Paskelle - August

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Im interested in insects.

Child: Paskelle Date: August 2013 Written by: Teacher Eunjoo

Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Paskelle and whnau After morning tea, I found that Paskelle, you spent some time reading a book and some toy insects at the nature conner with Yamin and other friends. You looked at the book carefully and took some insects from the nature baset and put them on the picture in the book. At first I was not sure what you were doing so I asked you what you were putting there and you said spiders. However, some of the insects were not spiders so I told you to have a good look at them to find the spiders. You noticed that they were not spiders and you put them back in the basket.

Paskelle, I am so happy to see that you found something new to you at the centre and you now have a varitey of interests.

Whats happening here? Paskelle, you have been showing us your emphatic and caring personality and interests in craft and art. Now you have begun exploring new things that are different from your previous interest. Many children at the centre have been really interested in spiders and whenever they find them inside or outside they shout excitedly. You have not seemed to care about it before but today Paskelle, you took an interest in the new area where there are some rescources relating to insects and got involved by carefully observing, guessing and sorting. I believe that through this learning dispositon, you will develop the understanding that trying things out, exploration, and curiosity are important and valued ways of learning (Exploration Goal 1).

Whats next for Paskelles learning step? Paskelle, I enjoyed watching you explore and engage in the new area. Our teachers will keep supporting you while you develop your interests in nature by providing you with a variety of resources relating to nature.

Child/Parents/Whnau Voice

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