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Assembly Bill 48 (Skinner) Bulletproofing Communities

ISSUE California has some of the nations toughest gun laws, but its laws regulating large capacity magazines used in the mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut and Aurora, Colorado, and in the assault on Congress member Gabrielle Giffords are filled with loopholes. For example, current law makes it illegal to sell a large capacity ammunition magazine, but does not make it a crime to buy a large capacity magazine in the state. Likewise, state law allows the sale and purchase of repair kits that convert regular ammunition magazines into illegal military-style large-capacity magazines. Unfortunately, some individuals are obtaining these kits to assemble ammunition magazines holding as many as 30 rounds.

AB 48 (SKINNER) Assembly Bill 48 addresses these shortcomings in current law by making it a crime to buy or receive a large-capacity ammunition magazine; Additionally, AB 48 makes it illegal to manufacture, import into the state, keep for sale, or offer or expose for sale, or give, lend, buy, or receive a large capacity magazine conversion kit that allows users to convert regular ammunition magazines into illegal military-style large-capacity magazines that can fire more than ten rounds of ammunition without reloading.

Assemblymember Nancy Skinner Staff Contact: Tony Bui (916) 319-2015 or Updated: September 6, 2013

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