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INSTRUCTIONS Golden Touch & Sew®) Deluxe Zig-Zag Sewing Machine/Madel 750 SINGER 3 () the coven Touch. & Sew Deluxe Zig-Zag Se’ Congratulations... You are about to discover the wonderful pleasure of sewing with yout new Golden Touch & Sew sewing machine. You will enjoy — + the simpliity of dial cantrols, Now, you can simply dial a stiteh length, asiitch width, and a sliteh pattern; pressure and tension settings; even buttonhole stitching = the versariity of sewing capactly that produces stitches that stretch, and stitches that don’ straich . . . permanent stitches that are trmly locked in, and temporary stiches that pull out easily... stitches that secorato, embroider, mend, baste * and, of course, the ease of the push-button bobbin, the built-in needle threader, and much, much more! e 1g Machine by SINGER ‘Among the many Singer engineering and design features that ensure these sewing pleasures are — * Both builicin and interchangeable Fashion” Discs, which can produce an almost unlimited variety of practical and decorative stitch patterns = Flexi-Stiteh* Discs that produce stretchable stitches for nits and other stretch fabrics a8 well a8 intricate stitch dasigns, including hem sfitchina + Soft-teuch Fabric Feed that protects even the mos! delicate fabrics + Variable-speed, Solid-state Control System tha! enables you to main- tain the same pressure on the speed controller as you sew through varying fabric thicknesses + One-way Needle Clamp that makes it impossible to put the needie in backwards * Snap-on Presser Faot that are quickly removed and easily replaced + Ensy-la-change Throat Plates secured by magnets ‘As you go through this book, you will discover how thase and many other {ealures give you the ultimate in simplicity of operation and beautitul results Enjoy sewing! Form 20740 en (671 amar a. 796 simgen comrany Poni Bin OS eaSNy CONTENTS 4. Gating to Know Your SINGER Seming Machine - ‘Srincipat Parte and Win They Go = ‘Accertonea : 2. Getting Ready to Sew Prolirinary Steps - Throacig tha tachina — = “Treacy th Nendia «Winding he Babbin” Howto Star Seung . savenesisisieae Changing the Settle 2. justing Machine to Your Fabric: - ooring Neadte and Thread i Ghoosing Aecssso ries ‘ajuatng Dials le 3 4 Tipe on straight stitching Ue Being Sart Shine Bin Wasting» Pisting Fabric « Xooping Seams Straight © Tuming Squard Comers Crved Sestns « Resforcing Ent oF Seam " ae 5. All About Zig-Zag Stitching a How lterne tre Produced a Bullin Discs : a Fashion’ Discs : = lense” Dives : e ‘ a Combination Patterns : 6. Tain-Naoate Stitching a Proparation| : H ‘Treading the Needia : ei a Sil Sings 3 : 2 ‘Taming a Square Comer xs Dacerative: Twin i n t a u Er 3 a a2 4 46 ar a “ae ae Seleing Knut and siveteh Fabre en “Siien Sitch Charts Guiding and Supporting Fabric » Gvaredged Seams » Kock Over fidping * Finishes lar Hems avd Faninge = iain Straten Same = Lingenia Seams, Deeotaties Touenes 8 ‘Hemetiteing = Top Siazhing » Picot Geax © Shell Edging '« Eeatiaping + Appliaue = ‘Manearams anaMatis+Fagoting + Patehwork Guiting Drawn Trend Work« Smacking esping Up Appearance oy ending « Daring Blanka Sinding» Growth and Strings Tucks +t Carrs and igy Chains 11. Catog tor Your Sensing Machine: ‘leaning the Machine Removal of Covers, Babbin formance Ghosklst | erties : 12, Fashion® lds... jonencll ncpesoii ates Ingo. a Ba gaa

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