and create circles with each isolated leg. And then each foot. Isolation of face- Lips, nose, eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, full face. (5mins)

Activity 2- Reaching- Have students stand in neutral position then reach with one hand as high as they can and follow their reach with their eyes (5mins) Activity 3- Evolution- A version of rock, paper, scissors, using different tokens and full body involvement. (5 mins)

Activity 4-This is a Book- the class sits in a circle and the leader hands an object such as a book to the left. The leader says this is a book. The receiver says a what?. And the giver replies a book. This person then gives the book to the next person saying this is a book. They say back a what? then the first student turns back to the leader and asks again a what?. The leader replies a book and the student passes the message on. This continues and eventually another object can be started in the opposite direction. (10mins) Activity 4- Students Record Warm-ups- Students will create their own warm-up routines. Using the ones weve used or their own ideas. (10mins)
Activity 5- Nicholas Bell Scene- Guide students through this scene. Open a door and step through right foot then left. Close door. Notice on right a large rope. Two steps over to the rope. Follow rope with eyes all the way to the top. Theres a bell at the top. Deliciously evil smile. Two steps back to door. Slow head turn to the left and lean. Slow head turn to the right and lean. Tip toe 5 steps back to rope. Grab rope with both hands, right over left. The rope is thick and heavy. Pull rope very hard but cannot move it. Hands on hips, angry face. Try again a little harder, make little progress. FREEZE scared surprised face, frozen wide hands. Turn slowly pivot feet only. See a cat and melt into scorn. Step towards the cat and scare it away. Nod satisfactory. Turn back to bell. Pull once hard let rope pull you up on tip toe. Repeat. Try one more time pull as hard as possible as low to the floor as possible. And let the rope pull you right off the ground. Let go of rope and stand listen as the bell rings. Stand proudly with chest puffed out, hands on hips. Smuggly dust off hands and pivot around. Freeze with shock! Bite nails. There are people watching you! Sheepishly bring shoulders in and head down. Take up minimal amount of space. Shuffle 3 times over. Open door and shuffle twice through door and close. (15mins) Activity 5- Fantastic Duet Pantomime-Working in pairs, students pantomime an ordinary situation that undergoes a fantastic, or totally unexpected illogical and imagination-defying twist. The more outrageous and bizarre the better. (30mins) Activity 3-Solo Pantomime Rehearsal- students will create a single person pantomime (a mimed story). Pantomime will be approximately 1-2mins in length and include a beginning, complications and an ending. (20mins)

Activity 4-Solo Pantomime Performance (50mins)

CLOSURE Discuss the What is effective about having patterns, routines or sequences? (10mins) SPONGE -Splat REFLECTION

Date: September 14, 2012 Grade: 10

Period: 8:39-10:08 Unit: Movement-Mime5 OBJECTIVES

Maren Coates Length: 109mins

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Translate an image into a 30 second mimed scene

ASSESSMENT Journals. Teacher Observation. MATERIALS -CDs -Sound Systems -Death in a minute cards INTRO Announce class outline. Ask how many students brought their Iphones. (5mins) BODY Activity 1- Warm-ups: Breathing Technique- While the students are standing, instruct them to place their hands on their hips, tilt their head back so theyre looking at the ceiling, and yawn. Advise the students to pay attention to how their waist expands as the diaphragm flattens and draws in air. Next, instruct the students to exhale and produce the AH sound and hold it as long as possible without discomfort. Next while the students are standing, encourage your students to speak in sync with their breath. Try a counting exercise where they take a breath at each comma: 1, 12, 123, continuing until the count of 10. Encourage the students to let their breath flow easily. This helps students learn breath management. (5mins) Activity 2- Plate stretch- A stretch of balance and flexibility. Guide students through picking up a plate feel its weight, shape/size, texture, temperature, articulation, and placement. Students imitate that they are holding a plate that they must keep flat and carefully moving it around their body. (5mins) Activity 3- Wonka Tag- Everyone is it! If you get tagged you must sit out. you may re-enter the game if the person that tagged you gets tagged! (5mins) Activity 4- L-Walk- Everyone finds a space and stands still. The only way to move around the room is in an L shape - 2 steps, a right-angled turn, then 3 steps or 3 steps, a right-angled turn and then 2 -Pictures

steps ( like a knight's move in chess). Explain that they must not touch anyone else and must pause if they are going to bump into others. Pupils move on teacher's command. Variations

alter pace (fast or slow), direction, mood, eyes shut. move to spot - choose a spot in the room, fix your eyes upon it , now move towards it without touching anyone on the way.(Vary pace, back/ forward , eyes shut and so on.)

