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The letter to the pastor

01.08.2013 The reverend Louis Jeremiah Church: Saint Vasile

Dear Pastor Louis Jeremiah, We are writing you to ask for your support in our present intercession regarding the public health issue of our neighborhood that you very well know about : the roaming dogs. They are all over around the blocks, day and night, barking, hauling, disturbing our sleep and putting in danger our families, especially our children. Approximately 5 kids are being bitten each month. Almost 30 persons are the victims of dogs attacks each month, without being injured, but severely emotionally affected. Our prevention efforts are beginning to pay off in declining rates of dogs attacks. However, due to the absence of comparable efforts from the local Authorities to combat the dogs reproduction, the attacks continue at alarmingly high rates. As you are a trusted public person and you have a big power of influence in our city, we ask you to use that power in helping us solve this problem. We will send an official letter to senator Wilkinson and we do believe that, if we also have your word on our side, we will be able to persuade the Authorities to resolve our issue. We thank you in advance for your kindness and good will that we know you always manifest in helping good, worthy causes, and we look forward to your response and support. May God bless you and your dear family. Sincerely, Malu Rosu Neighborhood Representatives Committee No 12B, Malu Rosu Street, zip code 112300 Signatures:

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