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1. When using Data Mover in Bootstrap mode, which command is valid?


Mark for

5. What are three valid actions when using the PeopleCode debugger? (Choose three.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Commit Retrieve Variable Value Step Over (*) Go (*) Toggle Break at Cursor (*)

6. PeopleTools has added a process to Process Scheduler to initiate any Application Engine processes that need to run on a consistent and regular basis and whose frequency is less than a day. What is the name of this process? Mark for Review (1) Points PSAESRV PSAPPSRV PSDAEMON (*) PSNTSRV

7. What are two valid ways to comment code in the PeopleCode editor? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers)

COMMENTS code ! Code /* code */ (*) // code <*code *> (*)

9. Which three are valid PeopleSoft objects? (Choose three.) (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Mobile Page (*) Report Node Application Engine program (*) Message Handler File Layout (*) Portal Servlet

Mark for Review

10. What is the data retrieval method for a query to be displayed in Oracle? Mark for Review (1) Points Retrieval Plan Execution Plan Query Plan Access Path Explain Plan (*)

11. Which three PeopleTools technologies make up the Integration Broker? (Choose three.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Component Interfaces (*)

File Layout (*) Message Agent Application Messaging (*)

13. You must view a Business Process Map when a client asks you to _____. for Review (1) Points add a field to a table create a report with data from multiple tables change a corporate logo on a page change the mapping of the data tell the client what to do after terminating an employee (*)


14. Given this URL: http://localhost/psp/HRDEV/EMPLOYEE/PSFT_TRN/c/PSU_TRN.PSU_STUDENT.GBL What is the Portal? Mark for Review (1) Points HRDEV PSU_TRN EMPLOYEE (*) PSFT_TRN PSU_STUDENT

16. Which four are primary methods to trigger Application Engine programs? (Choose four.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) from within Application Designer (*) PeopleCode (*) BAT file (*)

COBOL SQL Process Scheduler (*)

17. In PeopleSoft Internet Architecture, which PeopleCode function CANNOT be executed on the Application Server? Mark for Review (1) Points ScrollSelect SendMail WinExec (*) GetMessage SqlExec

20. The Application Engine (AE) state record _____. (1) Points stores AE source code passes values to the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler passes values from one Action to another (*) stores application data

Mark for Review

21. How many keys are required for a Dynamic View? (1) Points 2 3 0 (*) 4 1

Mark for Review

22. Which four tools require you to log on to the PeopleSoft database? (Choose four.) Mark for Review

(1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Application Engine (*) Configuration Manager Tree Manager (*) Application Designer (*) Data Mover (*) Upgrade Assistant

23. Which two statements about documenting PeopleSoft objects in Application Designer are true? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) You can print the documentation by choosing File > Print from Application Designer (*) All PeopleSoft-delivered objects have documentation delivered. You can create documentation for all objects. (*) You can create documentation for SQR programs.

25. Which three components make up an executable Application Engine (AE) program? (Choose three.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Step (*) Procedure Action (*) Section (*) Module


Enabling Single Signon allows a user to perform which two tasks? (Choose

two.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) view PeopleSoft-generated reports without having to log on separately (*) seamlessly navigate through PeopleSoft applications (*) add additional security against hackers to the client's session enable the Windows client logon to act seamlessly as the PeopleSoft logon bypass the PeopleSoft Portal logon

30. A user logs in to PeopleTools 8.4 Application Designer, which points to an HCM database in 3-tier mode. The user tries to navigate to the Workforce Administration menu but cannot see it. Why can the user NOT get to the Workforce Administration menu? Mark for Review (1) Points The Configuration Manager was set up incorrectly. The user does not have the appropriate permissions. PeopleSoft applications are no longer accessible in 3-tier mode (*) The Application Server is down.

