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{FOR THE FIRST TIME IN COLORED CONTINUITY 1772 Z TN = £4) = k \\ (é ony, 5 yy — (> N} iy NAA SS Waar i A e Is =| i BW ley ESN =— Bat y yA a LS. OLD TESTAMENT EDITION NUMBER ONF Advisory Counal a eine Sores from the Bible” DR. ROBERT A, ASHWORTH Editorial Secretory National Conferonco of Ch DR. ALEXANDER M. DUSHKIN Executive Dzeclor sivish Education Committee of New York JOHN L. FORTSON. Public Relations Director Council of the Churches of Christ in Amorica DR. ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN ‘Congregation and President of tho 1 and Jows International Council of Religious Education DR. WALTER M, HOWLETT Exec J. PAUL MAYNARD Editor of The Christin Herald DR. NORMAN VINCENT PEALE Minister; Marble Collegiate Church, N. Y. ¥ Author of “The Art of Living” and Other Books DR. FRANCIS C. STIFLER Editorial Secretary, American Biblo Society, ‘and Conductor of Bible Periods over the National Broadcasting Company network EDWARD L. WERTHEIM Secretary 40 Advisory Council ible. School oe Imamber ie serving os en indivi presence on this Council door aay ceed Ge etemenetcr cr ion, “PICTURE STORIES FROM THE BIBLE” %s. published by M. C. GAINES 225 LAFAYETTE STREET, N.Y. C. Scripis by MONTGOMERY MULFORD Mustetions by DON CAMERON Copyright, 1942, by M. C. GAINES Ie ° The Bible is the most popular book in the world — and one of the oldest. Its beginnings go back thousands of years, when America was a forest-cov- ered wilderness. But while savage animals roamed over the lands where our busy cities now stand, the people of the sunny Bible lands bordering on the Mediterranean Sea already had a great . They had magnificent cities; they went sailing to far countries ini gellenehipethayirReBPAVEe ie eae fought stirring battles. Their famous men — Noah, Joseph, Saul and Moses (whose brave fight with an Egyptian bully is shown on the cover) were not only strong and daring leaders, but great and good men ase , j Stxteen Centuries of the Bible Today, most of what we know about these an- wnt peoples comes to us through the Bible, or rather in that part of the Bible called the Old Testament,and from which all the st in this book are taken. The story of how the Bible came to be written is in itself romantic. To write it took over 1600 years. The Bible is really a whole library between the covers of one book. That is because it is the work of many devout men, -who through long ages wrote down events in the Bible lands: the songs of the people, the chronicles of powerful kings and princes, ir flight to freedom, of rich cities being built, of right iriumphing over wrong, and of the endless search of the Hebrew people for the true God, whom both Christians and Jews in the modern world worship today. How the ‘Bible Was Written When the Bible was written, there were no printed books. The story of Noah and his ark, of lovely Esther and her loyalty, of Jonah and his submarine ride inside a live whale, of sweetfaced Ruth gathering barley and winning a husband, were all lettered with brushes or quills on sheepskin, in the strange characters of both the old Hebrew and the Aramaic languages. Instead of pages such as our modern books have, the pieces of sheepskin were fastened together, top to bottom, — yards and yards of them — and the whole was rolled up into a scroll like a small bolt of cloth, and fied together with leather strings. But the Bible did not really come into general use until the invention of printing by Johann Gutenberg about the year 1450. When books had to be written out by hand, they were both scarce and costh ealthy person could o ae es Picture Stories "2 Bible = Table of Contents NOAH AND HIS ARK From the Book of Genesis Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 in the King James, Douay and Leeser Versions of the Old Testament JOSEPH IN EGYPT (Part One) From the Book of Genesis, Chapters 37-41, in all three versions of the Old Testament JOSEPH IN EGYPT (Part Two) From the Book of Genesis, Chapters 41-50, in all three versions of the Old Testament PAGE i6 MOSES AND HIS STRUGGLE FOR ISRAEL Part One — Out of Egypt From incidents in the Book of Genesis, the Book of Exodus, and The Book of Numbers in all three Versions of the Old Testament... PAGE 23 MOSES AND HIS STRUGGLE FOR ISRAEL Part Two — The Promised Land From incidents in The Books of Exodus, sus, Numbers and Deuteronomy all three versions of the Old Testament... PAGE 30 SAUL, THE FIRST KING OF ISRAEL From the First Book of Samuel, Chapter 9-15, in all three versions of the Old Testament PAGE 37 RUTH From the Book of Ruth, in all three versions of the Old Testament PAGE 44 JONAH AND THE WHALE From the Book of Jonah, in all three versions of the Old Testament PAGE 51 ESTHER, QUEEN OF PERSIA From the Book of Esther, in’ all three versions of the Old Testament Picture Sfories from the Bible Published by M. C. GAINES SOPYRIGHL 1942, by M. C. GAINES

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