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Define the following: 1. Operating system 2. Multiprogramming system & multiprogramming system 3.

Multitasking system & multitasking operating system 4. Multi user system & multiuser operating system 5. Job pool 6. Cpu scheduling 7. Job scheduling 8. Preemption 9. Time slice 10.Monolithic kernel 11.Microkernel 12.Graceful degradation 13.Fault tolerant system 14.Multi processing system 15.Real time operating system (HRTOS &SRTOS) 16.Kernel 17.Modes of execution 18.Interrupt 19.Exceptions 20.System call 21.Environment variable 22.Shell 23.Distributed system & distributed operating system 24.Absolute and relative path 25.Inode strcture and inode number

26.Buffer cache(buffer management system or BMS) 27.Delay write 28.Memory fragmentation 29.Internal and external memory fragmentation 30.Superblock 31.File discriptor 32.Process contex 33.Process scheduling 34.Cpu starvation 35.Zombie process 36.Orphan process 37.Vfork 38.Signals 39.Pipe 40.Broken pipe error 41.Fifo 42.Message queue 43.Shared memory segment 44.Semaphore 45.Deal lock 46.Race condition 47.Sockets 48. Threads

49.Multithreading 50.Mutual exclusion 51.Mutex variable

52.Demand paging 53.Copy-on-write 54.Thrashing 55.Page fault 56.Page handler 57.Working set 58.Window size 59.Page table entry 60.Restart able instruction

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