31. Which view modes are found in the Project Workspace of Application Designer? Mark for Review (1) Points Development and Upgrade (*) Development and Validate Validate and Upgrade Standard and Validate Development and Properties

33. A department manager must approve all requests for external classes. This is an example of which WorkFlow application development step? Mark for Review (1) Points Rules (*) Roles

Routing Steps

36. Where can you place Meta-SQL? (1) Points in a SQL Table in a Derived/Work Table in a Temporary Table in a SQL View in a Dynamic View (*)

Mark for Review

37. A customer wants to apply only a critical fix to resolve an application error that is halting production. The company is three months behind in applying all the posted patches and fixes and there are numerous prerequisites to applying each fix. How can you guarantee that a prerequisite will NOT be missed? Mark for Review (1) Points apply all applicable PeopleSoft service packs (*) apply the patches only for modules that the client uses apply the latest PeopleSoft patch only apply the patches for licensed modules only upgrade or install to the most current PeopleTools release

39. Where is the default style sheet specified for system-wide access to PeopleSoft using the portal or PeopleSoft Internet Architecture servlets? Mark for Review (1) Points in PeopleTools Options on the PeopleTools Utilities menu (*) in Application Designer in Configuration Manager on the Web server in the Web root directory

in Setup > Security Links on the Maintain Security menu

40. What resource is available to PeopleSoft partners who want to obtain implementation documentation for an upcoming project? Mark for Review (1) Points Partner Alliance Partner Connection PeopleSoft Connect PeopleSoft University Alliance Connection (*)

41. A client has completed a PeopleTools upgrade and is now testing Query. The client notices that one SQL query is taking one hour to complete when it completed in two minutes in the previous environment. What should you do to solve this problem? Mark for Review (1) Points set the JVM Heap size so that the Java Garbage Collector will not be invoked frequently bounce the Application Server reconfigure the PSAPPSRV.cfg file re-create the index for the record that the query is running against (*) delete the Process Scheduler cache

42. What is the data retrieval method for a query to be displayed in Oracle? Mark for Review (1) Points Explain Plan (*) Execution Plan Access Path Query Plan Retrieval Plan

44. What is the purpose of a Fit/Gap analysis? (1) Points

Mark for Review

to map data elements from the customer's legacy systems to the PeopleSoft application to develop an implementation plan to document the server hardware requirements required for the PeopleSoft applications to define the system architecture to determine which functional business requirements will require modifications (*)

45. What are three ways to address gaps identified in a Fit/Gap analysis? (Choose three.) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) change policies or procedures (*) purchase third-party software (*) contact the PeopleSoft development group to submit an enhancement request customize PeopleSoft (*)

46. A client wants information about every professor and assistant professor who was hired on or before May 16, 1989. Which SQL statement generates the requested information? Mark for Review (1) Points select FirstName, LastName, Title, DateHired from PS_staff where Title = 'PROF' or ( Title = 'ASSIST_PROF' and DateHired <= '1989-05-16') select FirstName, LastName, Title, DateHired from PS_staff where (Title = 'PROF' and Title = 'ASSIST_PROF') and DateHired <= '1989-05-16' select FirstName, LastName, Title, DateHired from PS_staff where Title = 'PROF' and ( Title = 'ASSIST_PROF' or DateHired <= '1989-05-16') select FirstName, LastName, Title, DateHired from PS_staff where (Title = 'PROF' or Title = 'ASSIST_PROF') and DateHired <= '1989-05-16' (*) select FirstName, LastName, Title, DateHired from PS_staff where (Title = 'PROF' and Title = 'ASSIST_PROF') and DateHired NOT > '1989-05-16'

47. Which two RDBMS platforms use tablespaces? (Choose two.) (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Microsoft SQL Server IBM DB2 UDB (*) Sybase Oracle (*)

Mark for Review

48. What does DDDAUDIT do? (1) Points

Mark for Review

identifies orphaned PeopleSoft objects brings SQL tables into accordance with PeopleTools Record Definitions identifies tables that have database level auditing activated identifies inconsistencies between PeopleTools Record and Index Definitions and the database objects (*)

