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12th September, 2013 Phone 07 889 6629 Email


Ng mihi nui ki koutou Greetings to you ll In the erly hours of Mondy morning I hed off to Mkuhri, Jpn with seven very excited MIS students for two weeks s prt of our nnul Yer 8 Culturl Exchnge. Science nd Technology is well nd truly live here t Morrinsville Intermedite School; nd the levels of Litercy, Mthemtics, ICT nd determintion to succeed inspire us ll. This yer we chnged the ctegories for our Science Fir to llow more scope nd to promote different levels of success cross wide rnge of students. To see students chieving is wht we re ll bout nd our Science Fir this ws successful event. I wnt to personlly thnk Grnt Hurley nd Evonik Industries for their generosity in providing the prizes, nd Livestock Improvement for their time judging nd the gift bgs.

Congratulations to Laura Burne on achieving Honours

I red Lurs letter pplying for Honours to the student body lst week when presenting her wrd which described wht chieving Honours ment for her. To quote Lur I definitely cnt sy I m the best t Sport, the best in Acdemics, the best in Culture or best in Civics but I cn ssure you tht I hve done my personl best in ech nd every one of these res. I hve lerned tht to chieve gol, it is more thn to just to Let It Hppen rther it is to Mke It Hppen. I hve done just tht; it hs not been n esy journey but I hve gined lot from it long the wy. At Morrinsville Intermedite School we wnt our students to chieve success, from the smll stepping stones of progress through to chieving their ultimte personl gols. Success comes from trying one thing new, tking risk nd keeping your gols in mind. Reminders: Our next Whanau Support Group Hui is tonight at 5.30pm in the staffroom. The next Principals Chat is tomorrow at 11.00am. Nku no, Vicky Mrshll Acting Principl Whakatauki mo te wiki: Proverb for the Week: Always aim for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars!

Laure Burne MIS Honours Student

Student illness
We have had a lot of students away from school recently with colds, flus and general sickness. A reminder, if your child is sick they are better off to have a day or two at home to recover and to stop the spread of bugs. Also a reminder to notify the office of any absences.

Merit Programme Awards

Merit Awards
Olivia Parnell Kaleb Cleary Cultural Sports Olivia Parnell Andie Judge Sports Academic

13th Sept 19th Sept 24th Sept 24th Sept 25th Sept 22nd Oct 23rd Oct 25th Oct 30th Oct 5th Nov 7th Nov 13th Nov

School Speech Finals Piako Cultural Festival Inter-Intermediate Basketball Aotea Zoo Trip Aranui Disco Craft Day Livestock Day Principals Chat 11am Year 6 Parent Info evening 7pm Open Day 11.00am Sports and Team photos Open Day 1.30pm

On Wednesday and Thursday last week the Morrinsville Intermediate Science and Technology Fair was held. This year entries were not compulsory, and a range of new categories were available for students. These included Scientific Journalism, Scientific Photography, Observational Drawing and Digital Presentations, as well as the usual Science Investigation or Technological Development. The winners of the categories were: Science Investigation Technological Development Digital Presentation Photography Journalism Drawing 1st Zach Judge 1st Jayadeep Nagra 1st Adam Lovelock 1st Arnika Ruegg 1st Sara Pitkethley 2nd Larissa Anderson. 2nd MacGregor Chase

1st Arnika Ruegg and Grace Christie

All entries were to a high standard and 12 have been selected to be entered in the East Waikato Science and Technology Fair at Morrinsville College on September 18th. We would like to thank Evonik Industries and Grant Hurley for providing and presenting the main prizes. We would also like to thank LIC and Cam Marshall for providing gift packs and judges.
Grant Hurley from Evonik Industries with the winners of each category and their prizes.

A reminder that energy drinks such as Red Bull and fizzy drinks are not permitted at school. These drinks can contain huge amounts of caffeine and sugar and students are not to bring them to school for obvious reasons. Thanks for your cooperation.

Sports and Merit Badges will be sewn at school on Wednesday 18th September. T-Shirts must be clean and named.

by Zoe Williams & Tylah Wright

On Friday 13th September we are having an Odd Shoe Day and a Mufti Day to raise money for Camp Quality which is a charity that provides funding for children and their families living with cancer. Students must bring along a gold coin donation to take part. Remember not to wear inappropriate clothing, we cant wait to see all the crazy pairs of shoes!

Odd Shoe Day Report


If any parents have any school cricket gear (or any other school sports uniforms/equipment) at their house could it be returned to school for a stock take as we need to know if we require additional gear. Back by tomorrow please.

SNOW OFF WHITE DVD ORDER FORM Our school production DVD is now available for purchase ($27 each). Please get your orders into the school office by Friday 20th September. Eftpos is available. Students Name:_______________________________________________ Room:__________

______ Number of copies @$27.00. Payment method / amount enclosed $__________________

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