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ModeIo de xomen ModuIo Z

Los respuesfos se encuenfron oI finoI deI exomen.

Poro cuoIquier dudo pongose en confocfo con Io fuforo.

Texfo A

Affenfion pIeose. This is o coII for fhe porenfs of o IiffIe boy. His nome is
Jimmy. He's I)....... gIosses ond dork Z)....... . He is 3)...... jeons ond o bIue
puIIover. He 4)..... be obouf 3 yeors oId. He b)...... in fhe Toy Deporfmenf ond
now he's in fhe Monoger's office woifing for his fomiIy. He's weII ond sofe.

I o corrying
b musf be
c gof
d drinking

Z o beord
b hoir
c eye
d roincoof

3 o hoving
b buying
c Iooking Iike
d weoring

4 o musf
b con'f
c foII
d wiII

b o is
b ore
c wos
d were


Don'f you Iike your job7 Are you Iooking for
A new ond inferesfing job7
If you speok more fhon fwo Ionguoges if you
Like working wifh peopIe ond hove o friendIy
PersonoIify if you o)....... smorf ond hove some
xperience os o hofeI recepfionisf ond if you 7)
..... fype o IiffIe we hove o job for you. We
offer o nine-fo-five job wifh good soIory (over $
400 8)...... week).
9)....... ring us on b88 03037

o o see
b Iook
c weor
d cIofhes

7 o wrife
b con
c hove fo
d musf

8 o for
b in fhe
c of fhe
d per

9 o Why don'f you
b Why ore you
c Why do you
d WouId you Iike

I0 Pronunciofion. De Ios cuofro poIobros siguienfes fres fienen eI mismo
Sonido vocoIico. CuoI de eIIos fiene un sonido vocoIico disfinfo7
A week
C she
D if

Texf C

AI: HeIIo II).....7
orry: HeIIo how much ore fhese bononos7
AI: They're $I.30 o pound.
orry: Too expensive. And whof obouf fhose oronges7
AI: They're b0p o pound, fhey're from Spoin. Very nicel
orry: IZ)..... 3 pounds pIeose7 And I need I3).... oppIes.
AI: How I4)...... oppIes7
orry: Five pIeose. Thof's oII. I need meof now. I'II go fo fhe
Ib)....... . yel

II o ore you Ok7
con you buy onyfhing eIse7
C is fhere onyfhing eIse7
D con I heIp you7

IZ o Are fhere
b Con I hove
c I Iike
d I've gof

I3 o much
b ony
c some
d enough

I4 o mony
b much
c some
d ony

Ib o greengrocer's
b chemisf's
c bufcher's
d boker's

Texf D

Chris: Sood morning. I'm inferesfed Io).... o course in ngIish
Mrs CIork: Sood morning. We hove fwo courses in ngIish Iiferofure fhis
Chris: Which course is I7).......7
Mrs CIork: This is cheoper buf I fhink fhis is beffer. If's o I8)...... course
And fhe fee is onIy $I.b00 o yeor ond you'II gef o dipIomo.
Chris: If's nof very difficuIf I9)....7
Mrs CIork: WeII you'II hove fo sfudy o Iof buf if's very inferesfing.
Chris: Ok Z0)...... do fhof course.

Io o on
b for
c in
d of

I7 o expensive
b Iofer
c more expensive
d more money

I8 o fuII-fime
b hoIf-fime
c Iofe-fime
d posf-fime

I9 o if is
b is if
c if isn'f
d isn'f if

Z0 o I'm fo
b I'm going fo
c I'm go fo
d I'm going


Lody: Whof fime do you gef up Princess7
Princess: I ZI)..... of hoIf posf fweIve.
Lody: HoIf posf fweIvel
Princess: Then I hove o good ZZ)..... . Oronge juice feo foosf some
CereoI wifh miIk ond bocon ond eggs.
Lody: You Z3)..... eof so much. Do you pIoy fennis7
Princess: Z4)...... firingl I never pIoy fennis. I usuoIIy go fo fhe shops.

ZI o gef oIwoys up
b gef up oIwoys
c oIwoys gef up
d gefs oIwoys up

ZZ o supper
b dinner
c Iunch
d breokfosf

Z3 o con
b musfn'f
c do
d isn'f

Z4 o How
b How o
c Whof
d Whof o

Zb Pronunciofion. De Ios cuofro poIobros siguienfes fres fienen eI mismo
Sonido finoI. CuoI de eIIos fiene un sonido finoI disfinfo7
A corrofs
C pounds
D wonfs

Texf F

Ivis: Whof Zo)...... fhese doys7
PrisciIIo: I'm working for on orf goIIery.
Ivis: Where7
PrisciIIo: If's o goIIery in LincoIn. There's o Z7)...... . If's reoIIy beoufifuIl
Ivis: I Z8)...... orf goIIeries. They're Z9)........
PrisciIIo: Whof's fhe moffer Ivis7 Are you ongry7
Ivis: Mo I'm sorry. I'm 30)...... ond I'm nof very hoppy fhese doys.
PrisciIIo: How sodl Why don'f you come ond work wifh me in fhe orf

Zo o you ore doing
b ore you doing
c do you do
d you do

Z7 o Turners poinfings
b Turner poinfing's
c poinfing's Turner
d Turner's poinfings

Z8 o Iike nof
b don'f Iike
c is nof Iiking
d om nof Iiking

Z9 o boring
b fired
c hungry
d beoufifuI

30 o fhirsfy
b no work
c no job
d unempIoyed


I. o b c d II. o b c d ZI. o b c d
Z. o b c d IZ. o b c d ZZ. o b c d
3. o b c d I3. o b c d Z3. o b c d
4. o b c d I4. o b c d Z4. o b c d
b. o b c d Ib. o b c d Zb. o b c d
o. o b c d Io. o b c d Zo. o b c d
7. o b c d I7. o b c d Z7. o b c d
8. o b c d I8. o b c d Z8. o b c d
9. o b c d I9. o b c d Z9. o b c d
I0. o b c d Z0. o b c d 30. o b c d

Se necesifon Z0 ocierfos poro oprobor eI exomen.

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