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MaN.ISen 40 Model Answers BUSINESS COMMUNICATION cP-105, (1 Discuss the nature, process and inportane of Business Consmunies ‘Awe Comucatn ‘etve communication sl ae th Gre of succes ety ‘nora lstonstip Oar an Behaviour and socal elatoaip ran one of sommincaon “The ordeommuricaton as ee deed rome Latin oe Comm- isto sare. Communication mn be defied as shri infortion 8 eas ‘ato create muta ndcstaing betwen people ‘According toNewman’- *Conmuicaton sa exchange fs, eas, pains or emtons by ‘wor mire peoples “Commutation i suri fal things one perce dost when he wns create derstanding nthe mind of antes, rea bide wean ing I ovowes tyra nl continuing process of telling, ening & derstanding “Ts comminiation is roes of giving recevng messages which say contin opin fs od ents ‘NtureofCommanicaton a Tremayprocen re Ongoing prov The pocet of Coraanication tana gng & sontnons \Whetera person bua allng ttn thang, bes ate process ‘fsame fons ofcnmanicion, Hur wil esse we fone is abet ‘9 Dynami proces Conmanicton ta jac poss changes according tthe parisganehackroin,ebcton leming, mateo & modo ell Se ssconing to he station. 100) Mise is ‘Sinmtone Therion hse Shckgeund > C Communication >) eaion ‘ster Vas * Gen Evrae ‘ing a + Meteton ‘Peep 4) Gostorietad Every Communication as ago Bett Provided tafnution ‘Sovaise Tefoence Erotona stsfcton Perc saring Any commanicaton eel can be effective ihe sender & he ever ‘ot re ava ofthe goal of communication an here i com of goals ©) Inter asiptinary Comminiction i 3 science which devices i root fom vais subjects tn is ier in ate fore + Antiopology + yeholegy + soclogy Poll Since ec have provided nights o make the 0 Parvasves= \Comaticton is esse a all per of orgaissions an tall let mages pease port al fo an shop, 1) Mutual Undertanding:= ‘Thctasipurpos of Conmmnicaton ito rest mal ndesinad ‘ng providing or receiving information. afuening open ets tn icing a respomse. The pups behind communication tthe ‘eceiver andthe sender maybeabletorachto acon lvl fenders ine 1) VerhalorNon-serbal communication = Communication yb bh verbal sr wells 0st Conm ‘ation maybe dove by tallng dnt or though ow peste e ca bey language: Even he spe four aking he one pitch, he we ‘arctan, our ees & ail expression do tice oth ote 2000) TORE Fovoding | [Gamer Deine Soa ofeemet _, Pe [ee] = (eat | —}xteto|-* [cee PSS smessge) Te ack 9) Sender "The proves of communion eins when the sender fe the sea fr giving some norton he oer person. The seer esource from where th process of communication nines. He shuld have cea ‘et nbs ind sto what soe eared tthe other paso te segue Tilly caged though, The dea soa be once f be encoded he fom ofamssage 1) coding Gooding ean puting tee he out eto word symbol, ictrs or gests hat he ther person ale oust. Eooding ‘Comers an este mid nts concerte mag abe delivered, Tea] -> [Encoding] > [Message] ‘Use of appropri nigiaze choice of woeds cc ate ery inpestaat at ths sage (©) Channel Media (Chanel onnet the sender withthe ever. Sener > Chamel > Receiver ‘A chnoet she way dough which message woud be tarsi 6 he desi detain e. ™ Radios, Receiver = ‘The person o group o whom he message i ected known a heresies ‘The receiver epost the destination or the message. Are € 360 MBAS covermay be AReaier + _Aviewer depending yon what chanel i tng wel crm mesipe 9 Dede ‘Theeceher mses te words inte me eo ies inept oto meng Tho pes ced Sea ‘Mesmge-> Dring > Undesong heer lr tc hi peptone te ide eo wh oe any yw asl Sa co Detach ‘er deinen Se eer nat respond oe sue sictentac spews fa tenis etbock. Tees fcmsunesonsenge ‘Sesepcieeher he hoe oetbuak my teens oe On esage + Simson heel nck intend, Command tobe sttne Doe: ‘ave any vrai eviews oth smo eer maybe Soa dncton nemonmen 5 Tei itn be commaion smear 2 Mn (Geert emote. Sh etlens oprcnesi es nto of eer ‘Ths the above mentioned are these & proces of emai ‘ion Tobe se cesfuany Organisation depends pon eflstive Commune. ‘on, Communications become an tar pate oi iI com init effectively & efieemly can jeoparsdie cr interesin sine ‘ellasin other managerial anton 22 Dic ea pesopaeapaing How con Poe peaking Ans PUBLICSPEAKING:- Among the varios forms of ommunicton, Oral communication enidered to be the earliest & corm meio Scam. nora 460 MDA-ISem communication, spec or Publ speaking the ost widely dope ol of "Fen Spitng tate foal Communication vic ntl esr anda poupofaubetee nti ye ofconmaniaonaspeaer, orally ‘oma ening. arse» soup of aude sled pi Pac Spetig ana Advance reason & aefl planning wil prove 1 SaectonofaTopie= ‘Selon set mate aspect fit te mot sain when he spon on th pr fh pes They top for Pbk Speaking ay be signe wo the Speaker However he Ti openness oad ‘pei cone a scope The oie ay be choosen on baa of 2 Raoul ofthe Speaker * The ocsaian ofthe Speck 2. State the sbject:- he objetives of gv th spec. se Genera decsion ‘Times the tronldge eve of aence “To sean he aden Depeading pone purpose of Publi Speaking he extent aad scope of pi eovered all ry. Sc repareat Ontine- ‘Next sapect of Pale Speaking ist prepara ough oe eet ft peck Eg earodation : ater having decided the scope of the speech & analysing the audi- cece. te patrol erential dan ay Sr ecndy outs Ie aos sic) Maa.tsem + Newspapers * Prat document ee ‘Prepares ough daft= Te efeive speaker lays does hi home wok wll He pe. pes a rough daft and make vecesrytndiftins afer eadag es raring it.The preparation of he rough da inches qotngexeple ‘sferences, sayings of famous personalities, moral stares. coneanon al Required audio-visual aids ike chars, gph, overhead eae. (or 1, printed materi boards & makers ety te procured & kent Say th tie of presentation 7 Personal aspet able Speaking refers oan diva aesings pou. This ‘meas hee would beso many eyes gazeg a inva pater Theos the speaker st ive due consideration his personal sper a nel ‘Contdeat & Etsastic icalinss Sincenty Frexible Open ended rig restive Opening Spee The spake can open is peck na very single mer by srecting the audience and thanking the opr. Many aie seen Speakers may dems thir speech opi th aon ote sacs by ‘Baring example oratory or quoting any pease Those vaso ope ‘ng poses butte one a which he speaker els come & eee ‘ony ta opening sould be used Crate Iatrsing

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