The Intentions For Acquiring Knowledge

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The Intentions for
Copyright 2012 by Al Huda Sisters.
All rights reserved.
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The Intentions for Acquiring
For whose sake am I doing it?
What do I hope for when I perform this act?
For whose sake am I doing this deed?
What do I hope for from Allah azza wa jal as I tread
the path of knowledge?
Remember: Your reward will be according to how much
hope you have in Allah. The more reward you hope and
crave from Him, the more He will reward you grace you
with His bounties. So renew your intentions seeking all
the rewards. This is indeed a guaranteed profitable
business (at-tijaarah) of the learned, wise ones.

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Your Hopes from Allah for Acquiring Knowledge:
To fulfill the obligation of every Muslim.
The Piophet has saiu: "Seeking knowleuge is manuatoiy foi
eveiy Nuslim (male anu female)." (Sobib Bukbori)

To earn a share of the inheritance of the Prophets.
"Ceitainly, the Piophets have not bequeatheu ueenai noi uiiham,
iathei they have bequeatheu knowleuge, so whoevei takes it has
taken abunuant goou foitune." (Abu BowuJ)

When we acquire knowledge, we must remember that
what we learn is actually an inheritance of the best of
people (an inheritance that benefits us in this life and the
next) what a treasure!

To remove oneself and others from the darkness of
ignorance to the light of knowledge.
"Inueeu, theie has come to you fiom Allah a light (Piophet
Nuhammau ) anu a plain Book (this Qui'an). Wheiewith Allah
guiues all those who seek Bis uoou Pleasuie to ways of peace, anu
Be biings them out of uaikness by Bis Will unto light anu guiues
them to a Stiaight Way." (Al-HoiJob, S:1S-16)

To be amongst those whom Allah wishes to be blessed
with goodness.
The Nessengei of Allah saiu, "When Allah wishes goou foi
someone, Be bestows upon him the unueistanuing of Been."
(Bukbori, Huslim)

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This Hadith highlights the excellence of knowledge and
the fact that knowledge is a sign of Allahs special help
and care to the person who possesses it and acts on it.
Why? This is because this knowledge will guard you in
this life from falling into sins and innovations, and
hence, be a means of attaining eternal happiness in the
To elevate ones ranks in this life and the next.
"Allah will iise up, to (suitable) ianks (anu uegiees), those of you
who believe anu who have been gianteu knowleuge." (Al-HujoJilob,

Youi faith, youi woiship anu uealings with otheis will be elevateu.
Anu Allah will honoi you in the eyes of otheis.

To be from those who are witnesses upon the truth.
"Allah beais witness that lo ilobo illo Euwo (none has the iight to
be woishippeu but Be), anu the angels, anu those having
knowleuge (also give this witness); (Be is always) maintaining Bis
cieation in }ustice. lo ilobo illo Euwo (none has the iight to be
woishippeu but Be), the All-Nighty, the All-Wise." (Ali-lmron,

To be with the group of those in authority, whom Allah
has commanded us to obey.
"Allah says, '0 you who believe! 0bey Allah anu obey the
Nessengei, anu those of you who aie in authoiity." (An-Niso, 4:S9)

The authority of the people of knowledge is in
explaining the shareeah (the knowledge of the Quran
and Sunnah) and calling the people to it.

Nuhammau bin Siiin saiu: "This knowleuge is ieligion. So, look to
who you take youi knowleuge fiom." (Huslim)

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To be amongst the best of peoplewhom the
Messenger said are worthy of being envied!
"The best of you is the one who leains the Qui'an anu teaches it."
(AqreeJ upon; norroteJ by Bukbori, 46S9)

The Piophet saiu: "Theie shoulu be no envy (hasau) except
between two people, a man to whom Allah has given (knowleuge
of) the Qui'an, so he iecites it night anu uay, anu a man to whom
Allah has given wealth, so he spenus it (in goou ueeus) night anu
uay." (NorroteJ by Huslim, 81S)

To earn continuous, everlasting reward even long
after ones death.!!
Wealth, powei anu eveiy woiluly uelight will peiish, but the
knowleuge, which is spieau to otheis, will iemain foievei! The
Piophet Nuhammau saiu: "When a man uies his ueeus come to
an enu except foi thiee things: Sauaqah }aaiiyah (ceaseless
chaiity), a knowleuge which is beneficial, oi a viituous chilu who
piays foi him (foi the ueceaseu)." (Huslim)

0ptional knowleuge is bettei than the excellence of extia anu
optional woiship. This is because the benefit of knowleuge is
geneial; it benefits its possessoi anu it benefits the iest of the
people as well, wheieas the benefit of woiship is paiticulai to the
peison who uoes that woiship. Also because, with the scholai, his
benefit anu knowleuge iemains aftei his ueath, wheieas woiship is
cut off fiom him at his ueath. (lmom lbn ul-oyyim {moy Allob bove
mercy on bim)), |Hiftoob Jooris So'ooJob, 1,120j

0thmaan (may Allah be pleaseu with him) saiu: "Knowleuge is
bettei than wealth; Knowleuge piotects you anu you (have to)
piotect wealth." (Al-Kboteeb in ol-Ioqeeb wol-Hutofoqqib - volume
1, Poqe 1S; Hoboobitb fee Abkoom ol-Iotwo - Poqe 12)

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Your Hopes from Allah for Attending the
Study Circles (of Knowledge)
The scholars have said that if people knew the merits of
attending the study circles they would hasten to them.
The study circles are a treasure only a few people realize.
They are a blessing ( ) from Allah.
To ease my path to Jannah & enjoy a taste of paradise
on earth.!
The Piophet saiu: "Whoevei follows a path in the puisuit of
knowleuge, Allah will make the path to Paiauise easy foi him."

