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Scientific words

Exocrine glycoprotein. reflex activities pyloric duodenum. Monomeric Capillaries assimilation. Lesions Pathological uncontrollable behavior parietal cells (Oxyntic cells) caesinogen globules small ball of something. Like liquid drop Lipase - a substance that is produced mainly in the pancreas and helps the body to digest lipids (= fats and oils)
pancreas an organ in the body that produces insulin (= a chemical substance that controls the amount of sugar in the blood) and substances which help to digest food so that it can be used by the body amylase an enzyme (= chemical substance made by living cells) in saliva , plants, and in the pancreas that helps change starch into sugar

alimentary canal the tube-like passage from the mouth, through the stomach to the anus , through which food travels during digestion

he patic portal vein the vein that carries blood, containing substances obtained from food, from the intestines to the liver

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