Ev 681 Programme Final

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University of Brighton PGCE Early Childhood 3-7

EV681 Pedagogy, Principles and Practice in Early Childhood 2013-14

University of Brighton PGCE Primary Education with QTS EV681 Pedagogy, Principles and Practice in Early Childhood 2013-14 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Tutors Sheena Smart Pippa Totraku Room A202 A108 Email s.smart@brighton.ac.uk p.totraku@brighton.ac.uk

Module Co-ordinators: Sheena Smart & Pippa Totraku

Aims of the Module: This module is designed to support knowledge and understanding of theoretical and practical perspectives for effective pedagogy in early childhood education through an informed and critical awareness of current policies and practice in teaching and learning. Students will develop an understanding of the child, stages of development and dispositions towards learning alongside analysis of current policy and initiatives relating to the education of young children. Students will work collaboratively to develop independence, and responsibility for their own and others professional learning. They will develop skills to apply technological tools in support of teaching and learning. The module aims to provide opportunities for students to gain specific experiences and evidence towards the Department of Educations Teachers Standards (2012) https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/208682/Teachers__S tandards_2013.pdf What to expect in the module In contact time, tutors will provide will lead and facilitate: Lectures, seminars, practical activities, discussion of key issues and preparation for assessment. In non-contact time, students will engage with directed and non-directed reading, collection and review of information, completion of tasks arising from practical sessions, preparation for assessment and the on-going development of an online collaborative blog. Experiences in school will enhance and provoke learning in taught sessions. Learning outcomes Students will be able to: 1. recognise and interpret the processes and dimensions of early learning and development and their implications for educational policy and practice 2. examine through drawing on research and work based experience the factors that contribute to quality provision and the teachers role in this 3. demonstrate critical understanding of the theories and ideologies that inform teaching to ensure the progress of all learners 4. appraise how the informal and formal contexts of early education impact on teaching and learning 5. apply knowledge and understanding of a range of technological tools to support and enhance their own and others professional development.

Assessment Task Task 1 (Collaborative) Students will identify an essential issue for effective and learning in Early Childhood Education today that arises from the module themes and school based experience. They will collaborate to design and develop an informative web-based resource (3 web pages) for fellow student teachers that explores this issue. (2000 word equivalent). Task 2 (Individual) Students will also submit (via Turnitin) an individual evaluation which will highlight their own contribution to the development of the resource and an aspect of their own pedagogical understanding for further development (500 words). Both tasks will be marked on a pass/fail basis, and both tasks must be passed to pass the module Submission date: 29.11.13, 1630 Referral task 1: a re-working of the original failed component Referral task 2: if a student fails through non-contribution to the group task they will complete an alternative essay (2500 words) at the discretion of the tutors. Assessment criteria: Your on-line resource will provide evidence that you are able to: Recognise and interpret the processes and dimensions of early learning and development and their implications for educational policy and practice Examine through drawing on research and work based experience the factors that contribute to quality provision and the teachers role in this Demonstrate critical understanding of the theories and ideologies that inform teaching to ensure the progress of all learners Appraise how the informal and formal contexts of early education impact on teaching and learning Apply knowledge and understanding of a range of technological tools to support and enhance their own and others professional development Module Matters Throughout this module you will be working in groups and individually. Taught sessions will take place weekly with alternate sessions being devoted to ICT and digital technologies. These sessions will involve considerable hands-on practical opportunities. The two whole cohort lectures will address issues of shared professional interest to both 3-7 and 5-11 route students. There will be a focus on working collaboratively to maintain and develop a group blog using WordPress.com. Tutors will also be using a group blog to introduce the sessions and provide support materials throughout the module at the following link: http://ev681.wordpress.com The professional blogs you create are intended to help share experiences and effective practice in the way in which many practising teachers are doing using similar tools. However, it should be remembered at all times that these are professional blogs and as such students are required to adhere to the following code of conduct when updating and posting.