Activity 5- Recap Classic Mime movements- The Wall, Opening Doors, Pulling a Rope, Climbing Stairs, Walking, Bubble Gum. (10mins) Activity 6-Death in a minute- In pairs, students will be given an object to mime. They will then rehearse a scene less than a minute long where they both die as a result of using or being associated with that object. (20mins) Activity 7- Image to emotion, word, object, character- Divide students into small groups. Give each group a picture. The group will then write down, on cue cards, emotions, words, objects or characters that come to mind when they look at the picture. (5mins) Activity 11- Brainstorm and rehearsal. Students will then come up with a short scene based around the ideas that came from the picture. (15mins) Activity 12- Performance- students will present their scene to the class. (30mins) Activity 13- Introduce Final Project- Explain that in groups students will be assigned a CD. On this CD there are two songs. The group will sit down and listen to both the songs with a piece of paper writing down all the emotions, pictures, objects, images, characters, scenes, and stories that come to mind. The group then needs to choose one of the two songs to create a musically guided mime scene. The group will then plot a storyline for the music and characters. Inform students that this should be a polished performance. That they should incorporate the skills weve learned throughout the unit. Articulation, weight, size/shape, temperature, texture, placement, body isolation, emotion, use and creation of patterns and sequences, frozen scenes, effective communication of the who, where and what of the story. (15mins) CLOSURE Why would we turn images into physicalizations? (5mins) SPONGE - Counting Game- Students as a group try to count to 21 without 2 people saying a same time number at the


Date: September 17, 2012 Grade: 10

Period:10:15-11:40 Unit: Movement-Mime6 OBJECTIVES

Maren Coates Length: 156mins

LESSON OBJECTIVE: In groups, students will perform a 2-4min musically guided mime scene telling
a story.

ASSESSMENT Planning Sheets. Teacher Observation. MATERIALS -CDs -CD players -Paper INTRO Announce schedule for the day, ask who brought their iphones. (10mins) BODY Activity 1- Warm-ups: Breathing Technique- Have students inhale in for 10 sec and exhale out for as long as they can humming. Repeat exhaling on an S sound. Repeat exhaling on a Z sound. (5mins) Activity 2-Sharks- While the music is playing students are milling around the classroom. When the music stops students must quickly stand on the flyers on the ground. If a student isnt entirely on a flyer they are out. (10mins) Activity 3- CROSS THE CIRCLE- Players stand in a circle. One person (A) is selected and starts by calling another persons (B) name. (A) starts walking towards (B) but before s/he gets to (B), (B) must call another name (C) so that his/her spot in the circle is freed for (A) to take. (C) then needs to call yet another name and start walking so that (B) can take (Cs) spot, and so on around the circle. Variation: Players pick another person by making eye contact and that person nods to acknowledge eye contact has been made. (15mins) Solo Mime Performance (50)

Activity 4- Mime Journey- The group begins by moving around the classroom narrated by the leader who will soon begin to add in new settings and tasks ahead of them. These could include: Walking through sticky mud Climbing over branches Wading through water Crawling under a bridge Walking on hot coals (10mins) Activity 5- Mime an activity- Divide students into groups and have them mime an activity eg. Skipping rope, Painting a fence, baking a cake (15mins) Activity 6-Mime to Music Planning- Students will fill out the planning sheets for the final project and hand them in. Students will also plan their performance. (15mins) Activity 7-Mime to Music Rehearsal- Students will physically rehearse their project as guided. Create characters, blocking, etc. (1 hr) CLOSURE -Answer any questions raised about the assignment, remind students to wear performance black and ask who would like to white their face. . (10mins) SPONGE -Zip Zap Zop. REFLECTION

Date: September 18, 2012 Grade: 10

Period:10:15-11:40 Unit: Movement-Mime7 OBJECTIVES

Maren Coates Length: 156mins

LESSON OBJECTIVE: In groups, students will perform a 2-4min musically guided mime scene telling a

ASSESSMENT Final Performance Evaluation. Self and Peer Evaluation. MATERIALS -CDs -CD players -evaluations. INTRO Explain the schedule for the class. (10mins) BODY Activity 1- Warm-ups: Small Group physical warm-up- each small group for final performance will get together and do some slow physical warm-ups as decided by the group. (5mins)
Activity 2- Kitty Corner- one person is in the middle of the room, one person is in each corner of the room. By communicating with each other through eye contact, body language and verbal communication the people in the corners are trying to trade places with each other without the person in the middle stealing a spot. Start with one person in each area and then slowly add more people that must link together. (10mins) Activity 3-Mime to Music Rehearsal-Students will rehearse their final performance in their small groups (80mins) Activity 4- Final Performance- Students will perform their mime to music final project. (30mins) Activity 5- Students will be given self and peer evaluations for the assignment to take home and complete. To be brought back the next day. (10mins)



-Journal prompt in what ways did your final performance demonstrate what you have learned this unit? (15mins) SPONGE - Movie Charades REFLECTION

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