Geomorphic Hazard Geography Inquiry

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School X SHS Year 8 Geography

Geomorphic Hazard Inquiry Task

Write a two page report on a geomorphic hazard (volcano or earthquake) which has recently been active, and in this article include where the hazard occurred, how the hazard formed and impact it had on human activity in the area.

1) Create focus questions to help you with your research. 2) Use the note making framework to take dot point notes of the information you have collected to answer your focus questions. 3) Using the headings in the marking key, organise and present the information you have collected in a written report. 4) At the end of the report, include a list of all the websites and books you have used. 5) Submit report on due date, along with your focus questions, note making framework and references. Suggested Geomorphic Hazards Christchurch Earthquakes, Mt Etna, and Kilauea Volcano.

Due Marking Key

Aspect One Planning - 7 marks Focus Questions + Note Making Framework 5 marks References Provide a list of every website & book used 2 marks Aspect Two Introduction 2 marks Identify the hazard you have chosen to study Definition of the type of hazard 1 mark Specific hazard chosen 1 mark

Aspect 3 Location and Spatial Distribution 4 marks Where did the hazard occur Which tectonic plate 1 mark Diagram of where on the tectonic plate it is located 1 mark

What was the magnitude? Using the Richter scale for earthquakes, and Volcanic Explosive Index for Volcanoes. 1 mark

Aspect Four Spatial Association and Interaction 11 marks Using diagrams, explain how the tectonic hazard formed as a result of tectonic activity Type of plate boundary 1 mark Diagram 4 marks

Describe the impact of the hazard upon the natural and cultural environment Three natural impacts 3 marks

Three cultural impacts 3 marks

Aspect Five Human Impact 9 marks Discuss how the region dealt with the impact of the hazard How did the government help the people living in the area 1 mark How did other organisations help 1 mark How did the local people react 1 mark

Discuss whether the country had the resources to deal with the impact of the hazard. Did the country have the resources 1 mark Why? 1 mark

Explain how the area prepared for the hazard

Define mitigation plan 1 mark Outline plan 4 marks

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