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There is one substance in the universe

that is the essence of all life

All life on earth depends upon it

70% of our planet is covered with it

It exists as gas, liquid and solid

68% of our bodies are made of it

We need to drink at least 2 liters of it a day

Earth is the only planet covered with liquid water


Through the millennia

Water Cycle supported life

Shaping Weather

Climate Seasons

Providing Habitat

Fresh Water Only 3%





Water falls unevenly across the planet


Snow cover Ice

Matters worse
Overpopulation Climate Change


Crisis Point Turn it around

When washing dishes, dont let the water run while rinsing

Some refrigerators and airconditioners are cooled with wasted flows of water. Prefer air-cooled appliances

Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps

Water your garden in the morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation

Wash fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap

Collect the water you use for rinsing vegetables and fruits, then reuse it to water houseplants

Shorten your shower by a minute or two and you will save upto 150 gallons per month

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 25 gallons a month

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