49. What does SYSAUDIT do? (1) Points

Mark for Review

brings SQL tables into accordance with PeopleTools Record Definitions identifies orphaned PeopleSoft objects (*) identifies tables that have database level auditing activated identifies inconsistencies between PeopleTools Record and Index Definitions and the database objects

50. What is an Entity Relationship Diagram? (1) Points a business process map used for WorkFlow a drop-down chart of the Tree Manager

Mark for Review

an organizational structure of the Business Units a flowchart of the business entities and their relations

a graphic representation of tables and the common fields between them (*)

53. What is a one-to-many relationship? (1) Points

Mark for Review

For every row in the second table, there is one and only one row in the first table; for every row in the first table, there must be more than one row in the second table. For every row in the first table, there must be many rows in the second table; for every row in the second table, there is only one row in the first table. For every row in the second table, there can be zero, one, or many rows in the first table; for every row in the first table, there is one or more rows in the second table For every row in the second table, there are many rows in the first table; for every row in the first table, there are zero or more rows in the second table. For every row in the first table, there can be zero, one, or many rows in the second table; for every row in the second table, there is exactly one row in the first table. (*)

54. In which non-key record field does PeopleSoft allow NULL values? Review (1) Points Integer Binary Character Decimal Date (*)

Mark for

56. Which BEA product does PeopleSoft use to manage database transactions? for Review (1) Points WebLogic RDMS JOLT Tuxedo (*)



60. The criteria that you specify in a PeopleSoft Query is equivalent to which clause in SQL? Mark for Review (1) Points GET SELECT WHERE (*) FROM IMPORT

1. Which one of the following comments can be added to your SQL WITHOUT introducing a syntax error? Mark for Review (1) Points COMMENT added by Homer Simpson to force RULE mode ! Added by Homer Simpson to force RULE mode /*added by Homer Simpson to force RULE mode*/ - - added by Homer Simpson to add Rule mode (*) */added by Homer Simpson to force RULE mode

2. In simplest terms, which one of the following is a valid statement about writing programs? Mark for Review (1) Points The difference between coding in one language and another is really just how the compiler generates the pull-down boxes. The difference between coding in one language and another is really just the syntax for writing comments. The difference between coding in one language and another is really just syntax, not logic. (*) The difference between coding in one language and another is really just logic, not syntax. The difference between coding in one language and another is really just what operating system the language's virtual machine is optimized for

4. Scenario: Your client wants you to perform a trace, but he does NOT have Configuration Manager installed. Based on the scenario above, how can he use tracing? Mark for Review (1) Points Inside Application Designer, go to GO -> PEOPLETOOLS -> UTILITIES ->. (*) He cannot use tracing without Configuration Manager. Inside Application Designer, go to GO -> SELF SERVICE ->. Inside Application Designer, go to GO -> WORKLIST ->. Inside Application Designer, go to TOOLS -> OPTIONS ->.

5. What does XML stand for? (1) Points Extensible Markup Links Export Markup Language Extensible Makeover Language

Mark for Review

Extensible Markup Language (*) Export Makeover Language

6. Scenario: Check to see if there is a fix posted on customer connection. Check if the statistics on the tables in the SQL are up to date. Add an INDEX to the database. Add a hint to the SQL. Rewrite or modify the SQL. Following common PeopleSoft tuning practices, what is the recommended order to apply the above tuning options? Mark for Review (1) Points 3, 4, 5, 2, 1 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (*) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 4, 3, 2, 5, 1

7. Scenario: The client is running an Application Engine process, and it seems to be finishing too quickly. The client is worried that there may be a problem with the process and wants reassurance from you that everything is working

correctly. Which one of the following will give you enough information to provide an answer to the client in the above situation? Mark for Review (1) Points Turn on the trace and check the results to see if any information is being processed. (*) Tell the client it must be working fine since the process completed. Look at the results and check the data in the database. Look at the Application Engine process's steps and try to follow through the flow of the program. Rerun the process and see if it happens again