Ibn `0mai iepoiteu that the Piophet saiu: "When you pass by
the gaiuens of Paiauise, avail youiselves of them." The Companions
askeu: "What aie the gaiuens of Paiauise, 0 Nessengei of Allah."
Be ieplieu: "The ciicles of uhiki. Theie aie ioaming angels of Allah
who go about looking foi the ciicles of uhiki, anu when they finu
them they suiiounu them closely." (TirmiJbi norroteJ it {boson
qborib), AbmoJ)

In anothei naiiation, the Nessengei of Allah saiu: "When Allah
cieateu Paiauise anu Bellfiie, Be sent }ibieel (uabiiel) to Paiauise
saying: 'Look at it anu at what I have piepaieu theiein foi its
inhabitants.' The Piophet saiu: 'So he came to it anu lookeu at it
anu at what Allah hau piepaieu theiein foi its inhabitants.' The
Piophet saiu: 'So he (}ibieel) ietuineu to Bim (Allah) anu saiu:
'By youi gloiy, no one heais of it without enteiing it.' So Be oiueieu
that it be encompasseu by foims of haiuship, anu Be saiu: 'Retuin
to it anu look at what I have piepaieu theiein foi its inhabitants.''
The Piophet saiu: 'So he ietuineu to it anu founu that it was
encompasseu by foims of haiuship. Then he ietuineu to Bim anu
saiu: 'By Youi gloiy, I feai that no one will entei it.' Be saiu: 'uo to
Bell-fiie anu look at it anu what I have piepaieu theiein foi its
inhabitants,' anu he founu that it was in layeis, one above the othei.
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Then he ietuineu to Bim anu saiu: 'By Youi gloiy, no one who
heais of it will entei it.' So Be oiueieu that it be encompasseu by
lusts (oi uesiies). Then Be saiu: 'Retuin to it.' Anu he ietuineu to it
anu saiu: 'By Youi gloiy, I am fiighteneu that no one will escape
fiom enteiing it.'" (At-Tirmitbi, Al-Eokim, omonq otbers)

The easiest anu smoothest way to }annah is to attenu a stuuy ciicle.
The Piophet saiu, "Whoevei goes uown a pathioau seaiching
foi knowleuge, Allah will make it easy foi him the ioau to
Paiauise." (Sobeeb Huslim, vol. S EoJitb No. 99)

To be amongst those who even the ants in the land, and
the fishes in the sea, and the angels in the heavens seek
forgiveness and supplicate for.!
"The angels will lowei theii wings in theii gieat pleasuie with one
who seeks knowleuge, the inhabitants of the heavens anu the Eaith
anu the fish in the ueep wateis will ask foigiveness foi the leaineu
man. The supeiioiity of the leaineu man ovei the woishippei is like
that of the moon, on the night when it is full, ovei the iest of the
stais." (Abu BowuJ)

