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11th Grade American Lit. Syllabus Mrs. Macomber / Semester I Email: amacomber@dusd.

net OVERVIEW: This course covers the study of American Literature. Preparation for college level writing and the development of higher order and critical thinking is central to this course. SAT skills, oral communication, vocabulary and language/writing study are all key elements of the curriculum.

First Movement: We will read a wide variety of literature in this course, including works by
the authors listed below. Encounters and Foundations to 1800: Literature of the Colonial & Revolutionary Era Native American mythology; Anne Bradstreet; Mary Rowlandson; Jonathan Edwards; Benjamin Franklin; Patrick Henry; Thomas Jefferson; Arthur Miller This quarter will focus primarily on the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller with a discussion on how the Salem witch trials of the 1600s compare and contrast to the McCarthyism and Communist fear of the 1950s.

Second Movement:
American Romanticism: 1800-1860 We will be reading short stories, essays, and poetry that focus on the Romantic movement and cover the concepts of Transcendentalism and Gothic Literature. Works of fiction by: Washington Irving; William Cullen Bryant; Henry Longfellow; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Henry David Thoreau; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Edgar Allen Poe Division of Weekly Lessons: Mondays: will generally be used for SAT Vocabulary instruction and D.O.L lessons. Tuesdays: continuation of units of literature with focus on in class reading. Thursdays: SAT weekly warm-ups followed by literature study and also a writing component and collaborative group work with project completions. Fridays: assessment primarily for vocabulary and/or grammar. Expectations: 1. 2. You will be expected to write at least one formal writing assignment (response to literature) in a CQT format per quarter.

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