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Opinion essay are pieces of writing in which we present our personal opinions on a particular topic. We normally write five paragraphs. In the first paragraph, we introduce the topic and state our opinion clearly. In the second and third paragraphs, we write our viewpoints supported by examples or reasons. Each paragraph presents a different viewpoint. In the fourth paragraph, we write the opposing viewpoint supported by examples or reasons. In the last paragraph, we restate our opinion using different words. We normally use present tenses and formal language in opinion essays. We do not use colloquial expressions, short forms or personal examples. We use appropriate linkers to list our viewpoints. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS FOR GIVING OPINIONS I believe that. I think that.. I strongly believe that It seems/appears to me that.. To my mind. I (do not) agree that/with My opinion is.. As far as I am concerned I am totally against. In my experience Speaking for myself In my opinion Personally, I think I'd say that I'd suggest that I'd like to point out that What I mean is

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LINKERS In spite of / Despite Although / (Even) though . However / Nevertheless / Still / Yet / Even so / On the contrary / In contrast. On the one hand ... On the other hand In contrast to / Contrary to. Whereas Because / As / Since / Seeing that . Because of / On account of / Owing to / Due to. In order to / So as to In order that / So that . Consequently / As a consequence / As a result / Therefore . As a consequence of / As a result of So . Moreover / Furthermore / In addition / Besides / What's more . As well as / In addition to / Besides . For example / For instance . Such as

HOMEWORK: Write an opinion essay about the following statement: Taking part in team sports can be beneficial for children

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