8. Scenario: Your client needs you to perform a parallel test. Your client has both SQA Robot and LoadRunner as testing tools that you can use to run the test on both databases. Using the scenario above, how can the client use the testing tools to perform a parallel test? Mark for Review (1) Points Set up the testing tools to run your process on the same database but on different workstations to see the results. Set up the testing tools to run your process on the same database and on the same workstation to see the results Set up the testing tools to run your process on just one database, but using two workstations to see the results Set up the testing tools to run your process on different databases and on different workstations to see the results. (*) Set up the testing tools to run your process on just one database to see the results.

12. Scenario: The client wants to know what a good Tuxedo compression threshold is for a LAN configuration and a WAN configuration. In the above scenario, what is the recommended solution for the client? Mark for Review (1) Points WAN and LAN compression are not important For WANs, the compression value should be set lower. For LANS, the compression value should be set higher. (*) Both WAN and LAN must be compressed as much as possible to speed network traffic. There is not enough difference between a LAN and WAN to be noticeable.

For LANs, the compression value should be set lower to encourage all traffic to be compressed, whereas WAN traffic does not need to be compressed.

14. Scenario: While onsite, you ran a script that populated TMP and TAO tables with seed data so you could run statistics on them to improve the COST mode performance. The script fills each column of the table with unique values as seen below. PRCES_INST BUS_UNIT NAME. . . 0001 FRA01 AAAAAAA 0002 FRA02 BBBBBBB 0003 FRA03 CCCCCCC 0004 FRA04 DDDDDDD Using the above information, which one of the following is a TRUE statement? Mark for Review (1) Points The seed data will not work. This seed data will not work for cases where the tables normally contain all the same or nearly the same value. (*) This seed data will not work for cases where the database has been restarted and the cache has been reset. This seed data will not work for cases where the database has been shutdown for more than five minutes and the cache data has been lost. This seed data will not work for cases where the COST based optimizer already have statistics on these tables.

15. Scenario: Your client is having a hard time with one of their SQR reports. They think it may be a performance issue and asks you for input. They have offered a number of ways they can think of to improve the performance. Based on the scenario above, which one of the client recommendations below is NOT an option for improving performance? Mark for Review (1) Points Pull SQL out from the SQR and process it to see if it stops responding. Enable SQL trace in Process Scheduler. (*) Run it on the server if the SQR is being run on the client. Create indexes on the larger tables Run an Explain Plan to see how you could modify the SQR.

17. Scenario: The client can connect in 3-Tier, but gets a "URL not found" message when trying to go to the PeopleSoft Login screen. What is causing the problem described in the situation above? Mark for Review (1) Points The WSL has not been set up correctly.

The JSL has not been set up correctly The Web server is not running. (*) The application server has not been booted. The Process Scheduler is not running.

Research Skills (Answer all questions in this section) 21. Scenario: The client needs to have an item researched and has exhausted his PeopleSoft resources. He asks you to search the Internet to see if you can find some relevant information. It is very important to know that Search Engine Math is a way to refine searches. In the above scenario, which one of the following does NOT fit into Search Engine Math? Mark for Review (1) Points Using the minus symbol (-) to subtract or to search on a septic topic that does NOT contain information after the (-) symbol Using quotation marks (") to multiply or to search for sites containing specific phrases Combining of symbols or searching for sites containing certain phrases, but not containing others Using the plus symbol (+) to add or to search on several items at once Using the division symbol (/) to search sites that do contain certain phrases coming after the (/) symbol (*)

23. Scenario: Your client is trying to run a query report and to view the report through HTML. What is NOT needed for the client to be able to view the report described in the situation above? Mark for Review (1) Points Web browser ODBC Process Monitor (*) Web server Crystal Web page server


