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6. Daily Routine.

In the morning I usually get up at quater to six on weekdays, and at 8 o clock at weekends. First I go to the bathroom to wash my face and to brush my teeth. Then I get dressed and make up. It takes about 25 minutes, because I dont decide what to wear in the evening. After that I wake up my son and we leave home at 7 o clock. My husband is who gets up first in our family, at quarter past 5. He goes to work by bicycle, because his workplace is near home. In the mornings I am usually not in a hurry, sometimes it depends the mood of my son. As I must take Olivr to the kindergarten, we must go from home by car. His kindergarten is near my mothers home. Occasionally I go from my mothers house by bicycle to work on. I have to leave home at 7 oclock, so I can arrive at work at half past seven. I would like sleep longer at weekends, it depends on our son. If he wakes up lately, we can also sleep longer, than on weekdays. Of course, when we have a weekend program, I get up earlier. If we dont have any programme, I dont plan the weekends. It depends on the weather, on my mood, on the plans of others. I have breakfast on weekdays at my workplace. I usually have sandwich with ham and tomato, or something from the bakery. At weekends I usually have a bigger breakfast. The whole family has breakfast together, my husband is excellent at cooking of ham and eggs. I drink a cup of white coffee every morning. I really like the food they serve at the canteen at my company. We can choose from different dishes. These dishes are delicious, various and healthy, and especially not expensive. We have lunch at Villas at half past eleven. The lunchbreak takes 30 minutes. I leave my workplace at 16 o clock, but I dont go immediately after work, because I go to the kindergarten, then we both go for shopping for dinner. I go for shopping every day. My husband cant help, because he is a salesman, so he is not in town early. I buy some bread and dairy products every day, even on Sundays. I go to a big hypermarket. So I arrive home only at about five. If I am on diet, I dont eat dinner. I didnt use to cook warm dinner, because my family likes eating imbiss for dinner. In the evenings I often play with my son. If the weather is nice, we play ballgames on the playground near our house. If it rains, we play boardgames, I tell tales, we draw and just talk. My son goes to bed at about half past eight. By then will dome my time, I have a rest. I have a bath with lavender oil and wash my hair. I like taking a bath if Im colr or very tired. Sometimes I even take magazines with me or listen to music. I am a sitcom-fan, I like watching TV-series, like Among friends, Bones, CSI Miami. I would like to watch the news, because I would like to know, what is going on in the world. Sometimes I can manage it. I watch both commercial and public broadcasting, depending on the kind of programme As I study English, I often switch to English speaking channels to practise this language. I can manage the learning first in the evening or occasionally on Saturdays. When a woman has a family, she can reach everything harder and longer. I would like to go to the cinema or theather, but I dont visit these cultural places. I hope so, it will change. When Olivr will be older, we can go more often there. My husband and I like downloading new movies, boy-office hits. It is illegal, I

know, but what can we do, when we have not enough time to go to the cinema. We watch these movies at home, but this isnt so exiting and enjoyable, than in the mall in 3D. Unfortunetaly I dont have enough time to read newspapers regularly. Im interested in movie magazines and foreign periodicals, like Story and Hot. Last week I bought my first 5 minutes English magazine, so I can practice the language this way, too.

I have to do different, regularly housework. I hate doing the ironing and cleaning the toilet. I like doing the washing. I have got a dishwasher, so this helps me by to washing-up. My husband changes the sheets, and hangs the clothes. These arent my favourite tasks. Olivr cant help a lot by the housework, but he thinks, he does. On weekdays, usually on Saturdays, I clean the whole flat, including the bathroom and the toilet, too. I dust the shelves in every room, and hoover the flat and wash the floor. I couldnt live without a microwave-oven, a dishwascher and a washing machine. I would like to have a tumble-drier, because I often wash my clothes at the last minute. I usually go to bed at 22 oclock on weekdays, because I have to wake up early next morning. At weekend I stay up later, if there is a good film on TV. If I am tired, I fall asleep very easily, once my head hits the pillow. I sleep seven or eight hours on weekdays, and more at weekends. I meet my mother almost every day. We visit my husbands parents every week, usually on Saturdays. I seldom meet my friends, once or seldom twice a month. I tend to leave things for the last moment which can irritate people around me. The other problem is that I love shopping, especially costume jewellery. I have got a lot of these jewellery, some of them I have never worn. I cant stand mean and jealous people. I cant stand, if someone speaks dummies.

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