Óra - Murder in A Country House (For Aged 14)

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1. a, Read the information then answer the questions below.

Murder in a country house

The true story of the murder of a rich businessman. June 22nd 1938 was Jeremy Travers sixtieth birthday. He had a dinner at his country house with his wife, Amanda, his daughter, Barbara, his business partner, Gordon Smith, and his secretary, Claudia Simeone. Next morning when Amanda Travers wen to her husbands bedroom she found him in beddead. a, Whats this story about? b, When did this happen? c, How many people were in the house? d, Who is Barbara?

No, I didnt. I went for a walk in the garden. What time did you go to bed? About quarter to twelve. Was your husband asleep? I dont know inspector. Wewe slept5 in separate rooms. Did you hear anything when you were in your room? Yes, I heard6 Jeremys bedroom door. It opened. I thought7 it was Jeremy. Then it closed again. I read8 in bed for half an hour and then I went to sleep. What time did you get up this morning? I got up about 7.15. I had breakfast and at 8.00 I took9 my husband a cup of tea. I found10 him in bed. He wasdead. Tell me, Mrs. Travers, did you love your husband? Jeremy iswas a difficult man. But did you love him, Mrs. Travers? No inspector. I hated him. 1. Somebody killed Jeremy at 8.00 2. The inspector questioned Amanda in the living room. 3. Jeremy went to bed before Amanda. 4. Amanda and Jeremy slept in the same room. 5. Somebody opened and closed Jeremys door 6. Amanda got up at 7.00 7. Amanda didnt love Jeremy. 1. c, Look at the ten highlighted irregular verbs in the story. What are the infinitives? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ 6. 7. 8. 9. _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

1. b, 5.14 Read and listen to the story. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). Inspector Graham arrived at about 9.00. He was a tall man with a big black moustache. Amanda, Barbara, Claudia and Gordon were in the living room. The inspector came1 in. Mr. Travers died between midnight last night and seven oclock this morning, he said2. Somebody in this room killed him. He looked at them one by one but nobody spoke3. Mrs. Travers. I want to talk to you first. Come into the library with me, please. Amanda Travers followed the inspector into the library and they sat4 down. What did your husband do after dinner last night? When we finished dinner Jeremy said he was tired and he went to bed. Did you go to bed then?

10. _______________

2. a, 5.17 Listen to the inspector question Barbara. Write the information in the chart. Listen again and check. Amanda Barbara Gordon Claudia What did they She went for a walk. do after dinner? _________________ What time did 11.45.____________ they go to bed? _________________ Did they hear Jeremys anything? opened closed.________ Possible motive? She hated him._____ _________________ door and

2. b, Listen and to the same with 5.18 and 5.19. 2. c, What do you think was the murderer? Amanda, Barbara, Gordon or Claudia? Why?

2. d, Now listen to what happened. Were you right? 3. a, Read this police report. Complete the sentences with past simple form of the verbs in the box. be (x2) see look arrive cant open leave go find not want not run take

him to the police station.

3. b, Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Police officer: Where ______________ at about 9.30 yesterday evening? (be). Steven Potter: I was at the cinema. The film ______________ at 9.00 (start) PO: What film ______________? (see) SP: I cant remember. It wasnt very good. PO: Hmm. Very interesting. And who ______________ to the cinema with? (go) SP: With my girlfriend. PO: ______________ the film? (like) SP: Yes she ______________ it was very good. (think) PO: What time ______________ the film ______________? (finish) SP: At about 10.30. PO: And what ______________ after you left the cinema? (do) SP: We went to a restaurant La Dolce Vita, on the High Street. PO: La Dolce Vita? I know it. Very good spaghetti. What time ______________ the restaurant? (leave) SP: At about 12.00. ______________ home after that? (go)

Police report: bank robbery We arrived at the bank at 9.36 in the evening, and we _________ our police car outside. The bank _________ closed and all the lights _________ off, but we _________ through the window. We _________ a person inside the bank. At first we _________ who it was, but then he _________ the door and came out it was Steven Potter. He _________ away he just walked slowly to his car, and then drove away. The next morning, we _________ to his house at 6.00 a.m. We _________ him in bed. He _________ to speak to us, so we _________

PO: No, we didnt. I took my girlfriend home then I went to the bank because I ______________ my mobile there. (forget). 4. Read statements 1-10 and then read the advertisements a-j. In which of the advertisements can you find what you are looking for? For each of the items 1-10, decide which advertisement goes with the situation described. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If you are a keen cyclist. If you love eating crabs, lobsters or oysters. If you are interested in playing golf. If your favorite dish is made from salmon. If you would like to sail. If you are really like trains and mills. If you want to drink beer and to eat fine meals. 8. If you like southern- European music and dishes. 9. If you want to open a florists. 10. If you dont eat meat. a, Cycling and walking holidays. Self-guided walking and cycling holidays in the Alps. Wellequipped accommodation door to door luggage transfers. Bicycles and maps are provided. Come and enjoy in the forests in one of our hotels. b, Enjoy a great day out in one of the most beautiful valleys in the Lake District! If you are interested in the history of railways, there is a museum for you. There is free parking. You can visit working water mill nearby. There is so much to see! c, Do you like vegetarian meals? Are you a real vegan? Would you like to spend a lovely evening with your friends in a cheap restaurant? Green Vegetarian Restaurant is for you. We have a good jazz singer, as well. Table reservations by phone. d, Tokyo Japanese Restaurant. Its a place for you if you are keen on sea food. Its quiet place with excellent service at reasonable prices. e, Frederick is a small but cozy restaurant near the sea. There are only fish meals on the menu. Its a little bit expensive but it is worth spending an evening there. f, Have you ever eaten delicious Italian meals, pizzas and pasta? Would you like to taste them? Da Gino is the solution. A restaurant with live Italian music and friendly atmosphere. Dont miss

it! g, Carus Green, golf course. Its an ideal place for those who are crazy about playing golf. But if you like walking in the countryside, you should come and relay here while your husband is playing golf. h, Flower festival. Are you interested in lovely flowers? Would you like to learn how to make beautiful bunches? Come to our festival and enjoy the gorgeous flowers and plants. i, A warm and traditional Lakeland Pub serving real ales and fine dishes. For those who have a hearty appetites we could recommend our White Horses Lamb Chop. Enjoy our friendly hospitality at White Horse Inn. j, Lake Cruises sailing on our lake every day! We provide you with small boats. You can try our paddle boats, as well. Spend a weekend in our small hotel where you can ask for half board or full board. Come and relax at our lake! 5. B1 Test 02 03 You are going to hear five people in five different situations. Read the statements, listen to the text and then decide whether the answer is yes (+) or no (-) and mark the sentences. a, Listen to the news item. The theatre is cancelling all matinees. b, Sam turns on the TV. He is watching a quiz show. c, Edward wants to go to the football match but he cant decide what to wear. So he calls the weather line and he is recommended to wear a warm coat, gloves and a scarf. d, You hear a friend reading something aloud. She is reading from a cookery book. e, Listen to the radio news. The fireman rescued patients from the hospital.

6. a, 2.11 Listen to the radio program called guess my job. Three people guess a persons job. Underline the ten questions they ask. Do you work? Where? inside outside in an office at home in a factory in a hospital When? in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night How? with your hands with a computer with other people have special qualifications speak any languages earn a lot of money drive write letters or e-mails wear a uniform

Do you?

6. b, Listen again. What does the person answer? Write Y (yes) N (no) or D (it depends) after each question. 6. c, Look at Phils answers. What do you think his job is? 6. d, 2.12 Listen to the end of the program. What does Phil do?

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