Scenario: SQR, a single quote is used to notate text, and an exclamation

mark is used to signify comments. The client is trying to run an SQR and the following error appears, "Could not find end of literal." The client has modified the SQR with comments added, and they want you to fix it. The client is NOT using precompiled SQRs or SQTs. In the above scenario, how do you fix the error? Mark for Review (1) Points Recompile the SQR Try running the SQR through Crystal to eliminate the error message. Use nVision to run the SQR to eliminate the error message. Drop the report. Debug the SQR and add any double quotes or comments that are needed (*)

Consulting Skills (Answer all questions in this section) 25. Scenario: The client owns a piece of third-party software and wants to use it with PeopleSoft 8. They want to know the different types of integration techniques offered with PeopleSoft 8. Which one of the choices below does NOT fit the client's needs described in the scenario above? Mark for Review (1) Points Application Messaging PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (*) Business Interlinks Component Interfaces Application Engine

26. Scenario: The client has a current module that is NOT provided by PeopleSoft. They want to develop it on PeopleSoft's software so they can be uniform throughout the office. They want to ensure that the pages of the new module all have the same heading portion of the page. In the above scenario, which one of the following makes it possible to uniformly develop the module using the Application Designer? Mark for Review (1) Points Activity Component SubPage (*) Work Record

Application Engine

27. Scenario: Derived work records can be placed at any level on the page because they do NOT contain data that will be written to the database. Using the information above, on which level should derived work fields be placed when they are related to real table fields? Mark for Review (1) Points The parent level on the originating component and the child level on the modal component The same scroll level on both the originating component and the modal component (*) The zero level on both the originating component and the modal component The child level on the originating component and the parent level on the modal component The zero level on the originating component and level one on the modal component

32. Scenario: The client is currently using the Message Agent for integration in PeopleSoft 7.5, but has upgraded to PeopleSoft 8 and wants to continue development. In the above scenario, which one of the following features in PeopleSoft 8 replaces the Message Agent? Mark for Review (1) Points Business Interlinks Application Messaging Component Interfaces (*) Application Engine Visual Basic

33. Scenario: A major systems error that has a severe business impact, such as halting a production system or jeopardizing a go-live on a new product, and NO workaround is available In a Global Support Center (GSC) case, which one of the following priorities is defined above? Mark for Review (1) Points No priority Urgent Priority Standard Priority

Critical Priority (*) Low Priority

37. The client wants you to override a search record for a certain component. In the above situation, in which one of the following properties will the developer set this value in Application Designer? Mark for Review (1) Points Component Project Record Menu (*) Page 39. Scenario: Your client, AET INC., has been adding custom tables for years. They have been using the naming convention, PS_TABLE_AET. Now your client wants to perform an upgrade to PeopleSoft 8. In the scenario above, what problem will the upgrade cause? Mark for Review (1) Points All the data will be lost because "_AET" in PeopleSoft 8 is used as a temporary table. In PS Query you will get a runtime error because of the naming standard "_AET" the client chose to use. It will not cause a problem Now PeopleSoft uses the naming standard "_AET" for Application Engine Tables, so there may be a problem with two tables being named the same. (*) The client will not be able to create an index on these tables.

41. In the Application Designer, when the "Insert Object into Project - manually" option is selected, when are objects inserted into a project? Mark for Review (1) Points When a developer presses F8 When a developer presses F7 (*) When a developer saves an item When a developer deletes the object When a developer opens the item

Database Administration (Answer all questions in this section) 43. Scenario: The application server is running on UNIX and the DOMAIN is USA01. Based on the situation above, what command line sets TUXCONFIG variable? Mark for Review (1) Points %TUXCONFIG%=$PS_HOME/bin/PSTUXCFG export TUXCONFIG=$PS_HOME/appserver/USA01/PSTUXCFG export PSTUXCFG=$PS_HOME/appserver/USA01/TUXCONFIG export TUXCONFIG=$PS_HOME/appserv/USA01/PSTUXCFG (*) set %TUXCONFIG%=$PS_HOME/appserv/prcs/PSTUXCFG