To attain one of the best acts of worshipwhich is a
jihad in the way of Allah. One of the noble ways of
striving for the sake of Allah is by gaining knowledge
for His Sake.!
"Whoevei sets out seeking knowleuge, then he is in the way of
Allah until he ietuins." (TirmiJbi, Eoson EoJitb)
To wash and purify our sins. Whoever attends a study
circle will get a reward, even if one attended it for a
reason other than seeking knowledge. Abu Buiaiiah (may
Allah be pleaseu with him) iepoiteu: The Nessengei of Allah
saiu, "Allah, the Exalteu, has teams of angels who go about on the
ioaus seeking those who iemembei Allah. When they finu some
people iemembeiing Allah they call to one anothei anu say, `Come
to what you aie looking foi;' anu they suiiounu them with theii
wings till the space between them anu the lowest sky is fully
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coveieu. Allah, the Exalteu anu uloiious, asks them (although Be is
best infoimeu about eveiy thing): `What aie my slave saying.' They
say: `They aie gloiifying Youi Tasbeeh, Tahmeeu, Takbeei,
Tamjeeu, (i.e., they weie ueclaiing Youi Peifectness, piaising,
iemembeiing the uieatness anu Najesty of Allah).' Be asks: `Bave
they seen Ne.' They ieply, `No, inueeu, they have not seen You.' Be
asks: `Bow woulu they act if they weie to see Ne.' Theieupon they
ieply: `If they weie to see You, they woulu engage moie eainestly
in woishipping anu gloiifying You anu woulu extol You moie.' Be
woulu say: `What uo they beg of Ne.' They say, `They beg You foi
Youi }annah.' Allah says, `Bave they seen Ny }annah.' They say, `No,
oui Rabb.' Be says: `Bow woulu they act if they weie to see Ny
}annah.' They ieply, `Weie they to see it, they woulu moie
intensely eagei foi it.' They (the angels) say, `They seek Youi
Piotection.' Be asks, `Against what uo they seek Ny Piotection.'
They (the angels) say, `0ui Rabb, fiom the fiie of Bell.' (Be, the
Rabb) says, `Bave they seen the fiie of Bell.' They say, `No. By Youi
Bonoui, they have not seen it.' Be says: `Bow woulu they act if they
weie to see Ny Fiie.' They say: `If they weie to see it, they woulu
be moie eainest in being away fiom it anu feaiing it. They beg of
Youi foigiveness.' Be says: `I call you to witness that I heieby giant
paiuon to them anu confei upon them what they ask foi; anu giant
them piotection against what they seek piotection fiom.' 0ne of the
angels says: `0ui Rabb, theie is amongst them such anu such slave
who uoes not belong to the assembly of those who aie paiticipating
in Youi iemembiance. Be passeu by them anu sat uown with them.'
Be says: `I also giant him paiuon because they aie the people by
viitue of whom theii associates will not be unfoitunate.''' (Bukbori,
To attain forgiveness and the mercy of Allah and to be
surrounded by angels.!
This is one of the gieat viitues of attenuing the ciicles of ieligious
knowleuge. Abu Buiaiiah anu Abu Sa'iu al-Khuuii (may Allah be
pleaseu with them) iepoiteu: The Nessengei of Allah saiu,
"When a gioup of people assemble foi the iemembiance of Allah,
the angels suiiounu them (with theii wings), (Allah's) meicy
envelops them, Sakinah, oi tianquility uescenus upon them anu
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Allah makes a mention of them befoie those who aie neai Bim."
In anothei naiiation, Allah asks the angels about those who attenu
these ciicles, "What aie they saying. - What uo they long foi. -
What uo they feai. ...I call you to witness that inueeu I foigive
them." (Summory of tbe EoJitb in Bukbori, Huslim)
Allah has appointed special angels for the study circles.
They search for them, and when they find one, they call
the others. They surround it with their wings, until they
reach the seventh heaven, where Allah tells them to
witness that He has forgiven all the people who
attended the study circle.
Allah honors humans more than angels, who are the
best worshippers, because of the knowledge which
humans possess. Knowleuge was the ieason Allah honoieu
Auam (peace be upon him) by oiueiing the angels to piostiate to
To be amongst those whom Allah will remember and
talk about in front of the angels.
The Piophet Nuhammau saiu that if you talk about the
magnificence of Allah in these ciicles, Allah The Nost Bigh will talk
about youi magnificence to the angels.
'0mai bin Bafs naiiateu to us; my fathei naiiateu to us; al-A'mash
naiiateu to us; I heaiu Abu Salih |sayingj; fiom Abu Buiayiah that
the Piophet saiu : Allah, the Exalteu says, "I am just as Ny slave
believes me to be anu I am with him when Be iemembeis Ne. So if
he iemembeis Ne within himself, I too iemembei him within
Nyself. If he iemembeis Ne in a gioup of people then I iemembei
him in a gioup that is bettei than them. If he comes one span neaiei
to Ne then I go one cubit neaiei to him; if he comes one cubit
neaiei to Ne then I go a uistance of two outstietcheu aims neaiei
to him; anu if he comes to Ne walking then I go to him iunning."
(Kitb At-TowbJ from Sobb ol-Bukbr)
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To be amongst the true worshipper who worships his
Lord upon sound knowledge (with sincerity and
following the Sunnah). This is the path of the Prophet,
just as Allah says.
"Say, 'This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I anu those who
follow me. Anu exalteu is Allah; anu I am not of those who associate
otheis with Bim.'" (Yusuf, 12:1u8)
The Piophet Nuhammau saiu that the stuuy ciicles aie bettei
than the uunya anu whatevei is in it.
Abu Buiayiah saiu, "I heaiu the Nessengei of Allah say, "This
woilu is cuiseu anu cuiseu is what is in it, except foi the
iemembiance of Allah Almighty anu what biings one neai to Bim
anu the teachei anu the stuuent." (At-TirmiJbi)

To be included in the duaa of the Prophet .
"Nay Allah biighten the face of the peison who heais what I say
anu ietains it, then conveys it to otheis; foi sometimes one who
heais fiom anothei iemembeis it bettei than the oiiginal heaiei
himself." (AbmoJ, TirmiJbi)

Once Imam Maalik was asked, If there were only an hour
left of your life, how would you spend that time? He
replied, I would spend it in seeking knowledge.
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Al Huda Sisters are a group of dedicated Muslim
women committed to providing authentic, insightful,
and enlightening Islamic education for the Muslim
and non-Muslim women and girls of our community.

We are a non-profit organization with members from
various backgrounds and cultures coming together
under the banner of (Laa ilaaha illallaah).

To many of us, Al Huda has become our second home:
a place where we not only bond with our sisters for
the sake of Allah, but also nourish our hearts and
souls in the hope of coming closer to our Lord.
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