Code of Conduct In relation to school-based experience, students should share general school-based experiences and ideas focusing on pedagogy and practice. The professional blog is not a space for personal grievances or concerns. Anonymised photographs of, childrens work, displays, planning ideas and resources can be posted as long as relevant permissions have been obtained and any sources appropriately acknowledged. Photographs of children are not permitted. In any discussions or blog posts relating to professional practice, specific schools, children or colleagues should not be identified by name or inference At all times students should use professional language and the use of derogatory language or comments is unacceptable Developing your Subject Knowledge As trainee teachers you will have the opportunity of witnessing a range of changes to the primary curriculum as the national curriculum review is completed for implementation in September 2014. The Early Years Foundation Stage materials, revised in 2012 are now being embedded in schools and nurseries Pebblepad/ E-portfolio Your assignment feedback should be uploaded to Pebblepad and used where appropriate as evidence against the standards. You should also link to your group blog and use aspects of this as evidence against the standards. TEACHERS STANDARDS 2012 Throughout his module students will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of the Teachers Standards 2012 TS1 TS2, in particular demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching TS4, in particular promote a love of learning and childrens intellectual curiosity reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching TS5, in particular know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils ability to learn, and how best to overcome these demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know how to adapt teaching to support pupils education at different stages of development have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional language; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them TS6, in particular make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils progress TS7 TS8, in particular develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw upon advice and specialist support

Session outlines Induction 12.9.13 Whole cohort 1130-1200 W100

Session 1 16.9.13 Whole cohort 09-1100 W100

Session 2 23.9.13 Group 7 09-1100 Lib109

Session 3 1.10.13 Group 7 09-1100 D419

Session 4 7.10.13 Group 7 09-1100 Lib109

Outline: Introduction to the module - The focus of this session will be on explaining the process of the module and sharing guidance for the follow-up tasks, programme and assignment. To accompany this induction there will be an online tutorial that takes the students through how to set up their online blog and the expectations with regard to how this will be used throughout the module. The students will also be guided to any accompanying reading material in support of the module. Follow up from today: Before the next session: Watch the video introduction to the Set up your WordPress Blog. You will be Module and WordPress Blog tool sent an email with a link to register your group Blog by Pippa Outline: First thoughts on teaching and learning This session will comprise of an overview of a number of perspectives of learning and teaching. The focus will be on sharing understanding of what makes teaching effective and learning so complex. Students will also debate different perspectives on whether and how learning is changed by technological developments. Follow up from today: Before the next session: *Alexander, R. (2010) Ch12 What is **Blog post #1 and responses to Session 1 Primary Education for? in Children, their World, their education: final report from Cambridge primary Review. London: Routledge. Stephens, C (2010) Pedagogy. The silent partner Outline: Learning and digital identities This will be a hands-on workshop session in which students will explore a range of internet-based tools and resources to consider their educational and professional potential. Follow up from today: Before the next session: Selwyn, N. (2011) Ch1 Revisiting the Pollard, A et al (2008) Ch7 Learning: promise of digital technology and How can we understand childrens schools in Schools and Schooling in development? or the Digital Age: A critical analysis, Doherty, J, & Hughes, M (2010) Ch1 London: Routledge. Introducing Child Development Outline: The Unique Child; growing learning In an exploration of key theorists, influential philosophies and contemporary research students will consolidate and extend their understanding of child development. How theories, ideologies and research impact on pedagogy will also be examined with particular consideration of childrens behaviour Follow up from today: Before the next session: Watch Behaving with Cowley Blog post #2 and responses to Session 3. SBT task: observe and reflect on classroom management in light of child development theories Outline: Technology in the EYFS Promoting childrens independent use of technology will be examined through a range of pedagogies. Students will explore various appropriate technologies, developing their understanding of how young childrens interactions with technologies support operational learning, extend their knowledge and understanding of the world, help foster positive dispositions to learning and

