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What You Can Do as a Par ent to Help Your Child be Successf ul in School

Ask your

child how their day was. Ask

them open ended questions so their r esponse isnt, Nothing. For example; the best par t of my day was? In math we did? The f unniest thing t hat happened was? I was f r ustr ated when?

Review pr ogr ess r epor ts, assessments,

or gr aded wor k. Be awar e of your childs gr ades, behavior , and pr ogr ess thr oughout the school year . Ar e they under standing the cur r iculum?

Read to your
sever al ways.

child. This is benef icial in

Listen to your

child r ead out loud. This

They impr ove in list ening compr ehension. They build compr ehension and you can ask them quest ions about their r eading; ther ef or e assess their lear ning. They list en to a f luent r eader , YOU You bond toget her f or unf or gettable memor ies.

will t ell you how theyr e r eading (f luency), what kind of book theyr e r eading, and if they under stand what theyr e r eading.

Cor r ect homewor k bef or e tur ning it

in. Be ther e to catch mistakes and int er cept wr ong conceptions. The aver age child needs to see something at least 9 times to under stand and engr ave it into their br ain. If t aught wr ong, this incr eases to 16 times! Yikes!

Pr actice at home with your

child about

what they ar e lear ning in class. For example: r eview math f acts in t he car , have them help you measur e ingr edient while cooking, count change, tell the time, or pr actice spelling wor ds at the dinner table. This helps t o get involved with your child and lear n about what is going on in school.

Routine is key! Childr en (and adult s)

love r out ine. For example: Do homewor k r ight af t er school or af t er dinner , do t he same chor es each week at the same time or same day of the week, set a time to go to bed ever y night and/ or eat br eakf ast r ight when they get out of bed. When a r outine is established, your child will f eel at ease and know whats expect ed of t hem. A good lif e skill too!

Suppor t homewor k. Always do

homewor k together . When your child does their homewor k alone, you will not be able to see their study habits or see what t hey need wor k on. Dont f or get its t heir homewor k, not your s. They need to lear n it, not you.


makes a huge

dif f er ence! Thank you f or being ther e f or your child.

By Teacher s Take-Out

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