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Role of hormones during pregnancy

Oestrogen -Stimulates the development of uterine wall i -Stimulates the uterine
i muscle to produce

Progestrone Oxytocin -Enlargement of uterus -Uterin contraction during child birth -Breast development / growthof memmory gland. hCG(human chorionic gonadotropin) -found in maternal blood (1st trimister) hPL(human placental lactogen) -Help to maintain a healthy pregnancy -Stimulates further thickening of uterine wall for preparation of implantation Inhibits secreation of FSH to prevent development of follicle Increases the production of mucus in the cervix which forms plug to protect against infections. Encourage the growthof maternal part of placenta .

connexions (rythmic contraction during process of birth) -Stimulates formation of oxytoxin receptor in the uterus. -Stimulates the production of enzyme that break down collagen fibre in the cervix dan causing to become flexible -Corpus letheum is prevented from degenerating.

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