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!n silence
David Lennartsson to Mikko Piirainen
On stage; playing the piece...
!" $a&e (la*e on a *hair on in 0ront o0 the audien*e. 5tagelight 7u8t 9e di7:
al7o8t dar&: ;ith a 8(otlight on the 7u8i*ian.
<" 5tu00 9ell tight ;ith a *loth 8o that the tru7(et i8 thoroughl= da7(ed.
>" ?la= the note a8 @uiet a8 (o88i9le: loo&ing do;n at the !oor: 0or a8
long a8 it i8 (o88i9le to 7aintain (it*h: ti79re and d=na7i* in one 9reath.
A" Ba&e a8 long (au8e a8 the note ;a8 (la=ed.
C" ?la= the note again in the 8a7e ;a=: onl= thi8 ti7e eDen @uiter than
the (reDiou8 ti7e.
E" Fe(eat 8te(8 AGC until it i8 i7(o88i9le to (la= the note at all.
H" Ind the (ie*e 9= ;aiting in the 8ilen*e: until the 8ilen*e i8 Ju8t a 9it too long
to 9e *o70orta9le.

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