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Sketchbook Assignment 1

Divide a Page in your Sketchbook into Thirds (horizontally or Vertically - your choice)

"Expressive Lines"

Try to make as many types of lines as you can. (See Example) Repeat each type of line several times. Try all types of lines: wavy, curly, jagged, dashes, fat, thin, etc. FILL YOUR PAGE with as many lines as you can. Use a black felt tipped pen! Add color if you want!

"Directional Lines"

Unlike the expressive lines, directional lines are very precise. Lines should all be the same thickness. These lines look as if they are bending and overlapping. This is not "free" like expressive lines) but calculated constant, and even.

Start anywhere on your paper. Move in a certain direction. Stop and begin in a new direction (See example!) Keep lines in a group the same distance apart Try to go in every direction at least once

Use pencil with ruler or straightedge!

"Echoes" Begin by drawing an abstract, free-form line on the page. Then use other lines to echo the original line, flowing with it, into it, and away from it. (See example!) Thenadd color between the lines.

You must create new variations away from your first lines to make it look different! Use Sharpie for the lines and colored pencil for color!

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