Session 5 15.10.13 Group 7 09-1100 D419

Session 6 21.10.13 Whole cohort 09-1100 C122

Session 7 4.11.13 Group 7 09-1100 Lib109

appreciate the role of technology in everyday life. Follow up from today: Before the next session: Plowman L & McPake J (2013) Seven Alexander, R. et al (2010) Ch8 Children, myths about young children and diversity and equity technology. Childhood Education 89 (1) 27-33 Outline: Enabling Environments; equality of opportunity for all Students will focus on the implications for learning and development of the diverse social, cultural, linguistic and ethnic backgrounds of young children. Policies and principles to promote inclusive practice throughout the whole learning environment will be considered. Follow up from today: Before the next session: Edmond, N & Price, M (2012) Ch12 Research systems, procedures and Promoting equality and inclusion policies for safeguarding and wellbeing in schools (SBT1) Outline: Safeguarding and wellbeing This session will offer an introduction to issues surrounding the protection and wellbeing of children, including bullying and e-safety. Follow up from today: Before the next session: Allen et al (2012) e-Safety in Blog post #3 and responses to Session 6. Primary ICT: Knowledge, Understanding and Practice (5th Ed.), London: Sage. Outline: Laying the foundations for computational thinking A practical workshop where students will experiment with programmable toys to consider the use of technology to develop early computational thinking. Follow up from today: Before the next session: Watch Ted talk by Mitch Resnick. Palaiologou, I (2012) Ch2 The role of Details below in Electronic/Video observation and/or Ch3 Observation resources techniques Outline: Learning and development; hows it going? How do you k now? This session will focus on assessing learning through formative and summative methods including observation. How this informs planning will be reviewed along with principles in sharing information for transition, e.g. EYFS to KS1 Follow up from today: Before the next session: Harrison, C & Howard, S (2009) Inside View - Profile exemplification materials: the Primary Black Box and/or ELG 15 Technology (details below) Fisher, J (2010) Ch3 Preparing children Through discussion, play or for the move to KS1 practical application, assess a childs awareness of technology in their everyday environment (SBT1) Outline: Creativity and digital technologies. This workshop will provide opportunities for students to work with digital video and audio, and consider the potential for creativity offered by digital video/audio editing tools. Follow up from today: Before the next session: Blog post #4 and responses to Session Investigate how schools encourage 9. learning partnerships between and with children, staff, families and other professionals (SBT1)

Session 8 12.11.13 Group 7 09-1100 D419

Session 9 18.11.13 Group 7 09-1100 B502

Session 10 26.11.13 Group 7 09-1100 D419

Outline: Positive relationships; partnerships with others In this session students will recognise the significance and challenges of working in partnership with colleagues, families and other professionals. Leading teams to promote young childrens learning will also be considered. Follow up from today: Whalley, M (2012) Ch1 New forms of provision, new forms of working and/or Edmond, N & Price, M (2012) Ch3 Professional relationships and leadership in the children and young peoples workforce

*please refer to Reading Lists (WordPress, http://ev681.wordpress.com ) to access reading resources **when instructed to carry out a blog post and responses, one person from your group blog should post and initial response to the session or given theme and the others should respond to the post via the comment tool on WordPress. By the end of the module each member of the group will have taken the initiative to lead a blog post. Reading List and Learning Support see Aspire link Key texts Allen, J, Potter, J, Sharp, J. & Turvey, K (forthcoming) (6th edtn) Primary ICT Knowledge, Understanding and Practice: A practical guide to teaching computing in primary schools London: Sage Alexander, R (2010) Children, their World, their Education Schools Abingdon: Routledge Brock, A., Dodds, S, Jarvis, P Olusoga, Y (2009) Perspectives on Play Harlow: Pearson Devarakonda, C (2013) Diversity & Inclusion in Early Childhood London: Sage Doherty, J & Hughes, M (2010) Child Development: Theory and Practice 0-11 Harlow: Pearson Drummond, M-J (2012) Assessing Childrens Learning Abingdon: Routledge Nutbrown, C (2011) Threads of Thinking (4th edtn) London: Sage Electronic/Video resources [accessed 9-7-13] o Aubrey, C. and Dahl, S. (2008) A review of the evidence on the use of ICT in the Early Years Foundation Stage. [Online] Available: http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/1631/2/becta_2008_eyfsreview_report.pdf o University of Brighton SEND website available at http://www.brighton.ac.uk/education/environment/resources/sen.php?PageId=312 o ThinkUKnow, available at http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/teachers/ o EPPE research base at the London Institute of Education o http://www.ioe.ac.uk/research/153.html o Charlie Taylors behaviour checklist available at http://www.brighton.ac.uk/education/placements/resources/primary/2012_files/charlie%20tayl or%20checklist.pdf o EYFS Profile exemplification for the level of learning and development expected at the end of the EYFS - Understanding the world ELG15 Technology http://media.education.gov.uk/assets/files/pdf/e/elg15-technology.pdf o Ted talk by Mitch Resnick http://www.ted.com/talks/mitch_resnick_let_s_teach_kids_to_code.html

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