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Direct versus Indirect Communication Style
1) The student will be able to define and use direct and indirect communication.
2) The student will be able explain productivity, candidate recruitment, racist terms, the need for
a safety helmet at a construction site, enhanced health insurance and cons of outsourcing.
Group 1 Do two role plays in which you discuss productivity problems with a worker. Use
direct communication in the first role play and an indirect communication in the second role

Group 2 Do two role plays in which you are trying to recruit a candidate. Use direct
communication in the first role play and an indirect communication in the second role play.

Group 3 Do two role plays in which you are trying to convince your boss for the need for
computer training (Office) for new employees. Use direct communication in the first role
play and an indirect communication in the second role play.

Group 4 Do two role plays in which you are trying to warn a candidate about using racist
terms at the workplace. Use direct communication in the first role play and an indirect
communication in the second role play.

Group 5 Do two role plays in which you are trying to get a worker to wear his safety helmet
on a construction site. Use direct communication in the first role play and an indirect
communication in the second role play.

Group 6 Do two role plays in which you are trying to convince the boss that the company
should use an enhanced health insurance plan versus the current plan. Use direct
communication in the first role play and an indirect communication in the second role play.

Group 7 Do two role plays in which you are trying to convince the boss widget
production for your company should not be outsourced. Use direct communication in the
first role play and an indirect communication in the second role play.

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