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PL/SQL Interview Questions 1. What are the different cursors available in PL/SQL? 2. What is Ref Cursor? 3.

What is an autonomous transaction?

4. Name the different database triggers?

5. Can you use COMMIT in a trigger? 6. Give the structure of the trigger? 7. What is the difference between View and Materialized view? 8. How do you set the profile option from a PL/SQL procedure? 9. How do you submit a concurrent program from PL/SQL Procedure? 10. What is a mutating table? 11. What are the three files that are generated when you load data using SQL Loader? 12. Can you call a sequence in SQL Loader? 13. What is tkprof and the syntax? 14. What do you know about Trace and Tuning? 15. Have you ever used TABLE datatype and what is it used for? 16. What are the types of Exceptions? 17. How do you declare user defined Exception? 18. How do you eliminate duplicate rows from a table? 19. What are the differences between Function and Procedure? 20. What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE? 21. What is the difference between PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE ? 22. What is RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR used for? 23. Can triggers be used on views? If so How? 24. What is the SQL statement used to display the text of a procedure stored in database? 25. What is dynamic SQL? 26. UPDATE .. CREATE TABLE E () ROLL BACK To which save point will the changes be Rolled Back? 27. How do you set profile options from PL/SQL procedure?

28. What is conditional filtering at database level? (Hint: New feature released in 10g)
29. How do you retrieve the last N records from a table?

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