48. Assuming all columns are present and the table PSPRCSRQST exists, which one of the following SQL statements does NOT have a syntax error that will prevent it from executing? Mark for Review (1) Points select PROCESS_INSTANCE, BUSINESS_UNIT, JOB_NAME, RUNSTATUS from PSPRCSRQSTwhere JOB_NAME like '%EDIT'; select PROCESS_INSTANCE, BUSINESS_UNIT, JOB_NAME, RUNSTATUS from PSPRCSRQST where JOB_NAME like '%EDIT' select PROCESS_INSTANCE, BUSINESS_UNIT, JOB_NAME, RUNSTATUS from PSPRCSRQST where JOB_NAME like %EDIT; select PROCESS_INSTANCE, BUSINESS_UNIT, JOB_NAME, RUNSTATUS where JOB_NAME like (%EDIT); select PROCESS_INSTANCE, BUSINESS_UNIT, JOB_NAME, RUNSTATUS, from PSPRCSRQST where JOB_NAME like '%EDIT'; (*)

49. Scenario: Your client has learned of the new SQL Editor tool in the new release. They want to use the new tool as a SQL repository. With respect to the scenario above, the new SQL tool is accessible from many objects. Which one of them can you NOT use to access SQL Editor? Mark for Review (1) Points Records based on SQL

Application Engine actions Application Designer (with the new SQL Definition) PeopleCode (*) Records based on Dynamic Views

50. Scenario: Your client wants to use Data Mover to rename a field called NAME to NAME_NEW. He wants to make sure he does NOT rename the field globally, but just on PS_TABLE. From the above scenario, what code enables the client to accomplish the task? Mark for Review (1) Points RENAME FIELD NAME ON PSTABLE TO NAME_NEW RENAME NAME AS NAME_NEW RENAME FIELD NAME ON PSTABLE AS NAME_NEW RENAME FIELD NAME AS NAME_NEW RENAME FIELD PS_TABLE.NAME AS NAME_NEW (*)

55. Scenario: Your client just got the new PeopleTools CD in the mail and you are currently onsite. Given the above situation, how do you apply the CD to the file server? Mark for Review (1) Points Let the client know they need to wait until the next application upgrade to apply the PeopleTools CD. 1. Install the CD on top of the current file server. 1. Install it in a staging directory. 2. Compare files to see if you are not overriding any files. 3. Backup original files. 4. If all the files are new and will not write over any customizations, install it on top of the current file server. (*) 1. Install the CD in its own folder on the file server. 1. Install it in a staging directory. 2. Compare files to see if you are not overriding any files. 3. Install the CD in its own folder on the file server.

56. Scenario: Your client wants you to install all PeopleTool icons possible in the Program menu. He asks you to do a reinstall to make sure he has all the PeopleTool icons. In the above scenario, what CANNOT be reinstalled through Configuration Manager? Mark for Review (1) Points Upgrade Assistant (*)

Data Mover Upgrade Assistant Configuration Manager Application Designer

58. Scenario: Your client decides he wants to upgrade to the latest major release. You are the given the installer role when you arrive on site and then are given the PeopleTools and Application CDs to install. Based on the scenario above, how do you install the CDs? Mark for Review (1) Points Install the Tools CD first, then the Application CD over it in the same folder. Install the Application CD first, then the Tools CD over it in the same folder. (*) Install the Application CD only as it has the current Tools files on it. Install the Tools CD only as it has the current Application file on it. Install each CD in different folders

59. When do you NOT need to run Compare Reports? (1) Points

Mark for Review

When applying a fix/patch that overrides existing PeopleCode When applying a fix/patch that overrides existing Menus When applying a fix/patch that overrides existing Views When applying a fix/patch that overrides existing Stored Statements (*) When applying a fix/patch that overrides existing Pages

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