Journal Summary

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Summary: The journal is entitled: Addictive Illegal Drugs: Structural Neuroimaging, talks about the different test to determine

the effects or outcome of the different drugs given in the study. CT, MR imaging, and conventional angiography related to chronic and acute abuse of the most commonly abused illegal drugs, including cannabis, organic solvents, and amphetamines and opioids and their respective derivatives. Acute or subacute leukoencephalopathy, and vascular complications. It also talks about the different illegal drugs, first is the cannabis, most commonly used illicit drug worldwide. The major psychoactive compound is -9tetrahydrocannabinol, which is a lipid-soluble substance that causes activation of the CB receptors Acute effects of cannabis include cognitive dysfunction, memory and time-assessment alterations, motor incoordination, poor executive functions, and sedative effects. Cardiovascular changes occur for about 23 hours following drug abuse, with an increased heart rate and cardiac output, increased blood pressure in the supine position, and orthostatic hypotension. Chronic use can lead to behavioral changes and seems to increase the risk for developing schizophrenia. Next is the organic solvents or inhalants, toluene is a lipid soluble aromatic hydrocarbon commonly use or found on paints, thinner, glue, or ink. Inhalants can cause, acute intoxication following inhalation is clinically characterized by reversible behavioral changes, euphoria, headache, and ataxia and Parkinsons disease. Third is the Amphetamines or derivatives. Cocaine is the most common example of this worldwide. This drug can produce local anesthesia by blocking the nerve impulses, activate the parasympathetic nervous system by blocking the uptake of catecholamines and by blocking dopamine reuptake; and lead to a short intense euphoria with feelings of elation, increased energy, and alertness. Neurotoxic effects include agitation and seizures. Next is the ecstasy or the Party Drug , In the acute phase, the drug users experience euphoria, increased self-confidence, increased sensory perceptions, tachycardia, and hyperthermia. And the last is opioids or derivatives most common is heroin, it has the most significant adverse effect in the brain. Ischemia is the most commonly side effect of this drug. Different types of structural imaging is a nonspecific test so the abuser are not trying to admit the use of this drugs so the neurologist has the important role in determining and establishing different treatment and diagnosis. I also read another journal entitled: Into the World of Illegal Drug Use: Exposure Opportunity and Other Mechanisms Linking the Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, and Cocaine tells that alcohol and tobacco users has the opportun ity to try marijuana and the marijuana users has high opportunity to use cocaine. This is related to my client because of his peers and loneliness first his try drinking alcohol and puff smoke that lead to using of illegal drugs. The importance of this journal to my client because he is a drug user and pusher, we can try to give some information about the effects of taking this kind of drugs and refer them in some neurologist if possible to have some interventions or treatment. To the medical profession we can now diagnose or give interventions by the help of our neurologist and the different test to know their problems.

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