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would-be poet (Matthew), gull (Stephen) Kitely' Dame Kitely, cob and Tib - reflect the ridiculousness of the

behavior of the main characters expounds his theories of drama - how humours govern character both plays = comedies of correction (by the end of the prays - taken ,out of their humour,) - ridiculed or shocked, cured into realizing their folly satiric targets sins--pride' luxury' ambition and greed, moral idiocy, deception, setf-deception, vanity and disguise the real self replacement of spiritual ideals with materialistic

turned to satire

1601: Cynthia,s Revels ; The poetaster

strongly criticized life at court targeted fellow playwrights Thomas Dekker & John Marston (had also attacked Jonson in the so_called war of the Theatres)
1603 - 2 classicar historical dramas Sejanus His Fall

/ tragedies (accurate re_creations of Roman



lack of action & great number of similar characters

studies - effects of ambition, corruption and power-rust in the state characters - powerfully & ctearly drawn, but verbose & static classical background - ctosely foilows Latin moders - subject matter & styre

firm dramatic footing - great triumph - vorpone: or, TheFox - premiered in 1605 straightforward moraljudgment: the evil (vice, deceit and greed) one commits brings with it a suitable punishment
comedy of humours - subplot characters in the grip of obsessions (love farcical build-up of the
Epicoene (1609)



climax of deceit and trickery

Alchemisr (1610)

Ba rth o lo mew Fa i r


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