Rome Assignment Sheet 13-14

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Height of Roman Success (Roman Republic and Early Empire) Lewis World History I Assignment Sheet Unit Ques>ons: What role did geography play in the development and fall of the Roman Empire? How did Roman leaders create order & security through government and social structure? What were the major accomplishments of the Pax Romana? How has the Roman Empire inuenced future civilizaEons?
Due Date Reading

Key Terms/Ques>ons
Romulus and Remus Etruscans How did geography contribute to the success of Rome as a civilizaEon? patricians plebeians veto forum Law of Twelve Tables Roman military Roman conquest of Italy Punic Wars Carthage Hannibal conquest of Greece Greek inuence on Rome What factors weakened the Roman Republic? Gracchus brothers Julius Caesar First and Second Triumvirates Caesar Augustus (Octavian) How did Augustus come to rule Rome by himself? Accomplishments Pax Romana government of the Pax Romana legal system of the Pax Romana trade and transportaEon during the Pax Romana What made the Pax Romana such an extraordinary Eme in history? Life of the rich Life of the poor Roman circuses Roman theater Roman educaEon Roman religion Galen Virgil aqueducts Roman architecture LaEn civil law Roman Republic consEtuEon parts of the Roman Republic dictator checks and balances

C: F 9/13 D: Th 9/12

SecEon 6-1 (part 1), The Founda+ons of Rome (stop at The Republic Expands) p. 163-167

C: M 9/16 D: M 9/16

SecEon 6-1 (part 2), The Founda+ons of Rome p. 167-169

C: T 9/17 D: T 9/17

SecEon 6-2 From Republic to Empire p. 171- 176

C: Th 9/19 D: W 9/18

SecEon 6-3 Roman Society and Culture p. 177-182

**NOTE: When you are asked to iden7fy a person, place or term this means you must complete TWO tasks. One; provide a deni7on for the term or a sentence telling me WHO the person is or WHERE the place is located. Two; describe that term, person, or places signicance to the material were studying. Any ID missing one of these components is incomplete.

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