Market Report - O Keeffes Oil 11th September

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Market Report- Wednesday September 11th Kerosene +0.17 Auto diesel +0.09 SF Gasoil +0.09 Gasoil +0.

16 Unleaded -0.17 Brent Crude +0.61 Exchange Rate +0.0052

Market Assessment
Oil prices were little changed as President Barack Obama postponed a decision on military strikes against Syria and the U.S. reported a smaller decline in stockpiles than analysts expected. Prices traded between $106.53 and $108 a barrel. Obama said yesterday that he would pursue a Russian proposal to have Syria surrender its stockpiles of chemical arms to international authorities. Crude inventories decreased 219,000 barrels to 360 million in the week ended Sept. 6, the Energy Information Administration reported. Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had expected a drop of 2.1 million. The euro rose versus the dollar before Federal Reserve Bank of New York President William C. Dudley speaks tomorrow amid forecasts U.S. policy makers are moving closer to slowing bond purchases. The dollar weakened to the lowest level in more than three months against the euro after U.S. President Barack Obama called for a pause in authorizing military strikes on Syria, eroding demand for Japans currency as a haven.

Product Kerosene Auto Diesel SF Gasoil Gasoil Unleaded

Monday 09-09-2013 -0.88 -0.83 -0.83 -0.86 -1.89

Tuesday 10-09-2013 -1.59 -1.61 -1.61 -1.62 -2.04

Wednesday 11-09-2013

Thursday 12-09-2013

Friday 13-09-2013

September to Date +1.80 +2.46 +2.38 +2.10 -0.09

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