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Keilah Luz Masayon BSBA- Financial Mngt.

PE 3 (Th 8:00-10:00Am) Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports. Playing basketball is what most boys want to play with. Last Friday, The Basketball fight between CAS Department Vs. CBA Department happened. Fans and players are anxiously awaiting the start of the game. The players are jumping and shooting around the court waiting for the referee to blow their whistle to issue the start of the game.

So this is it. The game start with quiet pretty good but all of a sudden there was a CBA player who has injured in his legs but hes still in on the game. And player Cabotage was the fastest to run of all the players despite of his height. And player Jacoba was a very good shooter but he was injured during the game, but still despite of his injury he tried his best just to finish the game.

One thing that I can tell you as fact is that when you are watching the game from there, you know when something big is about to happen before it does. The game was really amazing! Crowds were shouting and chanting for their players. The audience are supporting their respective departments, when you say audience it was the people whos watching, students and even the professors. I loved the energy and the stage. I think it was really the first game where I felt the need to go and support my team. Not just because I need to, but because I want to.

In awarding, CBA Department got a lot of stuff, especially trophies because they are the winners.

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