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Child: Safwan Date: August 2013 Written by: Teacher Natasha This morning outside Teacher Bushra hung hoola hoops up high. Safwan you noticed this, pointing at this new thing in the playground. You carefully observed your peers, noticing they were trying to throw it through the hoop. You also tried but it was too high! You tried jumping when throwing to see if it would get closer to the hoop. You then decided to pass the ball to a taller friend, bu t they also couldnt reach. Next you tried standing on a red crate, followed by passing it to a taller friend on a red crate. Review of learning Safwan you are developing a wide range of positive learning dispositions which will help you in your life long journey of learning. By taking an interest and being involved you are demonstrating trust, playfulness, courage and curiosity. You also demonstrated perseverance and responsibility, ka pai! Where to next? I really enjoyed observing you problem solve, trying to achieve a goal as a group. Your teachers will continue to offer you plenty of open ended group experiences to continue building on your social and problem solving skills.

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