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First of all, we are grateful to The Almighty God, for establishing us to complete this project. We would like to express the deepest appreciation to our instructor, Mr. Rey Anthony Miguel, who has the attitude and substance of a genius; he continually and convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in his field; letting us to go beyond of our potentials through this project he has assigned to us. His persistence and strict guidance brought us this learning we will be using as armor in life of battles for excellence. We would like to thank these following person for being an important ingredient in this success; Ms. Annabel Ramos the campus registrar, for the most important document we truly need in finishing this survey; our classmates who used to be a researcher too for the courage and inspiration in making this project more detailed and information-worthy craft; to the students that we choose to be our respondents for their time and effort in answering the survey form that we provided. We also place on record, our sense of gratitude to one and all who, directly or indirectly, have lent their helping hands in this venture.


We certify that this project is our own work and that all sources used in this project have been fully acknowledged.

Signed: Remuel Serafica Alehcs Dienzo Amber Dawn Bernardez Vallerie Letrodo Alyssa Kate Margarette Tiong


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